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Posts posted by JamesH77

  1. You know I have noticed that if it has been sitting in the heat for a little while like inside a hot car for a few hours it can be A LOT MORE POTENT. But it will also get really sticky if too long.

    I was going to try old style put a bit in a spoon heat it up a bit to improve viscosity and mix it with some tobacco and smoke it.Just to compare with stuff we used to smoke in the long distant past.


  2. Oh Someone asked me this question in private about their legal shipping. You have to see them in person first to buy it that is the law they have to at least be able to evaluate your condition or conditions first. It is a real medical clinic. But once they have seen you in person and have evaluated you only then can they legally ship it to you.


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  3. If you know more about cannabis than me I would be very interested to hear what your wife has to say about it. I think she'll probably confirm what I saw with my eyes and ears and I have tried their stuff and it is really good stuff. Tell her to ask for the Cannabis oil like I showed you in a picture. But don't take too much lol [emoji16]. They should be open right now!

    My wife has just found the shop and is waiting for it to open.


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  4. In that crowded place it took me two hours to find that place because I didn't know it was on the second floor inside. It is a fully licensed and legal clinic, it really is. I was impressed with it and I really do have other sources besides them but they are cheaper in Bangkok because they are legally selling it.


    If it was illegal they would not be openly selling it in a public place with huge signs and cops just outside down stairs. Their license is on the wall to the left when you walk in just like any other conventional medical clinic. No way it is black market stuff in the open like that. In fact I might have her send me some more next week.

    My wife has just found the shop and is waiting for it to open.


    • Thanks 1
  5. That isnt even half of ehat i bought in thr picture. The cbd tea and the cbd back spray was free, but that is THC cannabis oil abd i bought a montgs worth of it. I was judt showing whst they havd there in the picture to pirobe it because people didn't believe me thst this place even existed at first. They were like no way man and i was like way dude. So i pisted some of their products in that picture lol [emoji16].

    How Much for that?


  6. I do not no anything about thc levels i yhink i am gonna fall asleep soon i just wanna say finding thr medical cannabis clinic in Bangkok has had a huge impact on my life so far at thid poiny in mu life. I am trying not to get too deep though man. It id fun writing while hi

    This just sounds weird hardly a cannabis conisseur never really smoked it but praising great thc levels......

    i agree with other poster something not right here.

    on the other hand a couple of my Thai friends have got cannabis oil on black market,have talked to them about what type but not dug any further.

    there is loads about guy was even advertising it on Facebook group I’m on,I presume it all to be cbd oil.


  7. Of course you should never drive on it. If a person has ever had THC in their system before and they actually think they will be ok to drive those people are just really dumb. If you have ever tried it not driving should go without saying, but we have the same problem with alchohol which is very bad for your body.


  8. That's why I said never drive after using THC. After using just plan on staying home in bed watching TV preferably a comedy on TV. Have A LOT OF FOOD READY AT HOME LOL. Never make any plans after using it. Typically I take it at night at home before bed but not every night no way taking it everyday would just numb my mind. I used to think exactly like you. I used to be an amazing runner I was in the US Army for 21 years and I am a retired disabled veteran. I was on 5 combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, I used to jump out of planes for years, I have been in two chopper crashes, blown up taken shrapnel, shot at you name it. I broke multiple vertebrae in my back 3 seperate times, and I have had several back surgeries and several other surgeries. I have had TBI three times as well. I deal with chronic pain, headaches, insomnia, and chronic pain from several other permanent injuries every day! And I am not even close to exaggerating. So for me medical cannabis is great, but I didn't want to tell my personal story too much. But you do have a point for a lot of people it really is just an excuse to get high, but not for me even though I do enjoy it but that is the point of using it as medicine. It is supposed to make you feel better. And it is a great alternative to opiod medications which I have had more than my share of. And the greatest thing about it I feel NO ADDICTION, I honestly can do without it if I cannot get any one month or a year or whatever the case maybe. It is not at all like opiods. Much safer. And I have no problem with recreational use either where it is legal only as long as you are not driving, carrying a weapon, or trying to do anything important. If you are gonna use it use it at home. As far as I'm concerned what someone does in their own home is their business anyway as long as they are not hurting anyone else. But I agree with you that no one should be using it in public or driving on it, but we do have the same problem with alchohol and it's legal as well and alchohol can actually be very harmful to your body unlike cannabis unless you use it everyday like crazy. Oh and don't get me started on ciggaretts compared to cannabis.


