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Posts posted by chicagogato

  1. Okay. Since you say you'd appreciate other views, I'll bite.

    Pac just woke up from being put to sleep by Wan Manuel Marquez, a terrific boxer whom FM beat with no problem. Floyd won every round and made WMM look like an armature. Floyd does everything better than Marquez. It is not logical to think that Maywether is afraid on Pac.

    Pac beat Rios, a guy that was tough but tailor made for his style of fighting. He got a chance to relive the day he beat up on Margarito, another slow, come forward brawler. To put him in with a pure boxer like Floyd would be the end of Bob Arum's gravy train. Pac doesn't decide who he fights. He has a boss and his name is Bob.

    You say Mayweather has been running from Pac but what about the original offer to fight for a 50 50 purse. Pac got everything he wanted in negotiations. Floyd wanted 1 thing and Arum refused. Said Pac's afraid of needles. Now he's supposedly willing to take the test that he wouldn't take then because his shelf life is almost up and Arum knows it.

    If the fight happened I'd watch it. But if it doesn't I don't care much. I don't want to see the little fella get beat down. He seems to be a nice guy. But that's another story.

    • Like 2
  2. This was the most disgusting and ludicrous decision I have ever seen. Absolutely scandalous. Even Bradley knew he lost.

    Will I ever watch boxing again?????

    dear oh ****ing dear..............................

    I completely agree! It's almost as disgusting as the decision in favor of Pac in his last fight with WMM.
  3. I say it will happen in the fall if not in May.

    January 12, 2012 floydmayweather2.jpg


    By Rob Soucy

    In my opinion, there should be no debate as to who the most talented boxer in the world is. Love him or hate him, Floyd Mayweather Jr. holds that mantle in my eyes. Some favor Manny Pacquiao to beat Mayweather if the two men eventually agree to fight. Others feel that middleweight Sergio Martinez is the biggest threat to the unbeaten Mayweather. Pacquiao has had questions raised over the legitimacy of his increased explosiveness as his career progressed. For example, Mayweather, along with his team, have stated publicly that Pacquiao’s recent display of explosive power seems unnatural. Pacquiao’s third fight with Mexican star Juan Manuel Marquez was void of one circumstance that the first two had produced, a Pacquiao knockdown. Not only did the Filipino star not record a knockdown, but he failed to hurt Marquez in a fight that Pacquiao officially won but many believe he should have lost. The debate will continue as to whether Pacquiao is or was using performance enhancers, but if he did come off them for the Marquez fight, it showed.

    Mayweather is on a different level, talent wise, from every other fighter on the planet, including Pacquiao. The defensive wizardry that Mayweather possesses is almost impenetrable. His reflexes and hand speed are astounding, even as he is about to turn 34. Almost as mind boggling as his defensive skills is his accuracy, as it is almost common to see Floyd land 40% of his power shots in any given round against any opponent. He is also one of, if not the smartest fighter in the world over the duration of a three minute round. His conditioning is second to none, quite possibly the most superbly conditioned athlete in the world come fight night.

    So is Mayweather beatable? The short answer is NO, surely not by any fighter currently campaigning at 154 lbs or below. Especially not if contract demands for random blood testing throughout training camp are met. All indications are that Floyd will require such of all potential opponents.

    Then what will it take to beat Mayweather, you ask? I say…..

    1. The jab of a prime Oscar De La Hoya.

    2. The fast hands of Amir Khan.

    3. The ring savvy of Bernard Hopkins.

    4. The explosive two-fisted power of Felix Trinidad.

    5. The body attack of Julio Cesar Chavez Sr.

    6. Last but not least, the conditioning of well, Floyd himself!

    The opinion here is that blending the skills of at least four future Hall of Fame fighters might provide the ingredients for a Mayweather defeat! Until then, Floyd will rule the sport from 154 lbs down and should grace the top of P4P lists. Other than Pacquaio, the name most mentioned as an opponent for Floyd on May 5th is Saul ”Canelo” Alvarez. The young Mexican 154 lb title holder is a good fighter but is Golden Boy willing to potentially ruin is career by feeding him to Mayweather? The build up to the fight would undoubtedly generate a ton of excitement. However, it would be a complete mismatch from the opening bell to whenever the Alvarez corner were to throw in the towel.

