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Posts posted by manitoba

  1. On 8/24/2019 at 9:04 PM, DLock said:



    My grandparents came LEGALLY to the USA. They didn't cross into the USA or overstay their tourist visa. They emigrated LEGALLY, satisfying all criteria at the time.


    These parents of "anchor" babies came illegally. It's not even close to what my ancestors "enjoyed".


    I want all immigrants to respect the entry process and do it legally. If they satisfy the criteria, then let them in. If they don't, refuse entry. If they sneak in, deport them.


    Why is that so hard to understand?

    So your grandparents were illegal immigrants, who managed to use the system to become legal immigrants. Therefore you are grandchild of one of the child's, which is not so legal immigrant. 


    You do know, that you are not a real American, don't you? When will you go back to your motherland?

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 5 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    My question is why are the EU and Ireland not working with the UK on the alternative arrangements NOW. How can we expect only 1 of the 3 parties to unilaterally come up with a plan? The UK is trying (see below), but without support from the EU / Ireland it's not easy! 


    From the ITV website: 

    The Alternative Arrangements Commission was set up earlier this year.


    - It says existing technology could be used with no need for futuristic high-tech solutions

    - It also suggests the setting up of Special Economic Zones around the Londonderry/Donegal border and around Newry/Dundalk - areas where businesses would maybe get tax    breaks to encourage growth.

    - It also recommends a Special Food Standard Zone - for the UK & Ireland - to avoid food standards and animal health checks at a hard border - but the commission acknowledges this idea would be "difficult to negotiate" because the EU and Ireland would have to agree to it.

    - The panel says mobile units for food and animal checks could operate away from the border.

    - It also acknowledges that the Northern Ireland Assembly would have to make some decisions on future arrangements.


    Not offence, but logically thinking if there is a viable alternative solution available between today and the day when UK's extension period ends - that means that the backstop never comes to an effect at all.


    The whole idea of the backstop is to make sure that there is an alternative solution implemented, so that the lives of the people in Ireland and Northern Ireland can go on. 


    Once there is an alternative solution, the backstop goes Puff into the void.

  3. On 8/17/2019 at 7:02 PM, CharlieH said:

    There is no general rule, although topics become archived after 10 years and then cannot be added to.

    If a topic is resurrected from say 5 years ago, it has to be for good reason and the added post must be relevant and add value. If it does not it will be removed and the topic returned to history.


    This of course is also all a matter of the topic concerned and current relevance.

    It is generally better to start a new topic and be current rather than raise an old topic in most instances.

    Hi all!


    Does that mean that the said topic from 5 years ago is actually a topic from 15 years ago? Otherwise it doesn't really make sense if topics become archived after 10 years. 


    Then again, how does one add post to a topic, when it has been already archived?


    I'm feeling a bit confused. 


    .. I actually wanted to ask some questions from this forum support desk, but I don't seem to find how to start a new topic. Can somebody help me with this? Thanks!

  4. Why not just get the Brexit done. It's going to happen, regardless what anybody powerless person thinks or says. 


    UK will be just fine without any connections to the Europe. Europe likewise will be just fine without any connections to the UK. 


    For the UK, EU is going to become a country like Turkey. For the EU, UK is going to become a country like Turkey. 

    It's best to get accustomed to the idea that UK and EU are going to be fully separated.

    • Like 1
  5. 40 minutes ago, 7by7 said:


    The self contradictions evident here make any further comment from me redundant.



    A plane full?


    How many people do you think fly from Norwich to Aberdeen?


    Plus, of course, commercial planes are larger, and so emit more CO2, than private jets.




    Commercial planes, which carry hundreds of people, naturally emit more CO2. Per transferred passenger, those however are more economical. 


    As aviation business is highly competitive business, it's quite easy to compare the price of one seat to another and convert that to energy used by the plane and per a person flown to the desired destination.

    • Like 1
  6. 31 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    It was a second order effect. 

    And, no, British working class folks aren't a quarter poorer. The British economy doesn't consist solely of imports.

    Let's have a fun get together in Spain with loads of dine and wine. 


    - UK folks.. uh, perhaps another time.

    - The rest of the World.. hey, that's a great idea, let's do it!


    UK people are now quite a lot poorer compared to just few years ago.

  7. 13 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    What's it like in the alternative universe you inhabit?

    Pound tumbles to 30-year low as Britain votes Brexit


    Britain did devalue the Pound, which should be really good news for the British exporters. This is exactly what some folks have been saying Italy, Greece and some other countries should have done. 


    Devaluing currency basically means lowering the local salaries compared to other countries. Thus making manufacturing cheaper as the labour costs are lowered. Good for businesses.

  8. 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Whatever it takes to speed things up at Swampy is a good thing. Not sure why they picked these nations, but it barely matters. Good on them. Just get more efficient please. Nobody wants to wait on a one hour line after finishing a 10-25 hour trip. Just do your jobs. Be competent. Man up. 

    As every important world leader or their equals, the immigration officers know; To make other people to wait for you, is a sign of significant power! 



    • Like 1
  9. On 12/13/2018 at 5:40 PM, Sheryl said:

    I (knock on wood) haven't had any problems. Just had to return 2 items, first time ever, refunded very promptly.

    When you do return items back to the seller, do you bear the costs of return fare by yourself?


    Or does the original seller or Lazada pay you back for the mailing fee?


    So do you have to pay some costs, even if a seller have sold you items, which you can't use?

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