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Posts posted by Taurus2017

  1. Many Thanks bobrussell. 


    We may re-apply for a shorter visit and highlight the issue with contacting the employer, or we might leave it a few months to give it more credibility. Not sure which way to play it - it's upto her anyway, she already wouldnt say boo to a goose so I think the whole thing has knocked her for six bless her!


  2. 7by7....Agree with both points!


    I guess it will bug me for the foreseeable as to what the situation really was with the phone calls!


    Now I just need to decide whether to get an amended letter stating the opening hours and to contact the owner directly should any additional checks be needed so that they can't be thrown off trail by the poison dwarf dried up bitter manager! To be fair, my girl has lost face now and has said just to leave it....it's her call at the end of the day. 



  3. As I think I have mentioned 3 times now - It was stated WHY it was an unusually long leave - because of low season and it being beneficial to the boss because she wanted to retain her as she is good at her job, however during low season she could let her go for longer as it would be wage relief for her. Win-win for both of them. This is aside from my girlfriend having additional income from her own shop - again all detailed. 


    The 11am issue was not mentioned, however I am sure the ECO are aware that a tourist centered spa may not open until later in the morning and remain open until late at night....then again maybe not. 



  4. Yes, I am pretty sure we don't NEED an agent - we used an agent for the first one and it was shambolic. I knew it would be refused before submission. This one however we took everything (the refusal letter was actually more like an advice document) and we really went to town on it ourselves. 


    rasg, yes we mentioned it being low season and that her boss needed her back for a certain time, hence the need for the trip now. You are correct though, maybe one month would have been better in hindsight. I would just love to know the truth behind the phone call scenario! That will forever remain a mystery. It has left a sour taste within the workplace I might add, to the point she wants to leave that job now as I suppose she has lost face and feels like the older, bitter ladies in the shop are laughing at her. All in all, I have my suspicions that the manager was obstructive, as she has voiced her opinion of me to my girl on numerous occasions. That is something a lot harder to solve, if they are to call the shop should we re-submit. Shame they didn't get through to the owner....


    What to do....what to do....


    Thanks all



  5. Using my experience talking with numerous sources here and in Thailand, and off some of your stories, I think I have been dealt a pretty harsh hand here considering the only issue brought up at all was the nobody answering the phone....would there be scope to get this investigated (as you would be able to here in the UK) using a lawyer?


    Money is not really an issue here, hey if I thought a scratty bit of farmland would seal the deal I would have bought her one believe me! To me (yes I am not a draconian "computer says no" ECO) her lease on a shop unit employing two people (as well as her own job and documented LOA) would be more reason to get back, as well as the fact I have visited 9 times in the 18 months we've been together. Why would we risk all that?


    I can't help feel we have been pretty unlucky. I might just get her to try again next week, now that we have confirmed with her boss that she will be expecting a call. 




  6. Appreciate your point. However I've heard of numerous examples where a lady has literally had nothing, I mean nothing and they've had a much shorter relationship and sailed through. The whole thing is antiquated and perplexing but yes, it is what it is! 


    My point is that the only thing mentioned is the fact they couldn't verify the employment and nothing else was mentioned as previous. That's the annoyance because we will never know the truth behind the phone call carry on. 


    so buying a scratty piece of land in her home town will satisfy as reason to return? I think not! 


    We are going to leave it for now and look at other avenues however. Shame she isn't a 25 year old radicalised Iraqi man ?



  7. It's a tricky one because the manager of the shop (who is a nasty piece of work seemingly) is swearing blind to the owner that nobody called at all....I don't trust her however. I am just hoping the ECO had the foresight to call during business hours (11am to 11pm) and not before 9am as when they called my girlfriend! It isn't clear on the refusal whether anyone was reached or it just rang so we will never know the outcome. The owner requested on the headed letter to call her mobile if couldn't get through to the shop.


    And the 2 month thing I even gave reasons why that would be ok at this time of year taking into account how quiet that business is as based around tourism solely. This is why her overall boss suggested she go now and better get back for high season. 


    Secondly, as stated above, we provided evidence of her being a lease holder of her own business where she employs her mum and sister. Again I can see why this is taken with a pinch of salt. 


    It just bugs me that we will never know if they did get in touch with the shop or they tried at a time when it wasn't open as I can only imagine they initially called right after talking with my girlfriend at 9am (it was the same date). The problem now is the whole thing has caused big upset in her work to the point she doesn't want to be there anymore as she believes this rat of a manager has said nobody can verify anything upon the ECO calling, however I have a suspicion they haven't even got through at all...we will never know. 


    I can see how a strong sponsorship and weak reason to return could suggest an issue returning however this isn't mentioned on the letter - it appears to boil down to the phone calls. 


    It is fairly disgraceful in this day and age that there is no appeal in a case like this or a way of seeing notes regarding whether they spoke to anyone or actually tried during business hours! 


    I could really do with being pointed in the direction of someone that could have some sway with this so please PM me if you know of any avenues to go down.


    and lastly thank you very much everyone, glad I finally joined, it's great to hear everyone's views on this! 


