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Status Updates posted by Grover

  1. Grover

    youve been a busy boy today, 146 posts.

  2. hey, im not the butler. But ive got a couple of reds buried under the bungalow if your interested...

  3. LOL I left 2 rows of Cadbury Old Gold on top of the fridge for you.

  4. aye, it works.

  5. great blog but I think it would be good if others can post comments. maybe you can enable this feature if possible ??

  6. keep up the good work John.

  7. sawadee krup took kon.... kon nee pen farang kon baa krup.

  8. ok :P lets just be mutual chocolate munching friends then

  9. this morning I ate 150gm of delicious cadbury chocolate for breakfast! give ok share ok steal grrr

  10. mmm... I love chocolate for breakfast...

  11. hi there. just passing on a message.

    The Dan Sai Kid wants to know why you added him as your friend.

    Yours Sincerely,


  12. terry, I think you are deceptively wise.

  13. guilty until proven innocent. thats my policy :) one star for you.

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