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bear wolf

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Posts posted by bear wolf

  1. 4 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    How much are those F-35 fighters? How much money should other NATO members and other militaries to spend to buy those? How much USA:s military manufacturers are going to make a nice profit for USA? Same applies to many other equipments. 



    Why don't you make those and sell it to NATO.  Why do you not make a "nice profit" for you?  Why do you not buy shares in those companies that are making that "nice profit"?  Are you opposed to "nice profit'?  Have you never made a "nice profit"?   Only made loses?

  2. 4 minutes ago, oilinki said:

    How much military and professional killers does the world need?


    The 2% NATO commitment is easily done. Raise the salaries of each military person to $1.000.000 and place a 95% tax to their salaries. In paper everything looks good again?


    Perhaps each and every country should build 200-300 nukes, which is enough to cause a nuclear winter. That way there would be a worldwide MAD agreement. Each country would use the nukes if they are being attacked. Nobody would afford to start a war as it would mean 95% destruction of their own county (along with other countries).


    This current arms race and the fear it causes is simply stupid. When there is more fear, there is more possibilities of miscalculations and simply mistakes. It takes about 30 minutes to destroy this planet. 


    The time is: 23:58. Two minutes to midnight. Closest it has ever been. Think about it for a while.

    Needs the Euro to live upto the 2%.  Only the UK, Poland, Turkey and Greece meet the 2%.  All others free-loaders.

  3. 8 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Out of pure curiosity.... regardless of who pays what... why do you think your country belongs to various alliances and treaties?

    No regardless - USA pays 80% of NATO and 22% of the UN.

    I thought you knew that a bully "belongs to various alliances and treaties" simply because he can have Euros beg him to stay in them, have the Euros complain that he is not honoring them and have the Euros label him unreliable. 

  4. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:


    If you see no unfairness, please explain your first post and how it relates... I included it here for ease of reference.


    i see no unfairness...  and am positing that the payment structure is actually fair... it is beyond my ken, as to how you can imply that I am intimating that it’s unfair... lol... or that I’m whining, in fact, let me refer you for a second time, to your first post, as an example of whining


    now... as to your sensical contribution in your last post... ie... your question.


    the US pays, in part, what it does because they agreed to contribute to these alliances and organizations, to provide mutual security to its interests on both sides of the Atlantic, whilst actively preventing a global power bloc which could challenge US dominance.


    of significance is the fact that the US willingly and unasked, ramped up its contributions post 9/11. If you can get your head around why your country did that, then perhaps you can better understand the answer to your question in the post above.... or at least reconcile the why of it.

    It's a passion for the Euro to be whining about Americans - has been for decades.   Perhaps you feel that you have just discovered bashing the USA.


    Why did the bully agree to pay?  Shouldn't the bully tell the slimy Euros pay all?  Can you answer that?



  5. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Um.... what? Still born.... I’m sure there’s meant to be humor there, somewhere, but it’s lost on me. If it’s meant as an insult... lol... well it’s still lost on me.... but then, most of the post above is a loser.


    the bully in this context is the US... see post 1


    that bully (the US) has demonstrated its word is unreliable... and internationally, it shouldn’t be up to other countries to beg the US to keep its word, it should be encumbent on them to do so.


    not sure what spin I have to fix.


    In addressing the “free loading euro area”... it’s not freeloading other than in trumps mind, and those prepared to believe his 6000 plus lies, even when they have been proven to be lies.


    but once again.... it’s not the percentage of money going into the UN that is relevant, it’s the percentage of gross national product that’s relevant. This is how the UN charter was crafted, largely by US agents, and because of this, you can hardly critise others.


    if you think it’s unfair on the US, that’s fine.... but really, as the major author of the charter, that’s the US’s own fault... no one else’s.


    Yes, you are humorless, agreed.


    Answer this - why does a bully (USA) agree to pay at all?  Why does the bully (USA) not simply tell the free-loaders to pay all, as in 100%.


    I do not see any unfairness.  Presumably that is all you see and you are whining that is it.

  6. Just now, bristolboy said:

    You're the one who brought the issue up to defend the USA. Turns out it wasn't nearly so supportive as you thought.

    And what do you mean by the Euro being cheap in this context? That's just nonsense.

