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Posts posted by ltdknowledge

  1. Most pickups have the auto option as standard. I have personally owned a Mits Triton 2wd and a 4wd. Test drove the isuzu and found it to much like a commercial vehicle.

    The toyota 2wd or 4wd is the best in my opinion. The new mazda looks quite nice to, but have no experience on this.

  2. probably before i moved into my apt, the building sprayed some toxic stuff in the room... but slowly over time (ie 18 months), there have been an increasing number of roaches. especially in the last 5 months or so.

    i dont much like sprays or bug bombs, just gets poison everywhere.

    can anyone recommend a product --- perhaps a poison bait they would eat? or a trap of some kind?

    ive looked at a few stores but the range of product choices had been limited..... any recommendation for a store with a wide selection?


    I found that Softsoap hand wash,the anti-bacterea type kills them within seconds. The room i was staying in had two big ones in the bathroom. I squirted the soap at them as i was little drunk. I was amazed to see them drop like stones. I left them there until the morning just to make sure. They were dead allright.

    128Bt from watersons i think.

  3. I never have any problems browsing. Even when mine is down i can hook up to someones wireless network. In BKK i have never been without the interent. I don't know why i bother paying for the service as i can get it free 90% of the time.

  4. How much does she weigh?

    I know many overweight people who have had knee surgery.

    Also what kind of surgery, is it a total knee replacement or merely corrective surgery?

    It's total replacement. As for here weight i would geuss at 180lbs, shes 5.5ft.

  5. Fortuner drivers or any other 4x4 drivers with snorkel air filters that just drive around the city need bashing, why on earth is this the latest fasion accessory for those who have never taken there cars off road.

  6. Hi

    My mother requires knee surgery but has been refused by the national health service in the UK because she is over weight. The alternative is to pay private at a cost of around 10k. I have suggested to her to come here to Thailand as it is much cheaper and the surgeons are apparently very good. She can afford to have it done both here and the UK but she is concerend that her weight will have an opossite affect on the surgery. She is in a catch 22 position as she can't get around witthout the use of a motorised scooter, and if she has the work done feels it isn't going to be worth it.

    She isn't over weight due to over indulgence of food, it's just that her age of 63 and the knee problems prevent her from doing much, she does go swimming occasionally however. I have suggested that if she did undertake the operation that it might inspire her to get moving around, which inturn will reduce her weight. Is this a good idea.

    Your recommendations for a surgeon/hospital would be appreciated.

    Many Thanks.

  7. I few days i posted that o lost my bar to my GF thinking i was being ripped off. I have my bar back now as the land owners sempt to take pity on me for some reason.

    It appears that we have been involved with some very jealous Thai people around us that have been spreading rumours to break us up for some reason. My girlfriend was told that i was sleeping around with other girls which is not true. Paying someone for sex doesn't do it for me. In retaliation of this my GF was dating another man. One night my GF phoned me to talk so we met at a bar. She told me that she loved me and vice versa, and that she can't understand what has happened. That night we spent the night together at a bungalow i was renting. The morning after the owners of the bugalow phoned the neighbours up at our bar where my GF was staying and told them i was sleeping with many girls, the neighbours were also spreading B/S to the owners where i was staying. Incidentally the owners asked i would marry her sister. As my GF new this was a lie as it was her who spent 2 night over the course of the week with me confronted them, and all hel_l broke loose.

    Why would someone do this. We are both good looking and show a lot of attention to each other, and are of similar age. Is this something for them to be jealous of as i see so many younger older relationships. We have never said anything to offened anyone while being here so i don't understand.

    Our relationship as been very rocky over the last 12 months but we do love each other.

    Anyway, please don't boycott my bar. If you happen to be on Koh Chang pop in and mention TV and i'll give you a free pint. <snip>

    Admins. You closed the other thread so ive started new as some people wanted to find out what the outcome was.

  8. First of all my GF was not a bar girl, although you could say she is now. She was married at 18 to a UK man of 45. The relationship didn't work out. We met and i tried to get a visa for her which cost alot of money and failed. By this time we had lved together for some time and we made the decision to move here. Our relationship has not been perfect, there has been many ups and downs but i have always loved her and her son, i still do. Our relatrionship was a breaking point December 06. In the first post i mentioned that after the bar was completed she was very different towards me. When she made the comment about going back to the UK and that she might possibly meet another man as she can't predict the future, this made me feel very low and insecure. After a few days of blanking each other i said to her that we must talk. I gave her some options that might work for us. The first her and her sister should return home and we sell the business, the second was the we split but run the business as partners and the third was to work at our relationship. She went straight to the owner of the land and told her that i want her to go, she only heard what she wanted to here.

