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Posts posted by clashpie

  1. Quote


    We  have all been there so can relate to him to a degree, but his reaction and anger was way over the top and i lost any sympathy for his predicament when i saw how he spoke to that young lady who was trying to reason with him and probably explain a few things.

    He's heading for a heart attack carrying on like that so needs to chill out big time.

    Due to incompetence or technicalities or whatever airlines come up with in terms of excuses it is the staff on the ground who have to face the brunt of angry passengers such as this chap.

    Managers at the top should be made to come out and speak to customers directly.

    As regards the 250 baht meal allowance that should have been more .

    Never flown with this airliner but thanks for the heads up as i shall not be using them if i ever do travel to Asia again. 

  2. To a degree both parties concerned are responsible for what happened but I feel the Brit just lost it completely and went way over the top when he got the machete out of his motor and then tried to run the guy down!

    Thai bloke was in the wrong by striking the Brit in front of the cops...(but who could blame him)?

    Two idiots who should be banned from driving at least if not more!

  3. When I am at home in the UK I struggle to sleep sometimes!

    Often worried about bills/work/family/expectations/etc all take a toll on my sleep and general wellbeing which results in me taking more medicine to help me cope so to speak!

    When I get to Thailand its a different story.

    I sleep like a log!

    I am totally relaxed and stress free.

    I don't tend to take any meds while in Thailand.

    The sunshine and smiley faces and freedom of the country just makes me feel alive and younger!

    I am not a bar person/bar girls etc(each to their own) I like to jump on a motor bike and travel wherever the wind takes me.

    The food in Thailand also makes me feel good!

    People I have met have always been great with me too!

    I just love the country but oddly enough can't see myself living there year In year out.

    Still some things I love about the UK!

  4. Put yourselves in the Thai mans shoes!

    1)You are being followed (tail gating) to begin with for no reason at all it would seem other than a bit of poor driving etiquette shall we say? 

    2)You stop to see what the guy behind you is upset about?(Mistake on his part too).

    3)Then some dimwit climbs out of his car with a machete (or whatever it is).

    4)Comes up to your car shouting his head off and no doubt a few expletives thrown in for good measure!

    5)Uses his machete to smash your car in/windows/ no doubt scaring the cr.p out of the occupiers in the car (no doubt pedestrians too).

    6)Then to add insult to injury not content with all of the above...this elderly 'gentleman' then runs you over with his car!


    No wonder the Thai man decked him one!

    He must have been livid to do it in front of the cops/cameras and who could blame him?

    There might be more to this story than I am aware of but there is no getting away from the fact the Brit behaved pretty badly!



  5. The immigration issue had gone out of hand under the Labour government and not much better under the Tories but again I ask could we have sorted these problems out whilst still in Europe without the need of an election/Brexit?

    Whichever way you look at it we voted to leave Europe and as such we have to see it through but with each passing day there seems to be more Tory unrest and mistrust amongst themselves so how can they go into negotiations with a divided party and weak leader?

    It is beginning to look like no deal is gonna be done as the EU wants ridiculous amounts of money off us and their leaders seem more interested in punishing the UK for leaving as opposed to sitting down and talking to see what is best for both the EU and the UK!

    The UK needs a free trade deal....Europe needs the UK...the EU leaders need to get off their high horses and do what's best for everyone...not themselves.

  6. I wonder how many of my fellow UK citizens would have still voted on leaving Europe had they know the full facts of what leaving Europe meant?

    Cameron has left this county in a state of limbo and a divided nation lead by a government who can't even sort out their own problems never mind a decent Brexit deal!

    Yes we all know the immigration issue had to be tackled at some point but did we have to leave Europe to achieve this?

    Talking to folk both young and old it would appear that there is a generation difference on Europe.

    Young want to stay within Europe with all the benefits it entails for the future and older folk want to return to the 'good old days' of Britain standing on its own two feet and making sure our borders are firmly shut to all but a few.

    Where I live we have Romanians and Polish folk who work (and work hard)/pay their taxes/and contribute to the country/community ....and then  I have neighbours born and bred in this country who have never worked( lady near where we  live last worked 30 years ago)/seem to get council homes for their extended families with ease/have fancy cars(BMW's and the like despite being unemployed)...and usually responsible for any anti social trouble we get around here (making threats to neighbours/fighting amongst themselves/etc)...This country is in a mess.

  7. They both should be made to sweep the streets of Bangkok with a two inch paint brush for a year to get the rage out their systems! Lol

    Obviously now having watched the videos the Thai man has a degree of responsibly for what happed but the Brit/Aussie's reaction was way over the top.

    The Brit/Aussie deserved the slap he got and I was just surprised his dentures didn't shoot out and hit a the Policeman stood with him.



  8. I hope the plonker gets sent down and he's kept off the roads of Thailand forever!

    He's in his 70's (though with the mental age of a kid) and why the <deleted> is he carrying a weapon in his car in the first place(surely an offence in itself)?

    He is nothing more than a bell end playing the hard man with a weapon in his hand and then runs over the other bloke is more than just road rage!

    Get him off the road because there are enough lunatics driving around the streets.

    Just thinking about it...forget prison just send him back to the UK where he can join the Tories in their Brexit negotiations with Europe!



  9.  If he indeed did grab her bottom then he is in the wrong but she should never have slapped him.

    His reaction to being slapped was over the top to say the least.

    He looks quite a large bloke so it was a bit of a mismatch and like I have said I am sure he now regrets his actions in the cold light of day.

    I have been going to Thailand for over 30 years and I know situations can get out of hand in bars for no reason at all......I was slapped once when I turned down the attention of a lady (Thai) girl in a bar a few years ago....I just smiled...got her a drink and walked out....(where I could here she was being lambasted by her friends who worked in the bar for her actions)...never dreamt of slapping her...like I said maybe I am old fashioned but I was brought up in the UK  to never hit a girl/woman....Sorry.

  10. Siam...when any man 'slaps' a woman even if she deserves it like you say it is wrong!

    They are supposed to be the weaker sex and just look at the size difference here!!!

    If this bloke slaps a woman in public, doesn't it make you wonder what he might do to a woman (girlfriend/wife) in private?

    If any of my mates slapped a woman on a night out in town he would probably get a slapping from me and my mates...its a big no no mate....you just don't do it!



  11. The gentleman concerned and the lady (Thai) both were at fault in relation to what started the fight and their over reactions.

    Handbags at dawn springs to mind here....not really impressed with any man that lashes out at a woman but I suppose alcohol may have clouded his judgement and I am sure he regrets what he did in the cold light of day and the fact he has no doubt been seen to hit a woman on the net by thousands of folk already which I doubt he will ever live down.

  12. This dude should have been locked up indefinitely and the key thrown away  after he committed such an heinous act on a poor child in 2015.

    Incredible that this low life not only got off with it by all accounts and kept his freedom, but he was still able to travel abroad is absurd. 

    No doubt he has already ruined the life of that poor child he abused and his/hers family  who will no doubt suffer for years to come and even more so when they discover this turd is free and globetrotting at will by all accounts....absolutely incredible.


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