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Posts posted by RobbyXNorway

  1. So, here is another take. From what i gather the dead man is the one hitting the other motorbike from behind.


    Mind you, this is just a theory. It's not a statement of fact. But this entire situation is just so fishy it stinks to high heaven. The timing is incredible.


    The person is under surveilance, one team follows, one team aproach from the front. Front team pillion rider fires a weapon at the target. Target is dead/unconcious. Rider in front of him hears the shot and breaks. Dead man hits him from behind and falls down while the innocent rider weers into the divider.




    Hey, Oswald did some sweet shooting in Dallas, remember? Anything is possible.

  2. What you dont seem to understand is that people get that way by what they eat. The food industry put <deleted> in the food that makes you more hungry and triggers your brain like a narcotic. Is it peoples fault they get poisoned by a food industry that is more interested in profit than peoples health? Is it peoples fault that they are misled by the government in what is ACTUALY HEALTHY food?


    Anyone who tries to go on a natural diet with greens, meat and lots of fat will find that their health improves and they loose weight! Almost guaranteed!  But there is so much bad information out there or outright misinformation about diets like Atkinson or the Keto diet. Anyone struggling with overweight and health issues should really try it. Fat is not dangerous as long as its natural! It's a  great source of nutrition! Carbohydrates and refined sugar in particular however....VERY bad for you.


    So no, i dont think its right to blame people for being fat. I blame the <deleted> who make poison they sell as food.

    • Sad 1
  3. 23 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    A extension of the one year PE visa entry is very easy compared to retirement.

    Passport copies, application form and a letter from Thai Elite requesting it.

    Huh? I have the 5 year PE visa and all i have to do is go to the immi-office and get an extension stamp of 1 year for the regular extension price. Thats it. No documents no nothing.


    We do have to do the regular 90-day like everyone else though. And in that process you need to document your adress if you have changed. If you have the same adress. no papers needed.

    • Like 1
  4. No need to use quotation mark about racism in this incident if the woman said she hates farang. That is pretty blunt racism.


    Heard some pretty stupid things lately. Reverse-racism? What the heck is that?! It's either racism or its not! It's not an exclusive trait to one group of people. You'll see racism from people of any colour.


    My funniest experience was a white blonde alaskan girl who asked me if i was racist before going out on a date with me. And i said no, I'm not. I just treat <deleted> like <deleted>, no matter their colour or creed. But some days later she was going off about the native american indians, how they were lazy scumbags milking the government and boozing their life away. That was a racist tirade as i've ever heard it.


    Anyway, back on topic, sorry about your experience Colin! Being disabled and reliant on help makes situations like that very unpleasant. Those of us who can still walk could easily handle the situation, but for you it was especially unpleasant i think.


    I had an "i raised my eyebrows" moment the other day when i stopped by my usual store for buying bottled water. There is a thai guy in his 40s there who usualy has been smiling and a little chatty. He usualy took my orders. This time he didnt look at me as i walked into the store. The wife of the owner was behind the counter and greeted me very pleasantly. I walked over by the water and stood there waiting to be served. Finaly she shouted some choice words to him and he came over, didnt look me in the eyes, and knotted down my order. Then put them in the car (he litteraly threw the last packages carelessly in the trunk). Was very awkward as there seemed to be some resentment towards me for some odd reason. The lady was pleasant as usual. But the guy was just off. I didnt say anything except the usual khap khun khap. Hope its not a trend. But then again...if all goes well i will be leaving Thailand forever within 1 year. Just waiting for the possibility to fly back to the Philippines. Will likely get married there and move to Norway later.

    • Like 2
  5. My father was an acoholic that pretty much died with a bottle in his hand (mixed with pills) at age 47.


    Some people need a wakeup call, some need to give their life to religion as they are in no control by themselves, and some can simply not be helped.


    I hope you find the strenght to put the bottle away for good. But never forget you are and always will be an alcoholic. Every day will be a struggle. But aspire to something good and try to make someones life better. Take focus from your problems and try to turn things into something positive. It's possible, but its hard. And Thailand might be a really bad place to be with alcohol problems. So step 1 should be to get back to your home country if you have access to any kind of medical help there.


