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Posts posted by Oleolf

  1. Just read in a Swiss tabloid newspaper (in German so I can't link):

    A person suffered a severe allergic shock after getting Moderna. An expert said this was expected in 1 out of 100'000 cases.  In the person's case it was known that he or she had allergic problems. 

    I don't report this to spread panic and I'm one of those waiting for something like Moderna or Pfizer too. What this case exemplifies is the risk (1:100'000) and that it's a good idea to get the vaccine in a hospital with good medical care. Furthermore the included insurance in the package makes sense.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, stevenl said:



    Foreigners using it, but doesn't sound like a good app.

    Yes my wife's mymo app was down for 4 full days after their forced update a few days ago. Very poor handling on GSB side, OP you're not missing out on much without mymo.

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  3. 22 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    Well, guess what.

    The Swiss ambassador, very attentive to self-profiling her do-gooder activities with live facebook shows etc.,  gave Anutin a cash cheque of CHF 200'000 (somewhere around 6.5 million Thai Baht). Anutin himself declared a net worth of 4.2 billion (that reads 4'200 million Thai Baht). 

    Swiss citizen though are as "underprivileged" as the rest of the dirty farang crowd and remain as alien as the rest of the flock. 

    Pathetic, the whole exercise - too many clowns and not enough circuses

    Fully agree, looks like we are not the only ones who noticed her activisms. See comment to that of some Amadeus:


  4. 1 hour ago, John CS said:

    I think maybe  wise to reconsider, to be seen to profit from Tourists after a Pandemic is disingenuous and appears to the world to be profiteering?

    Reasons to be grateful

    1) It only affects very elderly with compromised immune systems, hospitalized

    2) After the latest CDC reports , COVID only has directly killed 9251 in the US, it less dangerous than normal Flu , latest figures revealed by CDC

    3) there is abundance of relatively low cost treatment such as HcQ for the elderly at risk

    4) Director of WHO has stated it is not about the virus , anymore ? its about a new way of living, explain that to your citizens

    @John CS I recommend you to read this carefully before spreading fake news:



    And for the impact COVID can have, there is an interesting report based on a supercomputer analysis. COVID is attacking your body wherever it can.....




    Cheers and stay healthy

  5. Patience might really be a good idea. On my Win10 Home machine  (HP) I get that total freeze state regularly, never found out why. Freezing happening some minutes after starting the computer. Only "fix" that helps is waiting 5 to 10 minutes and everything runs smoothly.  Not remedy just workaround I know. Good luck with your Win10! 

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  6. Thank you man you made my day! Live in Switzerland myself and agree to all your observations about life here. Planning about moving to Thailand in 2020. Now I know I'm doing the right thing. Wonder about the view out of your window. Do you live in a condo or house? Can I be your neighbour? Would like to share the nice view with you ;-)

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