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Posts posted by BazzaJames

  1. Thanks for the reply UbonJ.  Trying to arrange an exit in a timely manner around booking Flights/PCR Tests/ Visas is proving to be rather challenging.


    Will check with Ubon Rat' immigration tomorrow and let you know how it goes


    As for applying for extension two weeks in advance, I would think that your 60 day covid extension will become 44 days? as per 30 day extension being from date of applying. 

     Hardly surprising  that the word "Ambiguity" translates into Thai ความกำกวม

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  2. I'm in a similar position to Gazza.


    Below is a quote from the Australian Home Affairs website.  You may need to be cautious with declaring your residency status with regard to Tax.


    "You are considered ordinarily resident in a country other than Australia if international movement records show that you’ve spent more time outside Australia than inside for the last 12 to 24 months. You do not need to carry a paper record of your movements with you. If required, Australian Border Force officers at airports can check your movement records in their systems.

    If you do not think you need a travel exemption, you can present this evidence when you check-in at the airport. However, if you have any doubt about whether your circumstances fall within the definition of ordinarily resident, we recommend you lodge a request for assessment at least two weeks prior to your intended departure"

  3. 10 hours ago, Walker88 said:

    150,000 Tourists staying in hotels, dining out every night, taking taxis, shopping, etc., are likely responsible for thousands of Thai jobs. When they leave, as you advocate, thousands of Thais in hotels, restaurants, bars, driving taxis, etc, are going to be laid off. They won't be able to cover their costs, maybe feed their children. Apparently compassion isn't your strong suit.


    There is a gaggle of bitter old men trolling all the amnesty thread spewing out their own resentment and jealousy, adding zero value to the site, yet mods keep their comments up. Yes, mods will delete this, but NOTHING will take away the emptiness into which your life has sunk that leaves you with nothing positive to add and reeking of unhappiness and despair with your own declining existence. I suspect your screen name defines your day.

    Thank you!!

  4. Betrayed feel completely betrayed by this airline.
    Been waiting for months for something, anything from Airasia since they canceled my flight. AVA please! What a joke around and around with absolutely no result no return contact, nothing. BIG Loyalty Program member for years? Nothing more than a farce. I've been a long time user of this airline, 24 flights alone in the past couple of years but never again, Scoot/Jetstar in future for me. Do not use this airline

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  5. Betrayed feel completely betrayed by this airline.
    Been waiting for months for something, anything from Airasia since they canceled my flight. AVA please! What a joke around and around with absolutely no result no return contact, nothing. BIG Loyalty Program member for years? Nothing more than a farce. I've been a long time user of this airline, 24 flights alone in the past couple of years but never again, Scoot/Jetstar in future for me. Do not use this airline

  6. Betrayed feel completely betrayed by this airline.
    Been waiting for something, anything from Airasia since they canceled my flight. AVA please! What a joke around and around with absolutely no result no return contact, nothing. BIG Loyalty Program member for years? Nothing more than a farce. I've been a long time user of this airline, 24 flights alone in the past couple of years but never again, Scoot/Jetstar in future for me. Do not use this airline

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  7. Email sent to VFS Helpline yesterday


    I can not believe this website is connected in any way to the Australian Government. Its embarrassing as an Australian to think that the Australian Government would let this farce continue.

    I have tried countless time to book an appointment but have not been able to logon..a web search strongly suggests I'm not the only one who thinks this site is part of a broader scam to extract money from hapless people wishing to visit Australia.. a crime in progress the only way to describe
  8. I'm  another one selling up and getting ready to bail out. If 2019 is any indication of where this is headed then really the only sensible thing to do. First came to Thailand in 86 have lived here of and on since. The good old days, they certainly where....

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