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Posts posted by Talltuktuk

  1. In Cambodia but asking here because I know they use the Click in Thailand. I bought my Click secondhand. It has 30k on the clock and I want to have the intake & exhaust valves checked for factory specs and adjusted if necessary. I took it to a Honda dealership and they listened to it and said it doesn’t need it. I told them I didn’t care what it sounded like, I wanted it checked for factory specs and adjusted if necessary. They then told me I needed another part (not sure what it is, see pic) to stop the noise but that it wasn’t an important part. Again I told them (using a native translator and pictures of valves being checked and adjusted) that I wanted this done. They said it was totally unnecessary and there was nothing wrong with the bike. I also told them I wanted it done with the engine cold (as is the proper way) and they told me the would do it with the engine hot. Now I understand that to them, I’m a crazy person trying to have a running bike fixed. Everyone here drives their bikes into the ground and doesn’t understand the idea of preventative maintenance. But I’m from the US and have been working on bikes and cars for a long time. I want things done the right way. I go to Honda instead of local shops because I want the bike fixed to factory standards. And usually they don’t disappoint. But today I’m literally trying to hand them business and they don’t want to do it. Any insight is appreciated, even if you’re telling me I’m crazy. 



  2. Looking for a tail rack like the one in the pic. I can’t seem to find one in Cambodia and several people have pointed me to Thailand citing the popularity of Clicks there. What would something like this cost, and is there a way to send it to Cambodia?


  3. Quick update.. Took the bike to my normal Honda dealer. The tech rode it and said everything was fine. The shudder on take-off was very aggressive and noticeable at this point. He was very dismissive like he didn’t want to do the work. That’s fine, there’s another one across the street. This tech took it all apart and I had the clutch replaced. He did a very thorough cleaning of the bell with sandpaper. It’s now like a new bike on take off but the oscillating vibration is still there. However, the frequency of the vibration has changed. Imagine this vibration like a waveform that oscillates - the waves are now further apart and wider. They didn’t have the front parts (plate and rollers) in stock but I’m going back to have these replaced soon. 

  4. 9 hours ago, alx123 said:

    I'm leaning toward a faulty clutch since the vibration usually goes away once you release the throttle. (note: The clutch disengaged once you released the throttle and you decelerate)  The mechanic probably messed it up somewhere there when they reinstalled it.


    At 26k kms, I think you should also change your rollers, your gear oil (this is not the engine oil), air filter and clutch pads.  

    I bought the bike at 24xxx, immediately took it to the dealership and had the belt, air filter, engine oil, gear oil, coolant, and spark plug changed. The bike was in really good shape for being a 2012 and I wanted to keep it that way. The mechanics were puzzled as to why anyone would have all this work done when the bike was still drivable as people don’t really do PM here. I’m going on Thursday to have the clutch looked at/repaired, I will update with the findings. 

  5. 27 minutes ago, Pdavies99 said:

    If the clutch plate does not look worn out, check for grease / dirt  / oil and clean thoroughly.  (Usually though if like that then its the bin!)  A point to note if you have been through flooding then the clutch plate is often ruined.


    Good to know. I’ve never been through flooding but I don’t know the history before I bought it. 

  6. On 7/29/2019 at 4:34 PM, Isaanbiker said:

    Check the screws that are holding the engine. 


       Check if the tires nuts/bolts are tightened up first! 


       Try rear and front bearings of your wheels if they're worn out. 


    If i put the bike on the kick stand and spin the rear wheel by hand, I can feel and hear some friction (not brake resistance, it does it with the brakes adjusted all the way out). The tech said this was normal but this is my first time dealing with a small motorbike. Should this be smooth? 

  7. 2 hours ago, Moonlover said:

    Because the vibration appears to be related to engine speed, my guess would that the engine mountings could be worn. 

    This was my first thought. If this was a car vibrating like this, my first guess would be engine mounts. If the parts are super cheap (most of them are here) I may just have it done. 

  8. 59 minutes ago, alx123 said:

    the shudder on take off is usually because of a glazed clutch linings. Did they also changed your rollers, they look worn as well. 


    change the clutch pads, rollers, if the vibration persists take a look into the clutch bearing next. 



    That makes sense. They disassembled the clutch/CVT and cleaned all the parts and put it all back together when I got a new belt. I don’t know enough about these parts to know if they were worn out or not. This was at a Honda dealership in Cambodia. In this country people drive their bikes into the ground and do the cheapest possible fix to get a few more km out of it. Perhaps that’s why the tech didn’t suggest new parts. The tech was shocked that I wanted a new belt when the old one was still in one piece (but very ragged). My mentality is preventative maintenance and fix it right the first time. I’m taking it back to them on Thursday to see what they can find. I don’t care what it costs, I want the bike to run properly. 

    As far as the clutch bearing, I had the bearing directly behind the CVT replaced - I thought this was the final drive bearing - is it different?

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  9. 2012 Click/Vario with 25k km. The bike is in overall really good shape. I’m experiencing a vibration issue and can’t figure out where it is. The vibration happens at speeds between 30km/h and 70km/h. The vibration oscillates when I maintain a certain speed. For example, I can hold the throttle at the same position and maintain a speed but the vibration oscillates up and down like a waveform. I can feel it throughout the entire bike. I’m able to tell that the oscillating vibration is almost entirely related to engine speed. The vibration disappears as soon as I let off the throttle and the engine returns to idle, regardless of how fast the bike is rolling. The bike also has a bad shudder/vibration when taking off from a dead stop. It’s had a new belt and new final drive bearing in the last 2000km. 


    I’ve posted a pic of the CVT parts when they had them apart for cleaning. I don’t know how to tell if the clutch linings are worn but it seems they have a lot less meat than new ones I’ve seen. Could this be causing problems? Any ideas?



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