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Posts posted by pdc1981

  1. What I’ve learned is that Thai women expect you to be strong and first of all respect yourself before they will respect you. My GF does not like to see me upset or berate myself in anyway. She’s quite a tactile person and shows little emotion most of the time. I’ve been in volatile relationships in the past so one of the first conversations we had when we got together was around how to handle arguments or when one of us felt upset or angry and she said that I should never try to talk her round but to just let her go and have time alone and she would come back after she’d calmed down and it usually works. But they’re all different, my ex was a different case entirely to the point where she got kicks out of provoking a reaction, toxic relationship. 

  2. I think perhaps you expected too much from the experience. I can certainly understand the immense disappointment but try to be more realistic in future. Did you have any phone calls or video chats before going out to see her? Perhaps this would have given more of an idea if there was any connection between you but of course nothing substitutes the in person interaction. I know Thai women are really appealing in all kinds of ways but the real good ones are few and far between. 


    Dont be too harsh on yourself, you tried and had good intentions. Just be aware that a lot of Thai women will not be overly impressed by grand gestures and can appear cold externally that’s just part of their culture. 

  3. On 2/9/2016 at 7:13 AM, TheSiemReaper said:

    In my experience...

    I'd say that Khmer women are generally less avaricious than Thais (they have lower expectations to be fair - Cambodia is poorer and so are most of the barang it attracts). They tend to be good fun and more mature than Thais (never dated a Khmer who threw a hissy fit over nothing - but dated plenty of Thais who have). They're less worldly-wise than Thais but in general - if you're not dating ladies of the night... they're also better educated for their positions in life. I never met a Thai waitress who could discuss philosophy, science or even business management (and in English) - I met dozens of Khmer who could. In general Khmer speak better English than Thais across the board (in big cities - the countryside is another matter).

    Having said that Thais are more passionate, they're more sexually mature too (I think they've seen more porn to be honest) and fiery. I find Thais are funnier and more mischievous than Khmer. I also think that in general Thais are a little bit better looking than Khmer but... there are many exceptions to that rule on either side of the line.

    I agree with some of that. I was married to a Khmer and she wrote the book on throwing hissy fits over nothing!  Not saying they’re all like that though might just have been her. I find Thais are more sexually adventurous, fun and nurturing. My current GF (Thai) is a lot more mature and gentle natured she also seems to be more reserved in terms of expressing her feelings. Sure there’s plenty exceptions to both observations though. 

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