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Posts posted by cryptotycoon

  1. 2 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

    Not without visa for that next country - or else the UK would be flooded even more

    If you are spending all the time in Schengen countries then that should not be an issue and you can exit out of any other Schengen country......correct? My question is more of whether the country issuing the Schengen visa issues on the basis that you will spend the most time in that country or whether it does not matter...eg. 3 days in Lithuania and then say 2 weeks in Switzerland

  2. 3 minutes ago, kevvy said:

    Lithuania is the easiest Schengen country to get a visa from, with only 1.3% of the short-term applications rejected in 2018. In total, 98.7% of the applicants for a Schengen Visa to Lithuania received a positive answer on their application.

    Moreover, Lithuania is placed somewhere in the middle of the table regarding the total number of short-term visa applications received. This also means you will have to wait less to make an appointment. Unlike for countries as Germany and France, when in many countries applicants need to make an appointment several months ahead of their planned trip to Schengen.(source Google)

    Does Lithuania have to be the place you spend the most time or simply the country of entry and once you are in Europe you can exit from any other European country?

  3. I am taking my girlfriend to Europe for the first time for a vacation. Based on other members experience which Schengen countries have been the easiest to get a visa for? I also welcome any tips of the dos and don'ts to reduce the risk of rejection?

    Girlfriend has 2 children at school in Thailand, good family ties, but does not have job contract. I am funding the trip expenses. Has travelled to a few Asian countries to get a few stamps in the passport. 

    Is is better to apply direct with the embassy or go via a visa agency? If an agency any recommendations. I am in Phuket but happy to travel to Bangkok if needed.

    Welcome any help.

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