    Floyd Mayweather Jr. needs to put an exclamation point on his already brilliant career by facing and defeating Manny Pacquiao. This soap opera of who is calling out who, and who really wants the fight needs to stop. Mayweather, Leonard Ellerbe, and Al Haymon saw what they needed to see in Pacquiao’s last fight. The lackluster performance has convinced the “Money” team that a “clean” Manny Pacquiao poses little threat to what seems to be most important to Floyd, his perfect record. For Mayweather, the reward has now exceeded the risk. The Pacquiao side may or may not have a secret that they are keeping from the rest of boxing. For Top Rank and Bob Arum, matching Pacquiao with one more fighter that poses much less risk to the Pacman than Floyd is probably in the cards. For the fight to keep it’s mega status it will need to happen in 2012. If not on May 5th, November is a must.

    Whether in the spring or in the fall, Floyd Mayweather will soundly defeat Manny Pacquiao. At that point, the only fight left for Floyd, is a 155 lb challenge of Sergio Martinez for the Middleweight Championship of the world. Once successful, Floyd will retire undefeated, as well as the linear middleweight champion of the world, and one of the sports all time greats!

    Send questions and comments to: [email protected]

  4. I think Pacman got VERY lucky last time out; not sure if he would want to line up part IV and see the if the judges would rob Maquez again>??!

    But like you say, that's what his promoter has in mind most likely...Mayweather is a 'flawed individual' (must hold tongue and leave it at this) outside the ring, but looking at the videos of him training, he is simply a boxing machine and probably can figure something out to keep his hand in the game while he's put away; he's not like Tyson looking at 3+ years.

    Looking at the details, I think Pacquio would need to come up with a few new gimmicks to confuse Floyd to get inside his range, otherwise he's going to be wearing jabs and counterpunches the entire evening, and Pacman is at a guess giving up a little reach, not a lot but some. And when he gets inside, then it will be like trying to catch an eel in boxing gloves to land anything. If it's like the inside fighting against Marquez, I think Pacman will really struggle, Floyd Mayweather is way too slick to get hit with what we saw last month. Or maybe he'll try fighting from the outside...seems to be a bit counter to the way he's developed from a swarming sort of brawler to what we see now a brawler verging on boxer/puncher who is often on the inside simply due to size.

    The idea that Mayweather will struggle against a lefty...after 2 rounds he totally had the measure of Ortiz, Pacman's a bit more polished and packs a bit more of a punch in his power punches and has (now) nice lateral movement especially after a flurry he's quick to get back out of range...but like I said...it will be similar to catching an eel on the inside.

    Everyone I know thinks Mayweather will get cleaned out. As I like counterpunchers and southpaws, I'm split; can't see it strongly one way or the other to be honest; probably would get into the late rounds which is when counterpunchers often win through sheer frustrating their opponents, and getting better and better reads on them to clock them as we saw with Hatton and Mosley, neither of whom quite matched the intensity, speed and overall package of Pacman if he's like he was 2+ fights ago - I still think if he shows up as he did in Marquez III Pacman will find it dam_n tough.

    I'd almost consider flying over to watch Pacquiao Mayweather...has the makings of fight of the decade all over it.

    Agree with everything you say. But, I can't sit on the fence. I see Pac getting "Cleaned out." FM does everything better than WMM and he's bigger. I have seen absolutely nothing from Pac's previous performances that even gives me reason to believe Pac beats FM. He couldn't handle a 38 year old WMM.

  5. ok chica.you win on points but it was close :blink: what about froch vs ward any predictions?

    I see there is another thread open about this fight. I was going to post this there but since you asked for my prediction here it is:

    I may be wrong but I don't think Andre Ward has lost a fight since he was 13 years old. As a pro he's only fought top fighters like Allan Green, Edison Miranda, Mikkel Kessler. No catch weight or weight drained fighters. He's good at changing up his stance and really good at fighting on the inside and has good defense.

    Carl Froch has gotten better through the super six. His heart got him through the fight with Dirrell and the other guy he knocked out, can't think of his name right now, but they were both out boxing him throughout their matches. After that he lost to Kessler who Ward beat, but again showed a lot of heart throughout the match.

