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Posts posted by SoulWater

  1. Donating the proceeds to road accident victims is sort of closing the gate after the horse has bolted so to speak!

    Wouldn't it make more sense to put it to use preventing those accidents happening like driver education, enforcing the existing laws that nobody seems to follow about road use and vehicle safety.

  2. February 2013 then February 2015 so a bit of a gap - reckon these accidents happen in all countries - although I accept there is a lot Thailand can do to improve road safety
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  3. I believe I am allowed to make a point too i.e. you sound like you are whining - these women have legitimate complaints about him.
    Would you feel the same if it was a female member of your family? Or, because they are part of Hollywood then abuse is OK? Cos that is basically what you are saying. 
    I would certainly not like that if it was a female member of my family - however sometimes when Hollywood people come out in force it has to be taken in context - what is the saying 'there is no such thing as bad publicity'?
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