    It's a woofer in my book; long past in utility.

    I was responding to a post about bullying.  I was pointing out that the bully pays 22%, PAYS being the operative word.  And it is nearly a 1/4.

    Euro pays what it does because it does not pay NATO.  That's like taking a Business Premier on EuroStar to Brussels and then coach on EasyJet to New York. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Wow... that’s not even a decent spin.


    the UN is a multilateral instrument, with all signatories supposedly having equal obligations and benefits.... which is why the US pay more money, yet the same percentage of its economy, as others.... and obviously they are not paying graciously... far from it... they are complaining like refugees. (So in reality, they are paying the same as other countries, by the agreed standard... you just want to use a different standard today)


    Meanwhile, I’m more than happy to have the bullied be a significant contributor to any new or changed rules... far more happy about that than having the bully determine the rules, as they do on the schoolyard.


    as to begging... I beg nothing beyond holding to your word.. your oath... it’s all that’s left at day’s end, and is integrally linked to honor... is honor something bad?

    I thought yours was still born.


    Are you begging a bully to keep his word?  Or is he not a bully?  You have gotta fix that spin.

    And can you address something for nothing in the free-loading Euro area?


    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, varun said:

    Nobody's forcing you to obey anyone.


    However, the US is the top dog - and countries with a cavalier, post-college rebel BS attitude like yours, 

    always get the smack-down.

    Consequences of not obeying:

    - Your dollars are blood diamonds.

    - Your accounts froze.

    - Your VISA/MC/Amex/Discover/JCB lifeless.

    - Your private jet, will not fly.  Flying commercial - perhaps in Chyna and Russia.

    In other words, it's the end.

  9. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Ahh... the bully helped make the rules, way back in the beginning, and were happy with that, so individual contribution, based on each countries wealth, and ability to pay, should not be an issue to score points on, and is therefore irrelevant, because all contribute equally per national wealth


    besides, in recognition, it gets veto powers over everything, unlike other nations who contribute less. And.... those nations in Europe, with similar veto powers, are recognized as the likely battleground... they are mortgaging their sovereignty.


    meanwhile, this Russian aggression you talk of, is a threat to the US as well. The US “wealth and prosperity” will be impacted by a world war, and as such, it’s contribution to the UN can be seen as insurance for its economy, with the premium for this insurance, being a percentage of its income ( you know, like tax), just like all countries contribute a percentage of its income


    if y’all want to be the richest country in the world, with the most power, y’all have to make some concessions somewhere.... and preferably act responsibly.... vs crying about how much it costs to be the richest and most powerful economy


    i understand the concept of wanting everything for nothing, and acknowledge that this sentiment might be more prevelant in a flawed democracy, but if you make the rules, it’s beyond childish to complain about the rules.... man up and follow the rules.




    You wouldn't want the bullied to make the rules now would you?  And what a gracious bully that pays 22% - the bully should simply pay what the other veto-holders pay, peanuts.

    Are you begging the bully to make concessions because he is the richest by far and strongest by far? 


    • Haha 1
  10. 52 minutes ago, beautifulthailand99 said:

    Strange that the whole o2 network is down - just saying - Trump is playing with fire here.





    Isn't is ironic that publicly-listed American companies virtue-signal by working against America while privately-held Chinese Huwaei is working for Chyna against America.

    • Like 2
  11. 2 hours ago, tekashicanada said:

    Thank you guys for the insights.


    So a little update. Yesterday was really bad: she came home late after doing her hair and she saw that the place was a bit messy as I had come back home from my workouts and stuff and she freaked out. Obviously, I was also very tired and reciprocated the shouting and stuff. She then proceeded to start shouting and throwing some tantrums. She even took my hand and wanted to hit herself with it (which I am stronger so was able to refrain).


    She eventually fell asleep and the next morning, she said: I love you and said sorry as she was tired yesterday. Is this bipolarism or BPD?

    This is scary stuff.  It is going to end badly. 


    Presumably you own the condo and she knows your place of business.  You need to relocate to apt. rightaway and put her on the no-entry list at your place of business.  See an attorney, report the matter to the police.  Offer her another 400k or 800k to go away and walk out of this a free man!  Your peace of mind is worth a lot more. 


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