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Everything posted by dallen52

  1. Nothing to see here. Move along.. Hardly unexpected was it?
  2. Something like 245,000 active police here. (No pun intended) Most wouldn't know an offence if it jumped out in front of them..
  3. Something like 40% of accidents involve DIU alcohol. The video clip shows the total lack of police control or interest. People allowed to attack the suspect in the police vehicle. Looks more like Keystone Cops every day here.
  4. Every time there's a turn out it's like a scene from keystone cops. Don't know what would happen if a fire in one of the new high rises?
  5. Suppose the key word is LOST.. The lady says the wallet was lost So technically the balance is zilch. Some unfortunate finds it and does the right thing. Only to be almost convicted because the owner says there was more than that in it. When I LOST it.. Why didn't he ask for a finders fee? TIT
  6. It doesn't matter what you pay to get here. Always remember to save enough money for the bent cops and scammers Its a disgusting reflection on Thailand.
  7. What gets me is that TAT is a government agency established in 2001. You would think that after 20 years they would have some idea. Maybe the crystal ball isn't shining too well.
  8. Six times. So he had 3 jabs designated for others. Privileged no doubt..
  9. This wouldn't happen to be another internal self opinionated survey would it? Oops no.. A London based company that rents office space.. Err right...
  10. They can't get the diesel engine. Maybe electric power will do lol
  11. I would be more concerned about tourists getting infected with the other type of pox..
  12. A total lack of policing and driver education is a way of life in Thailand. Until they start enforcing the laws and hitting the hip pocket nerve, they will never change. What level of experience and training do the police have? About as much as the parachute jump badge they wear...
  13. Tried the on line tool for TM30. (I returned to my usual address again) The information inputs but really not sure if it's captured and recorded. I see it in the table but get the attached message. Can anyone explain ????
  14. I returned to Thailand last week and my laptop has died, under warranty. The Thailand post office will not accept for return due to embargo on electronic goods and international freight. Looking for a solution to get this to Sydney before June 21st. My location is Nangrong.
  15. Yet you can buy blatant counterfeit and knock off stuff in any market in Thailand.
  16. Inactive posts.!!! 255,000 RTP, most are less than active at the best of times. So they become full time games players on their smartphones with full salary.
  17. They don't seem to worry about DIU and no licence, or wearing seat belts, or phone use when driving. Not to mention bike helmets..
  18. Add to that licences, seatbelts, roadworthy vehicles, crash helmets on bikes, two on a bike, stopping at red lights. Where does it end??
  19. Or... If you don't want to apply for a Thailand Pass you won't be coming to Thailand.
  20. Looking at the air quality in Thailand I would sleep with a mask on. Asian countries have terrible air quality, without covid19 threat being around.
  21. Are we actually still testing at the same magnitude? The truth is out there...
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