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Posts posted by skyblues2k

  1. I was hoping that by having a contract of rent with my tenant, i have already advised the tax office i will be a non resident of the uk. They will pay by direct debit into my bank account in the uk. so have contract and bank statement showing income, then by transferring £650 of it to thailand each month leaving £200 in my uk account this will then give me a paper trail for my extensions and save visa runs every 3 months. Will this work? or is there anything i am missing. Cheers Gary

  2. Hi My wife and children (Thai Nationals) moved back to Thailand a week ago and i was not aware that the rules have changed. I am joining them in December and thought i was covered under the 400,000 baht rule. I will have a UK income from renting a house of about £650 GBP pcm the house is payed for in full with no mortgage and my brother will manage it for me

    My Questions are:

    1, Will transferring this money to Thailand be enough to cover my 3 monthly extensions with the immigration police, will i need to pay taxes in Thailand on this income?

    2, What documents will i need from the UK as proof (Rental contract for house, Bank Statements and Kasikorn bank letter) will these also need to be certified by a solicitor in the UK or by the Irish Embassy in Bangkok as i am an Irish Citizen?

    3, Grateful of any other advice that you can supply as this has thrown everything up in the air

    We are moving out to thailand as my wife has not settled in the UK, Ireland or Spain in all of the years that she has been here and wants to return to be near to her family.


  3. Have to admit i cannot actually see what the major problem with Thaksin, if thhe others boycott the election they lose. If they take part they will probabley lose also. I think they are now scared as they thought Thaksin would just resign and now they have called disolved the house they know that the ordinary Thai's who now have a 30 baht health service and a pension will vote them out

    Gary - uttaradit

  4. We have always used Swift Air by the Post office, the name has just been changed to Signed For

    A ###### of a lot cheaper than DHL, Fedex or any of the other.

    Sent a Mobile Phone and picture Cd to my Mother in Law in Uttaradit (only cost £8.00) and it took about 4 days. Have used them to send paperwork to the Embassey in Bangkok with out any hassles

    Hope this helps


  5. Help

    After talking with my wife (who is Thai) who does not enjoy living in the UK (i am a british citizen and 32 years old.) We have decided to move back to Uttaradit, Thailand next June after our Baby is born.

    Can you help with the following questions:

    1. What visa would you recomend and are there any that don't require you to leave the country every 90 days?

    2. We are planning on setting up our own business in Thailand (I will also be doing some trading over the internet) will i need a specialist visa for this

    3. I understand that if we buy a house that this will have to be owned by my wife, that i could have 3 x 30 year leases as a guarentee if needed

    4. Can i own a car and would you need insurance, tax and mot like in the uk?

    5. If anyone can think of anything else that would be usefull i would be grateful



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