    Before we set the bar up we had a short split back in December, i'm talking 2 or 3 days. I came to Koh Chang as we had previously looked at this bar as i still wanted to go ahead with it despite our short split. I could have got any Thai girl to run this with me but i didn't. I sat their in my hotel room thinking how much i missed her and her son, and that if i did this it should be with her and not anyone else. When i phoned her she aggreed that this might help us as previously we were just sitting around in Bangkok. One market is just like the rest! Now im in this mess.

    As for paper work my name is on the rental aggreement with a 3 year contract, the first year paid in full The business at the time wasn't registered, as soon as i was forced to leave she registered it at the police station? The policemen who drinks in the opposite bar told her to do that.

    I have most but not all the receipts for materials. Tiles, water pump etc, and i also have documentation of bank transfers into her account from my UK bank. This is as much as i have.

    If no one can help me legaly, my website Rock Salt Cafe hint hint will be dedicated to that bar, no doubt she will change the name but i haver pictures of location. I'm not normaly a vindictive peson, but the amount of work i put into that and the trust that was broken bothers me, not the money. I hav enough money to pay for a good lawyer, if i don't get anything back i hope it will xcost her in legal fees in the meantime.

    I am not perfect, i sometimes say things the wrong way, but i have never set out to deliberatly hurt her. This to me is nothing more than theft. I could tell you the whole story from when i met her in the uk and i'm sure some would like to read for entertainment.

    Anyway like i said. the website when launched will be Rock Salt Cafe.com Sorry rocksaltcafe.com I believe the bar was previously called My Bar and had a reputation for the girls, something i wanted to avoid.

    With regards to not mentioning the bar, i wasn't sure if TV would be happy with that. After all i could be competitor.

  9. Thanks for the replies. The police here are very biased, especially when they see this innocent woman with her 3 year old child. I have already been ganged upon by the bar next door and the police who frequents it. She is also threatening me by saying she can have anything done to me if she wishes. I'm hoping Sunbelt after speaking to them can help.

  10. I'm not sure how this is going to fair with the moderators but here goes. First of all a warning. If you want to set a business up please use Sunbelt Asian or similar as i have been well and truley stung. I read on here many times about similar things and i just think what a fool, now i am the fool. I made an appointment to see Sunbelt with regards to setting a business up. After a coffee with my girlfriend, she convinced me that the money is a waste and that it could go on the bar, big mistake.

    I started a bar in in Kai Bae, name i shall not mention as TV may not be comfortable with this, so pm me if you wish to know. I worked on this project myself, starting a 6am, and somtimes finishing at 12am, the bar looked great completely different to all the other bars on the island, many customers commented on that. I paid for everyhting in there, pool table, lights, tiles, rental you name it i paid for everything. As soon as the bar is up and running my girlfriend changes her attiude towards me. She formed a few thai friends and when i spoke to her there was no eye contact, half way through a conversation a thai friend would shout her and she would walk away as though i was worthless before the conversation had ended. This obviously made me feel uncomfortable and developed some friction between us. The turning point was when she made a comment about the quite season, and that i may have to return to the UK for work, in the same sentance she said "because we don't know what might happen in the future, i might meet another man, you might meet another woman" This obviously made me feel very uncomfortable baring in mind all the money i had just spent. I asked her why she said such a thing, she just blanked me. This led to a few days of ignoring each other until finaly i said we need to come to some arrangement. She didn't like any of the suggestions, phoned the owner of the land and i have since been removed and threatened by the police. I have done nothing wrong. The rental aggrement is in both our names but that is it. I met her in the UK over 2 years ago after she split with her husband, and i though this was genuine relationship. I feel that this has been her plan from the start. I don't know what to do now as i gave my business up to be here with her, paying for her house in Bangkok, a new car and so on, all of which i have lost. I'm the fool.

  11. I few people including myself asked where to buy pool tables. Having looked around at a few, sovereign and others, i found here to be the best for price and quality. I tried my friends sovereign and that snooker services were better. Cost 50k with custom colour.

    http://snookservice.com/ (Pattaya)

  12. Hello

    I need a VGA to composite output, however at the composite end i need a minimum of 4 outputs.

    The VGA output is from a PC, this then needs to run four 7-10" LCD TVs for graphic and display perpose.

    I know i could buy a single output convertor and then re-convert to RF and use a simple RF distribution system, but this sometimes spoils the picture in my experience.

    I haven't tried Pen Tip as yet.


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