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Posts posted by AlphaCanadian

  1. On 4/23/2023 at 2:28 AM, Reginald Prewster said:

    Its only about the existing passport that they want to have all stamps. 


    My mate and I did it together and he failed because he had one of these visa run cambodia visas missing

    (it fall out over the time)

    This moment his Passport was invalid and he needed to provide a new one despite all entry stamps were clear visible.

    Thanks for the reply.



    I got my current passport in 2021.


    The last time that I was in Thailand was in 2018. That was of course a previous passport (which I still have).

    I am thinking to provide all of the pages of the old passport (that is the one that I used to enter and exit Thailand).

    On that note:

    -If I give the current passport then I think they may not be able to cross reference it.

    -Not everyone will necessarily always have a current passport (possible that one may not have gotten a new passport when the previous expired in 2021).

    Please let me know what you think.


  2. I've used agents in other countries that I have lived in in order to obtain police checks.


    My experience is that the extra money is worth it (it saves a great deal of time).


    Any suggestions of reliable agents (for this purpose) in Thailand?


    I am in Canada (Canadian citizen) and I stayed in Thailand on a tourist visa in the past.


    A big thanks to all of those on this forum who were always very helpful and who made my time in Thailand much easier and enjoyable.

  3. I am Canadian (currently live in Canada) and I spent 7 months in Chiang Mai on a tourist visa (2014-2015) and 9 months in Bangkok on a tourist visa (2018).


    I do have the passport from my time in Bangkok (2018) but not for my time in Chiang Mai (2014-2015).


    According to the information on the web site link that I have pasted below, I need to provide all of my entry and exit stamps for going in and out of Thailand on my passport. I can only provide this for being there in 2018.


    I have emailed them (the Thai police) and I hope to hear from them soon, but if anyone has any insight then please let me know.


    Please note that I do at least have a picture of the old passport cover page (and of course passport number)


    A big thanks to all of those on this forum who have always been so helpful. It made my time in Thailand much easier.


    Web site link: 



    • Haha 1
  4. Sorry if this is a silly question but I have never sent not received a Western Union money transfer.


    Would I be able to get it done at a bank like say Bangkok Bank?


    If I send do I come in with cash/pay with a credit card...??


    If I get a transfer do I get cash or money order that I need to take to a bank?


    Thanks in advance.

  5. On Tuesday I wired money from a Bangkok bank branch to my Canadian account.


    The money is still not there. When I wired in the past from my bank account in Beijing it was there the next day (MAYBE 2 days).


    I have no idea what the logistics of this are.....


    Any personal experiences with how long a Bangkok bank overseas wire usually takes?


    Would it be advisable to go to the BB branch or to contact my Canadian bank if this money is still not there in a couple more days?


    Since I am leaving Bangkok at the end of the month and I am not a BB customer (I came in with the cash to wire) I am a little concerned.


    Thanks in advance.

  6. I used to work in Beijing. Had an ICBC account. My pension money from my job in China was recently deposited into the account.


    I could withdraw the money from a bank machine and take it to a Bangkok bank to wire.


    However, it may be easier to go to the ICBC branch in Bangkok and wire it directly to my Canadian account from there.


    Any idea if they would do this?

  7. A few years back I stayed in Chiang Mai for a few months while I was in between jobs. I loved it.


    For a change of pace I decided to try Bangkok this time around. Bangkok is okay but I will not be returning to work for a few more months and it would be nice to try a new place.


    I have considered going back to Chiang Mai again.


    What I am looking for:


    -Quiet and not too much noise pollution

    -Being close to a beach is a bonus

    -One of the reasons I chose Bangkok was because I thought I might need a tutor to help me with my pre cal math course (a large population so presumably more teachers/tutors). So far I have not needed tutor support however being in a place with a decent population in case I need this is a bonus.


    I have considered Krabi.


    I am not restricting myself to Thailand but I plan to stay in SE Asia.

  8. Amazon will not ship condoms to Bangkok.


    I can't find condoms big enough at the Big C, Tesco Lotus etc.


    Lazada has several types. Anyone know which ones on Lazada are bigger?


