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Posts posted by rocketpreacher

  1. I received the same message. I sent a request for help into the DDC but they told me that I have to send an e-mail to complaints.... like a complaint e-mail address at the ministry of health will ever get read?


    My real complaint is that the Thailand economy certainly gets a boost by all of us retired expats who bring our monthly income into Thailand from our home countries. I wonder just how much of a boost that really is when combined together?


    My income from the USA is somewhere between 45,000 THB and 50,000 THB per month, depending on the exchange rates, being brought into Thailand. The economy of my Thai family is helped. The payments on my truck, rent, electricity, water get paid. The grocery stores, coffee shops, some restaurants, and the outdoor vendor markets get a lot of my check every month. My check supports my wife's kids in school too, so there is that too.


    So the registration website processing system people absolutely lied and said they did not receive my visa copy, which was part of the original registration? They got that photo copy right along with a copy of my passport. They know they did! But, then they also know they received 20 Million Free Doses of Pfizer from the USA and more is coming. 


    Then they tell me to only send an e-mail to the complaint email site at the ministry of health. Does anyone really believe there is someone actually reading those? I guarantee that is not happening! They probably have that e-mail address setup to automatically dump into a spam file and then that is automatically dumped into a garbage can file and disappears forever...


    They lie on the news and say how great they are helping expats from around the world to get their vaccines, while they are not actually helping us!


    Are they also lieing about how many of our Thai neighbors in our villages around Nakhon Ratchasima are dieing of Covid-19? All the local Buddhist temples keep playing funeral music almost every day! People are dieing! Where is the government?


    I have heard some Thai people are highly recommending that all the Thai semi-truck drivers in Thailand just park their trucks in the highway roads that are leading in and out of every big city. They say, "put signs on them that say, "NO GOOD VACCINES MEANS NO TRAFFIC MOVING!" Lock them all up right there on the highways and then walk away from them." Wow, if every truck driver did that, it would certainly get attention. It might be the only way to make the Thai government do the right thing by their own people!


    What do you think will happen to all that money from expats who die from Covid-19 waiting for a good quality vaccine? I know if I die, no more money comes into Thailand!


    I haven't had one jab yet. The local hospital here does not know what to do? I don't want Senovac as that is just <deleted>! AstraZeneca is not much better than <deleted>! The USA gave Pfizer and/or Moderna vaccines to every Thai citizen that is in the USA for free. They setup drive by vaccination clinics in large parking lots. The drivers of the cars just drove up and put their arm out and done... They received proof of vaccination and away they drove. They definitely don't put 20,000 people in a room where they can expose each other to Covid-19 to get it done! I watched the news from Bangkok and saw about 20,000 crammed in a room waiting for a vaccine that never came and then less than one week later they reported 20,000 new cases. Of course they did! How stupid! No security guards demanding social distancing, no common sense... 


    There is no sense to any of this!





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  2. The currently high value of the Thai Baht to US dollars may have US citizens choosing other expat options for their retirement. The other issue is the immigration hoops a US Citizen must go through to stay in Thailand for being married to a Thai citizen. The requirement to have 400,000 Bht in a Thai bank account throughout the application process is excessive. To have to prove I make more than 40,000 Bht a month in income is also excessive. I do, but it goes into my bank in the USA first. They want it to come direct into my Thai Bank account. No way that is going to happen! It is disability income. I have a legal address in the USA and I intend to keep that, because I still vote as a citizen and because my medical benefits are tied to my address in the USA. If I change my legal address I lose my medical benefits.

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  3. Dual pricing for ferangs is normal business practice throughout Thailand. For instance, if I an American go to a particular vendor at a night market and buy a single bottle of water, the vendor says 20 Bht. My Thai wife goes to the same vendor and pays just 10 Bht for the same size and brand of bottle of water. If we go to the national park or zoo, I pay 400 Bht to enter, while she pays 100 Bht.

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