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Posts posted by 1warren1

  1. For those of you worried about the transport or increased travelling time to the new airport.

    I will say that recently I had the pleasure of having to travel along the new roadway that has been built to access the new airport.

    Out of all the roads in bangkok, it has the most lanes, easiest entrance and exit points and the lack of pot holes or rises and dips in the road is something I have never before seen in Thailand.

    Also the signage, lighting and lack of bends and curves made for an extremely comfortable and pleasant journey.

    The journey that i expected to take around 45 minutes, took only 25 minutes and the return trip the next day in heavier traffic was equally as speedy.


  2. hi, my friends and i found a nice house in satorn, nice neighbours

    not to far from mrt,i think its very convinient to live here,

    but we have to find 2 more people to share the rent

    we planed to stay downstair and let's the upstair for whom u want to come and live with us

    this house has lilttle garden so u can have a dog, share kitchen, living

    i think it's good to stay for people who is easy goin and like to have party

    prefer nice person share price/5000 baht

    ur room will be urs and do the decortion by urself

    :-) pm me and leave me msn it would be nice

    Hi raffles, would love to see your place, is it furnished???

    please drop me a line and let me know how to contact you,



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