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Posts posted by amvet

  1. 13 minutes ago, Pib said:

    You don't need a pricey, high end router to reach 200Mb speeds via Wifi....you just need a decent quality one and "ensure your devices (computer, smartphone, etc) are also capable of reaching 200Mb "real world data throughput speed."     Don't confuse "link speed" such as 433Mb, 600Mb, 1200Mb, etc. speed advertised by router/Wifi manufacturers which is laboratory environment/perfect world transfer speed with specialized equipment with "real world data throughput speed" which is transfer of your real world data. 


    I have an AIS Fibre 200/50 plan and right now I'm on a Wifi connection to my Asus AC55UHP router (costs around Bt4K) which is located about 3 meters away from my computer and partially blocked by a 4 inch thick concrete wall.  Below is the speed I'm getting....getting full speed offered by my AIS plan.




    Since my AIS 200Mb plan is limited to just above 200Mb in speed, what if I do a test transfer from my home server (a little cheapie WDCloud drive server) which means my router is being feed with a faster speed than the AIS 200Mb plan.  Well, I get around a 300Mb Wifi transfer speed between my Asus router and my laptop which uses a little USB-AC53 AC1200 Wifi device plugged into the laptop's USB port.  Below is several transfers of a zip file 200Mb in size. 




    I got nothing against high end, pricey routers but such routers are really for those folks who have "lots" of devices connected at once since high end, pricey routers have more horsepower to handle many devices connected to it via LAN and Wifi connection.   In fact I have a high end Asus 86U router as my primary home router which gets the signal from the AIS-provided router which is set to bridge mode...that is, just converts the fiber optics signal to an ethernet signal and feeds it to my Asus 86U router which in turn feeds connected devices like the Asus AC55 set to Access Point mode and my various other devices.

    Computers are wired (200Mbps) and Galaxy S7 and Asus new laptop can reach hi speeds.  Getting 150Mbps now to my security cameras in the front of the house. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Odysseus123 said:

    You appear to be a trifle discombobulated.I can sympathize with that.After all,after your 22,347 posts you  have not  been seriously challenged,have you?


    Why  should I  dislike Thai people?


    After all..you claim that you are an American.


    How can this be so?

    You have implied that I am Thai (ignorant) because I wrote something historically inaccurate.   Outright lie.  I didn't write anything historically inaccurate.  I don't know what "post 22,347" is.  Posts change numbers as posts are deleted like yours for violating TV policy.  If you want to quote something best use quotes.  Why would you care about my nationality?  Race or national stereotyping easier than confronting the truth?  I don't know why but you think I am Thai and somehow that insults me. Better if you stuck to facts and stop trying to insult people.   

  3. 5 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Hmmm...simple question-Are you Thai?


    Yes or no?

    Stop the racist stuff.  Stop lying about my posts.  I'll repeat it one more time.  I never wrote I went to school in Australia and I have written no historical inaccuracies.   If you don't like Thai people and think that calling someone Thai is an insult it sure is odd that you have chosen to live in Thailand. 

  4. 6 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    I already have.


    Sorry cobber,but your now claim to be an American Veteran who happened to go to ANU (Australian National University) seem to be a triffle...hmmm...gassamer thin..


    Aussie troops used the word "cobber" rather than mate in The Great War.


    I salute my great uncle and grand uncle who  fell at Gallipoli and my grandfather and grand uncle who survived the conflict (albeit  wounded and and gassed) and returned to my splendid country.

    I wrote no such thing.  I wrote, " the university I graduated from is ranked 21 in the world as is the Australian National University I assume you graduated from there?"  I didn't go to school in Australia I said there was one school in Australia that was ranked as high as the school I went to in the USA.  


    You have pointed out no historical inaccuracies that I posted.  All you have done lied about my posting twice.  Once about the school I went to and another about historical inaccuracies. 


    I'd appreciate it if you would stop lying about my posts. 


    As I said before point out any historical inaccuracies I have written and I will profusely apologize. 



  5. 4 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Whilst I may (or may not) agree with you this posters idiom is not that of -to quote Winston Churchill-"the English Speaking Peoples.."


    I have asked him/her a simple question-up  to him to answer it.

    Still waiting for you to point out any historical errors that I have written about this topic. 

  6. 1 minute ago, RichCor said:


    Actually, a few Thai Internet Service Providers are now offering 1000/200 service, though these higher speeds don't get around congestion on International Gateway connections accessing sites abroad.


