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Posts posted by Gottsy

  1. On 6/7/2024 at 12:37 PM, ChumpChange said:

    I really like the natural taste of the oil I made. But if the taste or smell bothers you then put the oil on a spoon first, then add a drop of sweet syrup to it before you put it in your mouth. A drop of natural vanilla bean extract for flavor works good too. Cinnamon or ginger could also be nice. 

    I used to use size 2 empty capsules and a dropper to put 4 or 5 drops in

  2. 2 hours ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Please stop i'm crying my eyes out...... NOT..... Crikey you sound as though you've just stepped off a banana boat yesterday......  I've had thirty odd years close combat with these poor little girls and i'd put most of them up against a Congo mercenary anyday..... You must be like a vision of Christmas to them....... There used to be a golden rule in Thailand regarding employing farangs living in Thailand. Never employ anyone who hasn't had three years here, after the girls and the drink and if they're still alive and sane then you've something to work with....... Most blokes die ( Financially or mentally) in the first three months employing the kind of drivvle that you're proposing.......  A bloody corpse to a pool of Piranhas.......  There are a few angels..... a few...... 

    Well said that man. 

  3. 7 hours ago, kensawadee said:

    There is always a few 'Cheap Charlies' who think like this.

    Always wanting to enjoy the 'goodies' and 'cop a feel' without paying a 'FAIR PRICE'

    These girls are desperate to be doing what they are doing and most of them eventually become 'Hardened' to the likes of you...

    Look I didnt mean your mum has to charge less, she can keep her prices up if you wish

    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/2/2017 at 2:44 PM, The Deerhunter said:

    Interesting change of observation.  Was in Sukhumvit Soi 4 area last weekend.  I have only seen ugly, fat, badly dressed, scary African streetwalkers before and I am talking about over the last several years.  I do get up to that exact area on business 2-3 times a year (yes, with the wife usually).  This time I noticed on my perambulations that none of the previous batches (seen several trips in a row) were obviously in attendance. (they were so bad they were unmistakable, especially one shocker, absolutely falling out of a tiny blue dress/.   But a lot more African women than 2 months ago and all new, many slim and attractively presented and a number of them actually pretty and really quite cute!  (Did I say that?)  No, I still have not been tempted and probably never would.  I still think the risk of disease would be much higher than local lassies (for those who tend to have to consider these things,) But to those who said they were actually some cute ones amongst them, my apologies.  Yes: Pretty, polite and persistent.

    Same same here. A few months ago I passed two african girls on Sukh, Legs so long  and bums so tight, nothing like the Kardasian type. even had afro's too. I did a double take but have never been tempted by africans. Had only one in my lifetime many years back at Butlins Bognor Regis no less! wasnt that good either.

    • Haha 1
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