    Any other suggestions on how to get big condoms in Bangkok?


    I am not trying to be funny and this is a sincere question.


    Thanks in advance.

  9. I'm flying in and out of Singapore on the same day (Tuesday).


    I guess all I need is my Canadian passport. When I come back I will get a 30 day arrival stamp back into Thailand.


    When I flew into Malaysia I was surprised that they did not make us fill in arrival cards, does Singapore have arrival cards?


    I am concerned because the arrival card is likely to ask where I am staying in Singapore. I hope that is not a problem.


    Any random tips about flying Bangkok-Singapore and then Singapore-Bangkok on the same day?


    Passport photos-I think not needed, local currency-I think not needed.


    Thanks in advance.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Airalee said:

    What’s “fairly cheap”?


    My friend buys his suits at Rajawongse on Sukhumvit and has been very happy with them.  He went through a couple other tailors in the past and was never happy with the fit.

    "fairly cheap" I suppose would be the least I could get away with for a decent black suit.


    I would estimate 3500 Baht (only for the suit itself and not including dress, shirt, pants etc).


    Thanks for the reply btw.

  11. I need to print several hundred pages from an online PDF file.


    The little shop near my home charges 1 baht a page.


    I guess I could ask them for a better deal since I am printing so much.


    However if anyone knows a place to print cheap please let me know.


    I live near On Nut bts but I will travel within reason.


    Thanks in advance.

  12. I recently wrapped up a few years of teaching in China.


    Soon I will have my lump sum pension refund deposited to my Chinese bank account (about $ 10 000 Canadian).


    It is an account with ICBC.


    I have my ICBC bank card and I have found bank machines in Bangkok that it works at.


    ICBC has at least one branch in Bangkok that I found but I doubt that they would offer the service of wiring the money to my Canadian account.


    I guess I can always hold off until I am eventually in Canada and withdraw the cash there with my bank card (I am not in urgent need of the money).


    I have never used Western Union and I do not know if they would accept cash and how much and be able to transfer it to a Canadian account. Of course I would make a few different trips as I do not want to carry around that much money!




    There may be an option that I do not know about. If there is please let me know. The Canadian bank I use is RBC if that makes any difference.


    Thanks in advance.

  13. In looking it up online, it looks like asbestos is still used in Thailand.


    However it seems that it is mostly just used for flooring tiles and ceiling tile material.


    They are renovating some of the rooms where I live. I probably should't worry because they are probably not using asbestos.


    My grandma died from the type of lung cancer that is associated with asbestos exposure.



  14. I'm going to buy a mouse, something to elevate my Macbook (neck Pain) and perhaps an external keyboard for my MacBook.


    There is of course the Apple store and I can try Lazada and Amazon.


    If anyone knows a hidden gem in Bangkok for buying what I need please let me know.


    Thanks in advance.

  15. I'm going to head to bali for a short trip.


    Some of my friends have been and they told me not to even bother (over rated/trash everywhere/crowded/bad traffic/vulgar tourists/irritating poor people trying to sell you shit).


    It seems that they went to the wrong part of the Island!!!!


    I can look it up, but if anyone has recently been to a part of Bali that they recommend please let me know.


    I love beaches!!!


    Thanks in advance.

  16. I read in a report by The Economist intelligent unit (usually fairly reliable) that safety in Bangkok has recently got worse and that it actually does not score very well for safety.


    Since I arrived here only a few months ago I can't compare it with the past.


    If I were to simply categorize places I have travelled as below average, average or above average I would give Bangkok average (perhaps even a little above average).


    There were some cities that scored better than Bangkok that were surprising. Some of them I have been to and while I never felt threatened the thought that I may have to not freak out if I were the victim of a crime did cross my mind.


    The vibe can sometimes be deceiving, but the safety vibe here seems to generally be in the average/use your common sense range.


    Seems not as safe as say Singapore or Tokyo but certainly safer than certain parts of North American cities and places I have been to in South America.


    Has Bangkok really been getting less safe? Not only less safe but not really a safe city overall? I find The Economist to usually be reliable HOWEVER sometimes their rather aristocratic journalists/staff can have a somewhat off the mark perspective.

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