    Froch has said has that he will walk through Ward’s punching power and he will out box Ward and possibly knock him out late. I think Froch is underestimating Ward's power and boxing skills.

    Froch will try to fight from a distance and Ward will box and get inside and and land the more telling blows. I Don’t think that Froch can out box Ward. I do think it will be a good fight and would not be surprised if it goes either way.

    My prediction is Ward by late TKO or UD.

  6. I doubt the fight will live up to its hype.....two fighters past their prime and focused on the money

    I see the fight ending on a foul such as low blow, headbutt, or maybe a tyson style ear chomp who knows

    then everyone will get sucked in for the rematch......

    PT Barnum would have loved this...

    It's just a case of "styles make fights". Nothing to do with their age.

    It is also a case of a large number of people wanting to see the loud mouth self proclaimed greatest boxer of all time get knocked out. Pac has been built up as the fighter that can do just that. Add to the mix a vast majority of "new' boxing fans who know little about the sport other than what pac has done over the last few years and it's easy to see why so many people want to see this fight. Mayweather will be laughing all the way to the bank because a lot of people will pay to see him lose and he knows it.

  7. where is the insults? 95 posts in 5years havent had much to talk about have you.do you work for a packing co?:whistling:

    Okay... here you go again. First I must be Peterson's brother now you're asking me if I work for a packing company. What the h*ll are you on about and what does that have to do with the Peterson Khan match up? I couldn't care less who your brother is or where you work. Why are you coming at me like this? Is it because I pointed out that other people feel like Khan is not as skilled as some of his fan think? Including you? Why don't you talk about that and stop trying to get into a keyboard brawl?

    True, I haven't had much to say on TV forums in 5 years but when I have something to say I say it! One thing is for certain, I can, read which is something you seem have trouble with since you couldn't recognize the fact that I posted an article from a boxing website even though it says "FROM BOXING 24" at the top of the page.

    2011/04/08 is when you joined TV. You seem to have had a lot to say in a very short time with, what, over 900 posts? obviously your post count can't make up for your lack of a boxing IQ.

    I read a lot of boxing websites and Boxing 24 is just 1 of them. Name me one website that did not run an article saying Khan lost or he deserved to. Ever one of the sites I read are running similar articles about A MERE CON. Granted there are a fair share of others who feel your boy was done wrong. However, Yesterday Hatton and Froch said the right guy won and they're his countrymen.

    Do I work for a packing company??? Fella, you'd be very surprised if I told you my line of work. Believe it!

  8. From Boxing News 24

    Khan pushed Peterson 50 times last Saturday and only lost two points

    By Scott Gilfoid: For the Amir Khan fans who felt that referee Joe Cooper was victimizing Khan for taking two points away from him for pushing Lamont Peterson last Saturday night, someone has gone to the trouble of putting together a Youtube video showing all of the instances where Khan pushed Peterson in the fight and the final total of Khan's pushes came to a whopping total of 50.

    LOOK HERE ——> (


    Yes, 50 instances where Khan gave Peterson a hard shove. Since pushing is illegal boxing, as it gives a fighter an unfair advantage over his opponent, even one push is one too many.

    I've included the link to the Youtube video for boxing fans interested in seeing for themselves Khan breaking the rules shoving Peterson around the ring like he was a little bull instead of a boxer. After I watched the video, I was sickened by what I saw. It wasn't boxing that Khan was doing, it was someone trying to prevent a fight.

    You could clearly hear referee Joe Cooper tell Khan "This is your last warning" shortly before taking away the 1st point for pushing in the 7th round. At that point, Khan had already pushed Peterson 18 times in the fight. The criticism after the fight by the HBO talking heads is that Cooper had failed to clearly give Khan a final warning before taking off the point, but you can sure here Copper say to Khan that his is last warning. It's disappointing to see HBO miss things like this because they're supposed to be professionals, right?

    Khan looked scared at times and towards the end of the fight, he just looked exhausted from Peterson's pressure. The pushing video didn't included Khan's constant headlocks and his grabbing Peterson around the head and pulling him forward. Those fouls would no doubt bring Khan's foul total much, much higher where we could in theory have seen as many as 100 fouls from Khan last Saturday night.

