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Chung noi

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Posts posted by Chung noi

  1. I like

    1. Jok Moo in the morning.

    2. Kow Man Guy...Chicken with broth and rice.

    3. The dry sweet sausage from Isaan.

    4. Coconut ice cream with pineapple.

    5. Those cookies with pineapple jam and a 3 in 1 coffee.


  2. You can chop the chicken and mix with garlic and onions, then make chicken ball soup.

    Add your noodles with any other fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, or any leaffy veggy. little lime juice and fish sauce.

    Maybe add some bean sprouts or fried garlic? Or any other thing you like in your soup.

    Big sqirt of chile and garlic sauce.

    Wash down with a cold beer or chai manow.


  3. I love to take a dinner boat ride everytime I have a chance.

    It's always fun having a few beers on the river, while my wife orders her favorite dishes. It's amazing to me how much the city and it's lights seem to change everytime we go. Chinatown is also a good time. (Go at Night).


  4. You know getting extraited to the USA might not be a bad thing for this guy?

    Look at Oliver North and his role with the Iran-Contra scandle....He's a TV star now.

    North was a National Security Council member involved in the sale of weapons to Iran, which served to encourage the release of U.S. hostages from Lebanon. The second part of the plan was diverting proceeds from the arms sales to support the Contra rebel group in Nicaragua. North was charged with several felonies, but the charges were later dismissed in 1991. The best part of the hearing was hearing Mr. Reagan repeat over and over again "Sorry I Don't Remember"........lol.

    Currently, he is a political commentator, host of War Stories with Oliver North on Fox News Channel, and a New York Times best-selling author.

    America's Hero.


  5. Hi,

    Maybe you can look at farmer's markets or health food stores and ask if the have any wild garlic. I think that Thai garlic is a purple skinned hard neck type. Maybe an Itailan import foods store might have a differant type of garlic. Here in the USA we find many Asian veggys at the farmer's markets. Many Homong are moving to our area and they all seem to grow a garden to sell produce.

    Good luck


  6. Dude,

    The K-1 takes around 90 days to get if their are no problems. She will get a work permit stamp in her passport when she enters the USA.

    Get online to order the immigration forms by mail.


    Order a K-1 package or two. Then send the form to her or take it to her to sign. Then send the package in. However you must prove you can support her from your tax returns and both of you must have a clean background check. Once she gets it you'll have 90 days to get married once she enters the USA. It's really not that hard but you must have your ducks in a row. If the family wants a wedding, do it for show, no paperwork. From what I understand Thai-Farang divorces can really be costly to a Farang in Thailand. If the wedding is just for show with no paperwork you can still file the K-1. If you get paper you are in another boat that will take a lest 1 or 2 years maybe even 3 before she can get a Visa. Do your research, and pick what best for you.

    Try to get the faimly to take a one or two Baht gold chain for Sin Sod. I really never heard of $15,000 up front but maybe things have changed. However, you should also be prepared for all sorts of family emergencies after marriage that only your money will solve. Better get things stright from the get go or your 15k will only be a drop in the bucket compared to what you will pay. You may even get hit up for a new house or a new pickup someday. Good luck man and happy trails.


  7. Bring her to the USA on a K-1 Visa, then get married.

    It's faster and you get her here before she meets someone else that can pay the Sin Sod. That married Visa can take years to get, costing you thousands in time and money.

    Once she starts working, let her send money to the village.


  8. I always smile when a young Thai kid ask me my name....When I say chang noi they usally laugh and start singing the chang song. If it does'nt bring a smile to my face, it will bring a tear to my eye. I have found some very kind and fun people in Thailand. I love my wife's village and the people that live there. They really know how to have a good time.

    Another thing that makes me smile is when I'm in Bangkok and I see one of those small police pickups with the rollbars over the back, packed with 40 or 50 motorcycle taxi drivers. I know it's not funny but I have only seen that type of paddy wagon in Bangkok and just sort of get a kick out of it when I see one packed full. I'd hate to be in there but I do find it funny.


  9. Does any one know of a good alternative to Green Papaya for Som Tam? It's quite hard to get here, and when i can find it it's just so expensive...

    Thanks :)


    Ever hear of a rutabaga? Here is a link to a lao blog that shows a step by step. Rutabaga plok plok...lol


    I hope I have not broken a rule by posting it. It really is a good Sum Tum. We add dried shimp and peanuts to ours. However, hold the praaaa and pickled crabs in mine.......lol.

    Choke Man Choke

    Choke Dee


  10. Great stories,

    I had a Thai friend in college that liked to sing along with songs.....once I heard her singing " Everytime you go you take a piece of meat with you" instead of "Everytime you go you take a piece of me with you". I still LOL everytime I hear that song, and sing it the way she did.


  11. Hi,

    Hope you enjoy you trip. I always like to have jok moo (rice porage with pork) in the mornings. You may or may not want that with an salt egg in it.

    When walking around, keep an eye out for Thai doughnuts. You'll see a guy on the street frying them in a big wok. They look like a big "X" and are usally made right where the ol'boy is standing there cooking.

    Those fried bananas are also good. But my favorite is a kalum, sticky rice and coconut milk, roasted in a bamboo stick.

    Don't forget to try the sweet corn icecream........Have fun.


  12. If you have the time go to Koh Kret or Kred. I tell you, some of the best curries I\'ve tasted came from that island. It\'s like a small pottery village in the city but they have some very good thai resturants on there. I took a tour of the island, but you can get there by water taxi. Very very nice place to visit. Thai and Mon food and deserts. Some very cool pottery also. A few Wats to visit and see. The people are really friendly and nice.


  13. Was in Vietnam last year with my son and came across this wine outside of Hanoi.It is some HOT rocket fuel I can tell you.The snake wine that is.Not brave enough to try the lizard wine.

    LOL, I have seen it for sell but I never had the balls to drink it. As a matter of fact I'v never seen anyone take a shot. However, it is fun to look at. I never seen a batch that big before, looks like they are getting ready for a party.

  14. I was on you tube today. I was watching the video \"The Cheapest Way To Make Wine\" step #3 That dude was making wine out of star fruits. I was just wondering if anyone tried it on here.


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