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Posts posted by shen923

  1. On 4/21/2020 at 11:11 PM, coops said:

    Even if your Thai ISP can provide 200mpbs, you won't get that from any international connection - there's not anywhere near enough bandwidth into Thailand itself from the rest of the world... so it's not much use, unless you need 200+ for your local Thai website needs?


    Note that speedtest above is to a LOCAL server... change it to somewhere International and then decide whether it's worth paying extra for... 75-100 is fine.


    https://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/1 Broadband-Infrastructure-in-the-ASEAN-9-Region.pdf


    International bandwidth per capita :-

    Thailand 6 Kbps (yes, that's K bps )

    Singapore 258 Kbps

    Malaysia 15 Kbps, and the rest all below Thailand.. so it could be a lot worse. ????

    Well I guess my results make your comment inaccurate. I just did a speed test after reading this with server in San Francisco USA and then local,,,seems rather decent to me.  

    3bb results.jpg

  2. As an ex-heavy smoker I took a psychological approach along with my competitive nature, I Hate Losing in anything.  I did 2 things that I feel got me over my addiction.  1, I refused to keep track of how long it was since I quit.  My thinking on this was that if I was counting the days, weeks, months, years, that it was still on my mind. I feel that this was the biggest factor and honestly today I cannot even tell you what year it was that I quit in, if I had to guess I would say sometime around 2010 or so.  Second, early on I would look at a cigarette and talk to it, I really would.  I would say "You Mr. Cigarette have no brain at all and we as humans have very complex brains that even the most advanced computers cannot match, therefore I am not going to listen to you and beat me, hell you can't even talk so f*** off!".  As silly as that sounds I won and don't smoke.

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  3. On two separate occasions this past year, I had only one-way tickets originating from Incheon, the staff at the check-in counter asked me if I had a return or onward ticket.  When I told them that I did not they had me sign a simple waiver that released the airlines of any responsibility for having to fly me back should I have any issues with Thai immigration, this was Jin Air.

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  4. On 11/15/2019 at 12:25 PM, PatOngo said:

    What is disturbing is people who think they can retire but can't scrape together 800,000 baht!

    Even more disturbing is comments such as this.  If one has well over 65K/mo coming in from pensions or investment distributions, WTH difference does it make how much they can "scrape together" as you term it, as to rather or not one can retire?  

  5. I lived in South Korea for the past 15 years prior to moving to Thailand this past year.  My stomach is pretty much iron clad when it comes to most things.  That said, in all my travels to Thailand over the years, there is one thing that I have positively isolated that gives me gastritis, San Mig Lite.  I drink beer all the time, found SML to be refreshing, (although not much flavor), in the heat of Thailand, and after a few days of drinking SML for beer it hits me.  Discovered this issue a few years ago and have since had zero issues even with all the shady looking Thai food my wife cooks.

  6. Yeah go to another branch.  I am American, went on a visit this past Jun/Jul, came in visa exempt for just 2 weeks.  Per instructions from the Hua Hin immigration office I had the manager of the place I was staying at write a letter that I was renting the place for 2 weeks.  I then took this letter to immigration and they then provided me with a letter that I needed to take to Bangkok Bank.  Opened an account with no issues at all to include internet and mobile banking options.  Been transferring internationally since then from my US bank, again no issues at all.

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