    Since Khan only lost a mere two points for all his fouling, I think he got a pretty good deal out of the fight, don't you? Khan got away with a bogus knockdown in the 1st, which was a slip rather a legitimate knockdown. And then he got away with shoving, pulling down on Peterson's head and wrapping him in head locks for pretty much the entire fight. Let's look at it this way: What would have happened had Khan not used any of those fouls?

    I think he would have been knocked out. I mean he lost anyway, but I think those fouls ultimately were a crutch to save Khan from being knocked out, because he had no inside game. So the fouling – shoving, headlocks and pulling down on the head of Peterson – were the equivalent of a crutch for someone who didn't have the skills to beat this guy with his vastly superior inside game.

    100 fouls and no disqualification,1knock down in the first,what about the other one,i wonder what the punches landed count was,you got to be peterson's brother B)

    Nope. Not Peterson's brother. Just a cat who watched the fight you evidently missed. But you did watch the vid and you're still talking crap when the fouls are right there in plain view. You must be the guy who buys Khan's panties.

    You want to talk about the fight let's get at it. I love boxing. All I did was post a video without any comment. You want to defend A Mere Con's performance against Peterson I'd love to hear it. But don't try to be insulting because I'm pretty good at that too.

  9. From Boxing News 24

    Khan pushed Peterson 50 times last Saturday and only lost two points

    By Scott Gilfoid: For the Amir Khan fans who felt that referee Joe Cooper was victimizing Khan for taking two points away from him for pushing Lamont Peterson last Saturday night, someone has gone to the trouble of putting together a Youtube video showing all of the instances where Khan pushed Peterson in the fight and the final total of Khan’s pushes came to a whopping total of 50.

    LOOK HERE ——> (


    Yes, 50 instances where Khan gave Peterson a hard shove. Since pushing is illegal boxing, as it gives a fighter an unfair advantage over his opponent, even one push is one too many.

    I’ve included the link to the Youtube video for boxing fans interested in seeing for themselves Khan breaking the rules shoving Peterson around the ring like he was a little bull instead of a boxer. After I watched the video, I was sickened by what I saw. It wasn’t boxing that Khan was doing, it was someone trying to prevent a fight.

    You could clearly hear referee Joe Cooper tell Khan “This is your last warning” shortly before taking away the 1st point for pushing in the 7th round. At that point, Khan had already pushed Peterson 18 times in the fight. The criticism after the fight by the HBO talking heads is that Cooper had failed to clearly give Khan a final warning before taking off the point, but you can sure here Copper say to Khan that his is last warning. It’s disappointing to see HBO miss things like this because they’re supposed to be professionals, right?

    Khan looked scared at times and towards the end of the fight, he just looked exhausted from Peterson’s pressure. The pushing video didn’t included Khan’s constant headlocks and his grabbing Peterson around the head and pulling him forward. Those fouls would no doubt bring Khan’s foul total much, much higher where we could in theory have seen as many as 100 fouls from Khan last Saturday night.

    Since Khan only lost a mere two points for all his fouling, I think he got a pretty good deal out of the fight, don’t you? Khan got away with a bogus knockdown in the 1st, which was a slip rather a legitimate knockdown. And then he got away with shoving, pulling down on Peterson’s head and wrapping him in head locks for pretty much the entire fight. Let’s look at it this way: What would have happened had Khan not used any of those fouls?

    I think he would have been knocked out. I mean he lost anyway, but I think those fouls ultimately were a crutch to save Khan from being knocked out, because he had no inside game. So the fouling – shoving, headlocks and pulling down on the head of Peterson – were the equivalent of a crutch for someone who didn’t have the skills to beat this guy with his vastly superior inside game.

