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Posts posted by TessD

  1. https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/en/centers/allergy-center/


    You need to get checked out if you've tried everything. I got tesed in my home country a few years ago thinking that I'd need shots, turned out I had a deviated septum from a bone spur that had to be operated on, asthma (that my doctor years ago claimed I had grown out of) and a high histamine reaction (meaning I'm not really allergic to anything but I'll reach to most things mildly). So now I have a rescue inhaler and I take similar Singular for Asthma and Zyrtec for allergies because it works differently than Singular. I was talking Flonase for a few years but was developing ulcers in my nose and getting nose bleeds so now I rely on Afrin as needed. 

    The point is Dr. Google doesn't really have an PHD so please go see a real doctor. They not only diagnosed me, they got me the right medicine so I wasn't taking things unnecessarily and they ruled out things like bacteria and viruses.

    It's also nice to have the after under control, I don't sigh all the time, or wake up feeling like I'm dying. Lots of benefits!

    Good luck ????

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