    Some people like the even-higher WiFi speeds available with the higher-end 'AC' routers, especially if you use HD or 4K Media Players connecting to your own in-house hosted storage devices. 


    While most people with the high-end routers, like an Asus ac1750  or NETGEAR nighthawk ac1900, connecting on 5GHz with an 'air' interface connection of '1300' mbps might obtain an actual per-device transfer speed of >200 mbps -- this speed drops off rapidly at a distance of about 20-30 feet. 


    So if you want even faster WiFi you'll probably need to wait for the next 802.11'x' iteration. Otherwise, convert your LAN to fiber.

    I'm on 3bb fiber optic 200/100

  7. 14 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Sorry buddy but your dash to Wiki did you no good..


    So...once again..


    I am Australian..are you Thai?

    Women smelled bad in the good old days.  Many soldiers and other who were  shot before penicillin and modern techniques died of their wounds.  You wrote, " The abysmal knowledge of history."  Please point out my historical errors. As the university I graduated from is ranked 21 in the world as is the Australian National University I assume you graduated from there?



  8. 4 minutes ago, Odysseus123 said:

    Gad...women smelled bad eh..goodness gracious me.


    Perhaps in a pre gasoline world they might have thought that we stank-which we do.


    Be that as it may..100 years ago was 1918-which,no matter how ghastly it was,did not  include a surfeit of duelling..


    Are you Thai?The abysmal knowledge of history and all that....

    Always amazed how people with no knowledge of history think others are as ill informed as themselves. 

    The first antiperspirant, which thwarts both sweat-production and bacterial growth, was called Everdry and launched in 1903.  When did women start shaving underarms and legs?  Do you know?  Penicillin has saved between 80 and 200 million lives. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, FashionExport said:

    Montclair I prefer to drink my dog piss than this, but yes, it has increased to 399 a bottle and Marysol also.

    Really, if you have to drink a cheap "wine", try Marysol, it's a lot better thank Montclair.


    But lately you can find another cheap piss called Charles Strong that costs 199/bottle at Makro and that is not worse than Marysol (and of course better than Montclair).


    I am wondering who are the genius who decided to increase these cheap wines to 399 when the real increase because of tax raise was 309/bottle.

    PM me as my dog pisses twice a day on our walks I can supply you as much as you want at a very reasonable price. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Forget 1850 and 2004, I don't have the mortality stats for those years.

    Let's do 1907 and 2015.

    Presumably your young man was a fetus at some point.

    In 1907 USA he had a 0.3% chance of dying in utero, but a 10% chance of dying as an infant.

    In 2015 USA he had a 20% chance of dying in utero, but a o.06% chance of dying as an infant.


    So your USA 2015 fetus has 2x the chance of dying before reaching maturity, than your USA 1907 fetus.

    200 years ago people did not live as long as today by a long shot measured from any age.  More people lived in abject poverty 200 years ago than today.  The reason people live longer to day and better today is technology including smart phones.  If you got shot on a battlefield 100 years ago you died.  If you got shot in a duel 100 years ago you died.  Today if you get shot chances are you live.  Why? Communication and antibiotics and advances in trauma centers.  There is nothing good about the good old days.  Women smelled bad and were not near as friendly as today.  Birth control changed sex habits and medical advances solved a lot of odor problems and the smart phone have made it 100% easier to hook up.  Hooray for today. Call em zombies or starfish I don't believe it. 

  11. 5 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    I'm sorry, I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.

    1850 a young man could expect to live to 60.1. In 2004, that same man could expect to live to 76.7.

    Explain what?   There is about a 20 year increase in years lived ignoring infant mortality rates.  Now do you get it? 

    Poverty has decreased per capita.  Fewer people live in poverty today than in 1800. 


    The world 200 years ago was not heaven it was He^^

  12. 13 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

    Not sure if there's less poverty, more people in the world means more poverty but maybe not in your current location.

    Life spans have remained the same for the past 2,000 years (did you mean Life Expectancy?), infant mortality has changed, well, the way they die is different.

    Now we kill them inside the womb and don't include then in the death statistics, before they used to die after birth so were included.


    Anyway, in the USA the increase in life expectancy between 1907 and 2007 was largely due to a decreasing infant mortality rate, which was 9.99 percent in 1907; 2.63 percent in 1957; and 0.68 percent in 2007.