  10. In answer to your query: Yes, I have had success after having a compressive injury to the lower back. I was a volunteer fireman responding to a fire call. As I lifted the 14' door just about neck high, the entire counterbalance system separated from the roof so that the weight of the door which was probably about 35lbs, increased suddenly to about 300lbs. This lead to chronic sciatica probably due to lumbar disk herniation which mostly resolved. Today, now 30+ years later I find that two factors or necessary for relief. The first (which will be of no use to you) is that at <180lbs I have no symptoms. At 200lbs I cannot sleep through the night without anti-inflammatory medication. (NSAID's) I have also found that between 180-200lbs that performing the standing hamstring stretch, done correctly (the image that Fishenough shows should include an arrow indicating that the foot must be held back and not be allowed to extend forward. (The written text for this image probably tells this). I find that if I perform this exercise three times a day properly (good form, stretch for 20-30 seconds, then relax, and stretch again, for three times; requiring about 4 minutes) this helps me immensely.

    What I find interesting is that you mention that taking an anti-inflammatory + a muscle relaxer gives you a 70% reduction in pain in less than an hour. Since both meds have an onset of action of less than one hour we don't know if the relief is related to muscle relaxation, reduction of inflammation or both.

    Therefore I might suggest that you try the muscle relaxer, be it Skelaxin, Flexeril, Soma or whatever without the NSAID (naprosyn or ibuprofin) and see if you gain relief. Then the next day try NSAID without the muscle relaxer. This might give you some insight. If the NSAID alone gives you this relief then stretches may not offer you much help. However if the muscle relaxer alone works to give you this relief I would suggest that you focus on stretches because if so, the problem is likely to be the muscle spasm. Consider that if one side of the back spasms a bit more than the other side, the vertebrae may be pulled sideways thus impinging upon one of the root nerves causing both inflammation and pain.

    Regarding the discussion about what the MD saw with the radiograph my answer is that most likely he saw nothing at all. Patients do not like hearing "I see nothing wrong." Therefore doctors often respond with the better perceived bedside manner answer of "I see nothing that warrants surgery." It is a rare doctor who tells the whole truth--and often they are disliked, though often they are the best.

    CT (Computerized Tomography) or MRI specifically MRN (Magnetic resonance neurography) will diagnose sciatica in about 95% of cases. But I must wonder if you suffer from sciatica since you do not tell us what the pain feels like and where you feel it. For instance vacationman describes his pain which identifies sciatic pain an comments about "removed the billffold from the back pocket." His description indicates likely sciatica with the possibility of Piriformis syndrome. About 15% of people have the sciatic nerve run through the Piriformis muscle, had he such symptoms without a prior back injury he may have no back injury but a primary Piriformis syndrome--removing the wallet relieves some pressure on the muscle which relieves pressure upon the large sciatic nerve. In this case since he says he had an injury it is likely that he has sciatica aggravated by nerve placement in the Piriformis muscle, and for him the Piriformis stretch and Extension exercises might offer some relief.

    Do you develop pain in the butt, or along the thigh or elsewhere in the leg? If so it is likely that you have sciatica, if not then you probably do not have traditional sciatica.

    One thing I hear from you which is a bit unique is that bending forward from the waist initiates the pain, if you have this pain without pain radiating to the buttocks and legs I would wonder if there is a possibility that you are feeling referred pain from a damaged facet joint.

    Lower back pain is exceedingly frustrating, as an Occupational Health RN I have seen enough cases to realize a few things and these are simply my opinion, for I am not a medical practitioner and so ultimately advice must be sought from a practitioner, yet I will only share my thoughts.

    First is surgery should be a last resort--period. Statistically though surgery often has a good one year relief rate, out to four or more years farther, the success rate in pain relief often drops to zero. Statistically cortisone injections do not show long lasting relief either. (Though I am not sure this is the case if it as a facet injury and there I might suggest that the patient ask the practitioner about iontophoresis instead of an injection. (Iontophoresis drives cortisone in by a minute electrical charge--literally the bandage which has the cortisone in it has a tiny battery). Spinal manipulation shows some benefits but again statistically the case is not strong. It is exceedingly frustrating to realize that in fact, when using a statistical database--nothing other than time (which has already passed for you, meaning that if your body could cure it, it would have done so long ago) is of statistical benefit.