    I am sure everyone knows "that guy" who's a pot head, just don't be that guy use it when you need it only and take advantage of the good side effects like feeling happier for one thing and stay as physically active as possible and eat healthy. It really does have health benefits if used right. I am not an experienced user at all but I have been trying it long enough now to know that it is so much safer than opiods and it does not really have many negative side effects at all unless you use it too much but even then it is still pretty safe. Another thing I hated about opiod pain medications was the serious stomack problems they cause and the potential for addiction, you don't have those problems with medical cannabis at all. You don't really get addicted to it but you might want it but you don't feel like you really need it which is very different than opiods and safer. AND KIDS SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO HAVE IT! Because their brains are still developing. And I have never been a pothead or a doper. I really have not. If you knew me you would understand me better so it's cool. I really should sign off now because my THC oil is now starting to kick in for real. But consider all situations and facts, I've learned not to be judgmental of almost anyone.

    I hope they do none of this.

    Potheads/dopers are a waste and detriment to society.

    Most of the "I need my medicine" are liar scams.

    More accidents, problems, arrests.

    Very very stupid idea..


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  9. I do not think you will be disappointed at all trust me. And believe me try the THC oil it is out of this world almost litterally lol.

    I to would like to thank the original poster for this valuable information.My wife is currently in Bangkok and said she will be checking out the shop tomorrow,she tried ringing the number today but the woman answering kept hanging up.I'll give an update when my wife tells me something.


    • Thanks 1
  10. I can talk to that lady at the cannabis shop on my Line account from now on and have her send me more over night shipping legally. She is probably hanging up because I posted her phone number on here earlier and her phone is probably ringing off the hook now. I probably should not have posted her phone number in the main forum I guess. Now every foriegner in Thailand is probably calling while she is busy dealing with customers and packing packages to be sent to other customers, I saw her doing that when I was there.

    I to would like to thank the original poster for this valuable information.My wife is currently in Bangkok and said she will be checking out the shop tomorrow,she tried ringing the number today but the woman answering kept hanging up.I'll give an update when my wife tells me something.
    • Like 1
  11. "So all the good oil for health makes you high". No not necessarily the high is really good for severe chronic pain and other things because it is also safe and not chemically addictive like opiods are. That is why medical cannabis is so good because it is a very strong medication but safer without having to worry about addiction and the other problems and bad side effects that opiods cause. This stuff actually keeps me out of the hospital and I love that. It just depends on what you need medical canabbis for, 10 years ago I never would have thought about taking it because I used to be almost like a professional athlete. Some people don't need it which is good if you don't need any kind of drugs. It is never a good thing to take mind altering substances even cannabis but alchohol and ciggaretts can be very harmful. I drink a lot less these days with medical Cannabis as well.

    So is it now sure that CBD works better when mixed with THC ?

    so all the good oil for health will also make us high ?


  12. I think so because some of the free stuff they gave me was CBD only such as the CBD tea and other edibles, plus I bought a lot of THC oil. So last night for the first time I took both THC and CBD together and I got just as super high as before seeing flashy lights and stuff lol, but I think because of the CBD as well I fell asleep sooner last night after eating WAY TOO MUCH FOOD. Then I woke up at 6AM this morning and we just got home from the lake swimming because I woke up feeling good this morning with no pain and I had energy because of a great nights sleep last night. On the way to the lake I ate a whole bag of the CBD only cranberries and the CBD doesn't make me high but it does but you in a chilled out mood and you feel really happy. The THC is what makes you high just like we were always taught. In fact we just got home and I am about to take some more THC oil now like I have been doing for the last 4 nights lol. Now I totally understand all weed jokes in the movies. I loved that scene from the movie Due Date when he is really toking up in the car while Robert Downey Jr. is sleeping in the passenger seat with all the windows rolled up and locked. Then he wakes up and he's high to. But he was too high to get angry at his driver lol [emoji16]. Then he starts to hallucinate as they are driving down the freeway. That whole movie was hilarious but now I totally get that one scene when the guy is smoking weed in the car while driving with the windows rolled up and locked, now I get all the weed jokes lol.

    So is it now sure that CBD works better when mixed with THC ?

    so all the good oil for health will also make us high ?


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    • Haha 1
  13. I think you arrived too early they don't open till 12:00pm. And they close at 6pm but sounds like right place but they really do have a lot of THC oil. Try when they are open at noon.

    It is directly opposite Baiyoke Sky Tower in a 3-4 story mall called Indra mall but no signage for this. Take skytrain to Phayathai and switch to airport link for one stop Ratchaprop. Get off at Ratchaprop and walk straight to the right 2-3 streets and take a right - you will see the big Baiyoke Sky Tower on your right. indra is on your left. Very close to airport link Ratchaprop. 


    The clinic is on the second floor of this Indra mall which has lots of small shops way in back behind a lot of glass enclosure with ganga signs everywhere. Ask security if you can’t find it. They have the stuff. I could see it cbd oil etc. but the “doctor” was not in yet. 10:30 AM. If anybody scores please let us know with prices.

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