    Wrong, wrong, wrong.  Average age of death in UK 200 years ago 40 now 80.  In 1820, the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty and only a tiny elite enjoyed higher standards of living. Economic growth over the last 200 years completely transformed our world, with poverty falling continuously over the last two centuries.  1850 a young man could expect to live to 60.1. In 2004, that same man could expect to live to 76.7.

  13. 10 minutes ago, Bkk2061 said:

    No, your on the 200MB Package.. 


    All the hardware in the world won't  make it go 433MB. 

    You need to purchase the higher package from your isp first and they normally give you a suitable router for whatever speed you will utilise

    I am getting LAN 200 Mbps and I think that is the fastest speed in Thailand.  I assume the only speed gain I can expect is to boost my wifi from 150 to 200

  14. 6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    In Your Opinion.


    You are welcome to live your life plugged into the internet, and I'm not going to tell you not to, but don't expect me not to laugh at you if you walk around in public with a machine on your face, or expect me to get out of your way.

    Also, you can tell us how wonderful it is to have your machine turn your lights on and off, but don't expect that to bring me ( ?us ) over to the dark side.

    The dark side is folks who live in ignorance of the advances technology has brought us.  The world has improved.  Less poverty.  Longer life spans.  No WWII and 50 million dead.  The advances since I was born have been the greatest in the history of man.  The dark side is the world of my father which killed half the world because of ignorance.  The great generation couldn't figure out how to avoid a war that killed 50 million people.  Abraham Lincoln couldn't stop slavery without a war that killed half the American men of fighting age (no other country had a war to stop slavery they all did it peacefully).  The past is full of dark mistakes and death and misery.    

  15. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I agree with all you say, but.........................


    Yes, we have more information than ever before, but, did it make us happier people?

    Worth noting that porn is a significant part of the information age.


    I have probably expressed rather less that admiration for those that use "social" media, but that is more about how so many are so isolated from other people, that they imagine they have thousands of "friends" that they never talk to face to face, and think they should tell everyone what they had for dinner.

    Yes, I post a lot, on TVF, but I don't pretend I have any "friends" on here, and it's a more interesting way of passing the time than watching tv all day. I suppose I could play patience all day, but I don't really want to.

    My days of going out and doing something better are sadly over, but 20 years ago I never did more on the internet than send e mails to people I actually knew.

    That makes me rather amazed, as it's only taken 20 years to make huge changes to western society. Before internet/ after internet- completely different society. Previously, such major societal changes probably took hundreds of years to come about.


    Before I research David Attenborough, I'd have to have a reason to care enough about him to do so.

    I have no problem researching subjects I do want to know about. It's not like it's hard to do so. However, it's not true that everything is on the internet. Before 1980, a lot of stuff I want to know about is non existent on the internet.

    It is there you don't know how to search. 

  16. 5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    IMO, all "development" has brought us is a poisoned planet, billions of people living in poverty, the great plastic vortex, and unhappy people.

    Families actually used to do things together, like playing board games, now kids hide in bedrooms with their machines and adults just watch tv. Is that "progress"?

    First thing you need to do is get some basic education so you can intelligently discuss the subject. 

    In 1820, the vast majority of people lived in extreme poverty and only a tiny elite enjoyed higher standards of living. Economic growth over the last 200 years completely transformed our world, with poverty falling continuously over the last two centuries. This is even more remarkable when we consider that the population increased 7-fold over the same time. In a world without economic growth, an increase in the population would result in less and less income for everyone. A 7-fold increase in the world population would be potentially enough to drive everyone into extreme poverty. Yet, the exact opposite happened. In a time of unprecedented population growth, we managed to lift more and more people out of poverty.



  17. 11 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    That may be true, but it's irrelevant to the topic.

    He is using VR which is one step above a smart phone and the future of smart phones and he is not a zombie.  It is completely on topic. 

    Plus he has his own app with over 1,000 clips spanning his 60 year career


  18. 8 hours ago, RichCor said:

    Do any of your current devices support 802.11AC?

    Do they support not just 20 but 40MHz or 80MHz channel bandwidths?

    Do they support dual-band 2.4/5GHz or tri-band 2.4 /5GHz + 5GHz radio operation?

    Do they support MIMO beamforming?


    Hey look, it's got more antennas than the previous model being sold!




    What is 802.11ac Wi-Fi, and how much faster than 802.11n is it?
    extremetech.com  |  By Jamie Lendino  |  August 22, 2016

    So I plug my LAN into that and then into my PC and go from 200Mbps to 433Mbps?

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