    After an acute injury involving lumbar disk herniation about 90% resolve spontaneously. Doctors know this and so often they seem to prescribe something which may or may not help but the real goal is to get you off their backs till the 90% resolve on its own. But what I have often seen is that during the acute period the sufferer will "guard" the back, and in a month or so, in some cases perhaps the muscles weaken or atrophy. This often leads to muscle spasms which lead to back pain which leads to more guarding which leads to tighter lower body muscles, thus increasing tension in the lower back leading to more spasm. You work out regularly yet you may unknowingly be guarding certain muscles.

    If you were a worker that came to me with this issue I would ask you to (very gently--no pain) bend over and see how close you can come to touching your toes. If you can only get your hands down to your ankles than moe666's comment likely holds true and I would suggest that you work diligently on loosening your hamstring and buttock muscles (all the muscles of the back of the lower leg). I'd recommend diligent 4x@day standing hamstring stretches.

    If however you can easily touch your toes the standing hamstring stretches is unlikely to help so I might suggest the others that are shown especially the extension (if it causes no pain). I'd also try to get you (remember these are Workmans' Compensation cases) some physical therapy sessions to see if that helps.

    Again these are just thoughts and you should rely on a medical practitioner to decide what to do, but I hope that some of these thoughts might be helpful.


    By Ben Thompson | November 27, 2011



    As I said yesterday, you'll get dizzy wondering what to believe.

    This confirms exactly the opposite of what your links did a few days ago.

    Mayweather - negotiations

    Philboxing.....If you want verifiable links with reporting you need to go elsewhere.

    "This confirms exactly the opposite of what your links did a few days ago."

    Yeah. Sort of like you Huh? You know a thing or 2 about confirming the opposite. Don't you?

    "You told the other guy on here you had WMM ahead and winning the fight. Now you tell me to go and rewatch the fight because Pac won. You ought to keep better track of all the bullsh*t you spout on web forms fella."



  12. . You ought to keep better track of all the bullsh*t you spout on web forms fella.

    Surely you're the one spouting here, fella. We cannot go any further if you cannot keep the replies civil. You had some good points amongst the nonsense, but your offensive posting style is spoiling it.

    If you disagree with a comment, say so without the obscenities.

    You don't like my style of writing don't respond to it. Simple as that. That's not too hard for you to fathom is it? And while we are on fathoming, how the he*l do you know what poverty I've ever seen in my life. You admitted that you cant read minds or see the future a comment or 2 back. Now you're at it again. You're too busy with the oneupmanship game to see how offensive you can be yourself. Now you're trying to take the high road on the sly. Can't have it both ways. Grow up why don't ya?

  13. You're dam n right Top Rank AKA Bob Arum is in control of the little fella! He can't speak for himself. Can't make any decisions on his own. He can't even hire an outside accounting firm to look into his affairs unless uncle Bob gives the okay. He tried and got put back in his place real quick. Uncle Bob gave him a Ferrari instead so it would look like he doesn't have money problems. If it were up to Pac I believe he would have fought Floyd a long time ago. He would have lost but he would have taken the test and took the fight. That is if he's clean.

    I don't know if the judges were paid off or not but I do know that uncle Bob has been brought up on charges for that sort of behavior in the past. And Pac didn't play down sh*t with his performance. He just got his ass kicked plain and simple. I'm scared for pac cause Floyd will kill the little fella if they ever fight.

    Pacquiao has zero education brought up in dirt poor conditions that you couldn't even fathom. No matter what you think of Bob Arum, he made Pacquiao into a star. It's a win-win situation.

    Mayweather can't kill his opponents. He just makes them dizzy running around in circles trying to catch him.

    You think Bob Arum gave him a Ferrari? Really? Where's your evidence?

    ..and stop dreaming. Last thing I saw Pacquiao won the fight. If you think he got his ass kicked I suggest you download the fight and watch it again.

    Are you British? They hate him over there - haven't forgiven him for flooring Hatton.

    Pac was poor. So what? He's not the first boxer to come up poor. He's made some money now but not as much as he could be making if he was his own man. A win win situation. That's ok for you to say. You're not the one missing out on a few extra millions because of a piece of work manager like Arum.

    When was the last fight that Floyd was on his bicycle? Seems to me he stood in there and traded in his last few fights.

    I don't have any evidence that uncle Bob gave him the car but I do know that Pac had to get an advance on his pay before he fought WMM and he's being sued by the accounting firm he hired to investigate his business contracts with uncle Bob because he didn/couldn't pay. Doesn't sound like the opportune time to purchase a Ferrari to me.

