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Khun Ron

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Posts posted by Khun Ron

  1. I had the same experience several years ago in the US where a credit card that I had NEVER used nor taken out of my pocket was hacked. In that case, I believe that the scammers used a portable card reader device that only needs to be close to the credit card in question and can read the card details remotely. I think these devices are called skimmers.

    The way to protect the card contents from being read is to carry your credit cards in an RFID protective wallet. The metal encasement of the wallet prevents the remote device from being able to read your credit card details.

  2. Earlier this afternoon, I sent a letter to the USA at the DHL service center in Phuket. When the invoice was printed out by the counter staff and presented to me, I noticed an additional charge of THB100 for "Extended Liability (IB)". I enquired as to the nature of the charge and was informed by the counter staff that she could delete the charge and reprint the invoice but that her computer AUTOMATICALLY included this charge when she prepared the customer invoice. My complaint is the fact that the nature of this OPTIONAL charge was not explained to me beforehand by the DHL counter staff and I was never asked whether I wanted to avail myself of this service option!  I consider this lack of explanation and the fact that the DHL computerized billing system has been set up in such a way as to automatically include this optional charge in their billings to customers to be deliberately fraudulent .  I don't know how many DHL customers like myself have been overcharged in this manner but I suspect that it is many hundreds of thousands of customers, if not more. I am extremely disappointed that such a well-known company needs to resort to such fraudulent activity.

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