    Wish you the best of luck, and dont punch the ticket like my old man did. Dont mix drugs/medication with alcohol, ever.

  6. 12 hours ago, Blumpie said:

    Of course 99 percent of medical professionals say that we most PROBABLY will have a vaccine, and it looks very promising.  Not only one, but many vaccines.

    But I digress, the Zinc champion knows better.  

    99%? Really? Or are you just pulling numbers out of your <deleted>? Oh hey, by the way, can you link me one of the successful vaccines for Corona viruses for humans that exist already? No? Well be my guest and line up for that vaccine shot! Results are probably gonna be great...

    • Like 2
  7. 5 hours ago, Tug said:

    Then why don’t you volunteer in a covid ward?? On a serious note let’s hope like hell a good vaccine is developed ASAP that could make a tremendous difference 

    There has never been an effective vaccine against ANY Coronavirus so good luck with that. And not for a lack of trying.


    The real problem is the fearmongering and herd-think. Sheeple is a good description.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. On 5/11/2020 at 10:24 PM, timendres said:

    Unless you are an IO, or put a gun to my head, you will never touch my passport. I have had hospitals demand it, police demand it, shop owners demand it, even building owners demand it. I tell them all to pound sand.


    Part of the reason you should never part with your passport is that it is NOT YOUR PASSPORT. It actually belongs to the government that issued it.


    In Norway we had a guy who managed to loose his passport 3 times over a few years. The government then REFUSED to issue a 4th passport to him.


    Never ever let anyone else possess "your" passport.


    Sounds to me like OP is up <deleted> creek because he DID sign a rental agreement agreeing to pay for damages. If possible its then best to get the repair done yourself, preferably at a dealership for proper parts.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    You may be right. I myself am sceptical of Thailand's claim to have only 112 active cases in a nation of 80 million people.

    It's still miniscule to the road carnage going on here every day, and where probably 80% if not more are entirely avoidable if people had been given the necessary skills to drive and traffic rules were properly enforced. Nobody has proposed to close all the road to vehicles because of the daily 60 +/-  deaths.


    If the death statistics of Thailand for Covid19 are correct, then I am pretty sure that the number of deaths directly and indirectly caused by the shutdown far surpasses these numbers. Suicides, drug overdoses and murders.

    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I think it was Stalin who said millions of deaths are just a statistic. I believe the relatives of the 85,000 who have died in the US would disagree with your imaginary description.


    Except just a fraction of those have actually been killed BY Covid19. If you have been following whats been going on you would know the US government has said any person showing "Covid19 like symptoms" can be put in the statistics, even if they havent been tested. People that have been tested for Covid19 and showed positive but died of other ailments have also been put into that statistics.


    Hopefully they will clean up the numbers.


    Covid19's mortality rate is 0,01% for the majority of the population. The average age of "death by Covid19" is ABOVE the average life expectancy in the US.


    Covid19 has been a similar rubbish pandemic hypetrain as Swineflu 10 years ago. Hopefully governments around the world will be honest enough to start reverting the draconian restrictions imposed because of this.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, AndyAndyAndy said:


    That Honda looks extremely ugly and extremely comfortable at the same time.


    I need the scooter seating because my hip is FUBAR and cant sit on a regular MC. Cant ride horses either because of the same problem. So when a friend tipped me that Honda had this one I immediately went and got it ???? Always dreamed of having a bigbike and go riding around. Took me a bit of training to be able to do longer trips but have done the Mae Hong Son Loop twice now (from Hua Hin up around Chiang Rai and back down). I have 4 herniated discs and some other stuff going on in my lower back so going from a very secluded and handicaped living in Norway to relaxing in the warmth of the Thai climate has done me wonders. Living a life I could only dream about in Norway.


    Age 46 btw and 100% retired on disability pension in Norway.

    • Like 2
  12. Well, here in Hua Hin (entire Prachuap Khiri Khan) there is now a 20.000 baht fine for not wearing a facemask when going out. Probably a matter of  time before thats the rule all over Thailand.


    It's not perfect protection but it does hinder spread.

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