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Posts posted by Hindy

  1. 6 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

    Eliminate visa free travel for EU, USA, and others, a very simple and fair solution.


    Mandatory home country criminal checks are also desperately needed.

    Another clueless poster

    be careful what you wish for

    have you ever tried to obtain a CRO? 

    I am from the UK and needed one for my work overseas

    which I had to do every year,as soon as you get one for year one 

    you need to apply straight away for year 2

    and if you have no UK address good luck with that

    they are an absolute nightmare to obtain

  2. On 4/20/2023 at 11:37 PM, KhunLA said:

    Yes, A Muang


    This week, sucks, between AQI 50-75 at the house.  IQair stating higher, but haven't a clue where they source their info, as state on site, no meter/contributor of theirs here.   Probably 'sat' info.


    PM2.5 not a whole better, hence the sucks part.  20 ish last time I checked this afternoon.  windy.com is saying 17µg/m³ now.  


    Indoors w/filters, no problem.  It was nice 10ish days ago, and I actually thought smog season was over, till this week.  Hopefully rain before the end of the month.

    I have a paid account with Windy.com

    the AQI reports including PM2.5 are only updated every few hours,

    it is not in real time.

  3. On 4/6/2023 at 9:18 AM, Mickeymaus said:

    When I went there for my retirement extension recently I suffered a lot too waiting outside in the heat. There were some useless fans. Only if you stood directly in front of them they helped. But this wasn't possible because you had to queue. Dressed in my warm immigration outfit an unbearable situation.


    But also some expats. My application took not even 2 minutes. But there are people that still didn't get the message that you have to copy all the pages with entries of the passport. People that didn't sign all documents at home already. That had missing documents. That... 


    Regarding people saying that the bank documents need to be from the same day - I always do this a day before and never had a problem. And please copy all entries since the last application of your bank book and also the first page with your name.


    Sadly I have to go there in 3 months again to show them that I kept the 800 k balance that long. They could check this at the next application. 


  4. 2 minutes ago, poobear said:

    You are safe until the end of the lease even if the house is sold.


    Does transfer of ownership of the land affect my lease rights?

    Transfer of ownership of the property does not break the lease agreement (section 569), but only rights and obligations in the lease agreement that are under Thai law considered by nature true rent of property rights transfer to the new owner. Some provisions in the lease, such as the common renewal option but also the succession clause, are in principle only enforceable by legal action against the original lessor. Death of the owner or transfer of ownership could lead to the lessee ending up with a lease contract that is only partly enforceable against the new owner who is for part of the lease considered a third party (i.e. not binding upon him as he is not considered a contract party).

    Thanks for the reply guys

  5. 15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

     I only care about what's happening here. If things could be headed off before they explode here then I would be happy, but as a long range planner and someone whose primary job was to expect the unexpected then I see things in a different view than others and it makes me suspicious when I don't see a 100% effort given to shut the loop holes. 

    Hope you don't use Primavera lol

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