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Posts posted by howerski

  1. Don't be under any illusion that your application will be easy. In addition to the good suggestions by other members above, I would suggest evidence from the school that your wife is making decisions about education. Possible medical evidence if the current carers are not well; ifthere are any behavioural problems because mum is not there .. Letters from local police and "village elders" about their knowledge that the father no longer takes decisions, and of their knowledge of the mother/child relationship; evidence that other close family members cannot look after the child.

    The Phor Khor 14 has to be worded in a way which is acceptable to the embassy. There is a sample posted on the Thailand-UK forum.

    You also need to know that once the application is in process, the embassy is likely to phone the child/carers and seek to verify that you are telling the truth from anyoneone mentioned in the application.

    My overall advice is to take your time on the application, and don't seek to paper over any cracks in your application, just explain why you don't have a particular piece of evidence, or why you did or did not do something. I found it helpful to give a complete life history of my step daughter to put the application in context.

    Hope this helps

  2. ummm can you tell the website :D

    Why would you want to look at a sex scene where the party concerned did not give their permission ? It's bang out of order :) I think they should stick it to all those who seek to lure innocent men to Thailand with pictures of scantily clad women and the promise of wild sex :D

  3. My mate is going to apply for a visitor visa for his wife's sister when they go to Thailand in June. Can anyone provide a link to this online application, and better still - some advice on how to complete the form. I have heard that the biggest problem in getting a visitor visa is that the applicant has sufficient reason to return to Thailand. Any advice gratefully received

  4. Its just that i don't trust the police in Thailand that much.

    I trust the Thai police 100% and they all know where the nearest ATM machine is, so have your card handy. Hey, they gotta make a living too (tongue firmly in cheek)... Welcome to LOS :o

    Ha ha. Probably true. I find it almost unbelievable that 30 police could only find 3 positive tests. I would have thought the numbers of people taking ya ba on a night out would be considerably higher. They'd probably had a big haul of viagra too :D

  5. Just because I only have a few posts on this forum, some people appear to think I'm green. I asked a couple of specific questions in the hope of getting some decent and well-meaning advice - not for tarot readings about myself, my fincances and my relationship. Thank you to those who answered in a good spirit, but I've already seen enough of this thread - MODS PLEASE DELETE IT.

  6. Hi All. We are currently saving to go back to live in Thailand (upcountry). We plan to bouild a bar/small restaurant on land we already own. I have the following questions:

    1. Do we need any sort of planning permission (it's a village, and the land is adjacent to shops etc)

    2. Do we need permits/licenses ?

    3. Is it better to set up a comany or operate as individuals re tax ?

    My wife is a Thai national and I am British. Any advice or useful neggets of information/experience gratefully received

  7. It will just lead to more boot-legging. More people will switch back to homemade whisky and home grown tobacco. The people I know in the local village will drink mechor and other legal whiskies if they have the cash. If they haven't it's the old white whisky and roll-ups... more health problems and more misery

  8. I'm not often moved to comment on posts, but I do feel that some members are being less than charitable to other races (i.e. UK bar owner OK - russian whatever - not OK). So my comment to them is have a beer and chill out. As for the story - well at least the guy is commiting himself publicly to try and do something about what is an intractable problem. For that I for one applaud him.

  9. seems to me to hear westerners in their home country!

    never satisfied!

    always something to complain about!

    give Thailand a break, would you ...


    Quite right. Here in the UK we've been through all this many times with mobiles and landlines. Of course some people are making big money out of it. My only concern is that they are underestimating future mobile use and will have to change again. UK - 55M people with good landline infrastructure is 11 digits. Thailand 63M people with poor landline infrastructure = 10 digits. :o

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