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  8. Rasg,


    Thanks for response.


    The reason they would happily give her two months off is she works in a business catering to tourists - it's low season and it saves the owner paying a salary for someone to stand about! In high season - different story.


    Also her overall boss did say to call her - surely an ECO has some knowledge that jealousy amongst working class Thai people has probably cropped up in similar scenarios, so a random person in a shop answering a phone is less likely to be a true picture than speaking to the business owner/her employer - who as I stated has subsequently said she will gladly talk to them however nobody tried her on her mobile as requested.

  9. Mattd,


    Thanks for the response...maybe I did not clearly state the following proof was given - 


    • Signed, dated LOA letter on headed paper with two contact numbers - the ECO states they tried numerous times to call however no message was left or did they try again when they delayed the application (even they haven't stated that they tried, so why did they state on an email they needed extra time to do more checks) We issued shop issued photo's of her at works also.
    • No, she doesnt have land but she rents a shop unit, and a condo - proof was given (for what it's worth). We have really done our homework this time and gave numerous reasons for return including proof.

    Reading the letter it seems to look like, had they made successful contact with the shop owner as requested on her letter - the refusal wouldn't have been made as nothing else is stated. - this is my point. 


    They then kept the application back for two more weeks and did not try again - even though they sent the email apologizing for the delay due to other checks being needed. This is why I am pretty annoyed if you get my jist - I'd rather have been rejected for a list of reasons, but the fact the refusal letter on lists that it was a phone call that the shop says was never made, nor was a call to the owner's mobile (she has subsequently said is there any way she can call them etc - obviously the application is now closed so no, she can't). They even state the contact was tried on 18/19 June however upon holding back the application - they don't mention trying to make additional later contact, albeit that was their explanation for holding it back.....


    I understand there is absolutely no right of appeal, but its seems a bit of  trivial situation. 



  10. Hi Guys,


    Been a lurker for a while but finally signed up. Would be appreciative of some opinions on latest UK visit visa refusal for my girlfriend.



    • I am 32 years old, earn c.UK2.5k  a month after tax, own two properties, one mortgage free, one 50% mortgage free, own a car, full time job in engineering at management level.
    • She is 25 years old, earns only 12k baht a month, works in a beauty salon reception, rents a condo in Pattaya, and has a small rented shop which she employs her mother and sister (fairly recently opened).
    • We have been 'together' since December 2015, I have visited her 7 times since and we have documented every visit in my supporting file.
    • Made an application for visit visa to UK in June 2016 - rejected due to her old employer not giving a guarantee. She was actually earning much more then but employer was unreasonable in many ways.
    • Left it another year, once again built up an impressive supporting file, going above and beyond on my part to prove my part as sponsor. She also now has a guarantee letter from new employer, saying to call them to confirm her leave of absence for 2 month visit to UK.
    • Application submitted in Bangkok on 14th June - girlfriend was contacted at 9am on the 19th for additional questions, all OK. ( I was with her in Bangkok on holiday when she got said call).
    • Waited, and waited, and waited. Got an email on 30th June saying apologies for the delay, they wanted to do additional checks, and a decision will be reached within 5 days. 
    • Monday 3rd July - email at UK time 8.30am saying decision made.



    • Documents arrived back to girlfriend in Thailand Wednesday 5th - refusal letter enclosed - no visa. Please see attached reason for refusal (singular)
    • So they tried to contact her workplace only on 18th and 19th of June yet they waited and waited and said additional checks were needed - but seemingly didnt bother doing them?
    • She has spoken to her boss (owner of shop) who said nobody has tried to call her and can she call (obviously we stated it is now too late as the application is finished and refused with no grounds for appeal, however shocking that is)
    • She spoke to everyone in the shop who states to their knowledge they did not receive a call and the shop was open and no messages left. Who to believe? 
    • The main issue is that they hung on and on, and apologised saying they would be making more checks - this isn't stated on the refusal!! If it said "we tried again on 30th June" etc then OK - something going on in the shop then.


    I would appreciate anyone's thoughts on this being the sole reason for refusal and if there is any action I could take as it seems completely unfair considering they made no contact, then delayed us 2 weeks stating more checks needed - there is no mention of later contact trying to be made! With all this evidence, emails etc is there any right to appeal?


    Would we be stupid to apply immediately again stating to call the shop owner on her mobile directly? We do have a feeling the manager of the shop, who has stated to both of us that "farang and thai relationship no good" (this older lady is clearly scorned by my girlfriends situation and has openly condemned our relationship to us numerous times - this lady works in the shop and apparently does some 'bar work' to support an unemployed Thai husband and child - you get the script) - could potentially be ignoring the phone calls or say something to jeopardize the application should she been the one contacted. This surely happens quite commonly?


    I would be much appreciative of any advice on it as it has been a really upsetting one this time around as it looks like everything else was fine and had confirmation been made - she would be flying here on Tuesday. 


    Many thanks!



    Refusal Letter.jpg

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