    You told the other guy on here you had WMM ahead and winning the fight. Now you tell me to go and rewatch the fight because Pac won. You ought to keep better track of all the bullsh*t you spout on web forms fella.

    I don't care what your nationality is. Why do you care about mine.

  14. Mayweather has always been willing to beat Manny up and today you saw why. "The veil has been lifted."


    I read the article. And you said you saw why. Can you be more specific why? Mayweather has always been scared to tarnish his perfect record. Any professional boxer knows an opponent's performance is only part of his calibre. It's the boxer's style and ring habits that makes him dangerous. This is the main reason why Mayweather's scared to face Pacquiao. Boxing analysts have repeated now and again that Manny is made for Mayweather. Remember Hatton. The reason why the Marquez Pacquiao fight wasn't too exciting is because of Marquez defensive style. He knows how to keep Manny at a distance or else Manny'll be connecting shots and defeat him. This has always been the same since their second fight. That's also the reason why Pac was reported to have been training extra hard and early for this fight. Marquez is a wall. Manny's lucky he landed more punches than Marq. But we clearly saw Marq's power punches were cleaner. But there weren't enough numbers to get him a win. This is the problem with counter-punching. And freakin Nacho as well. Nevertheless, despite yesterday's fight having "fun" or not, a Pacquiao victory has been thought to be leading to Mayweather finally stepping in.

    Be more specific? Are you fukin kidding? You said you read the article. Evidently I agree with what was said in it or I would not have posted the link.

    What kind of snow job are you putting up here? "The Marquez Pacquiao fight wasn't too exciting." I guess not if you don't like boxing. Marquez is one of the greatest boxers still fighting today. If it wasn't too exciting for you it's because you were watching your boy get schooled. Good boxing beats slugging almost any day of the week. "He knows how to keep Manny at a distance or else Manny'll be connecting shots and defeat him." It's called boxing son. 101 BOXING to be "specific." You need to GTFO wit this lame reasoning. Floyd boxed the sh*t out of Marquez when WMM was 36. Marquez didn't win 1 round against Floyd. Pac couldn't handle him at 38. If Pac has trouble with WMM counter punching what will the best counter puncher in the business do to the guy?

    Specifics? Why don't you give some? Try answering the other guys question? Who has Pac beat since moving to WW that wasn't, coming off a loss, old, weight drained, or given a chance to win? Has he fought the number 1 or # 2 contender? Has he won a title that wasn't vacant or at a catch weight? Be specific why don't ya?

  15. This Pacman gets the daylights beaten out of him by Mayweather!

    Do you mean Mayweather will finally have the courage to face him? If people think the way you do, the value of that fight will have diminished significantly and Money Mayweather will be making a lot less money.

    Pacquiao vs Mayweather has always had "snoozefest" written all over it.

    The value of the fight everyone wants to see has already been "diminished significantly" and Mayweather had nothing to do with it. But people will still buy it for different reasons.

    This fight proves one things, Manny has not evolved into this great elite fighter. He was just protected and well matched up. I really don't think a Manny/Mayweather fight is going to happen until Bob Arum says it's okay.

    You feel Money is scared of Pac. Okay. Thats your opinion. But Manny and Top Rank's game got exposed, simple as that.

    So,you can predict the future now? That makes sense since you seem to know how Manny feels and what he thinks at any given time. May will make a lot less money? Guess you will have to just wait and see. It's not your money. Why bother about it?

    "Pacquiao vs Mayweather has always had "snoozefest" written all over it." You think it will be a snooze fest but that won't stop it from being one of the biggest fights to date.

    Have you taken over where Tailspin left off?

    Allow me to clarify a few points that should have been obvious:

    1. They were my opinions only. I cannot read the future.

    2. Yes, despite Pacquiao vs Mayweather having "snoozefest written all over it" people will still buy it.

    3. I believe Mayweather WAS scared of Pacquiao, but not now.

    You must understand that fighters are human and can have off days.

    You seem to think Pacquiao's career is all part of an elaborate game with Top Rank in control. I'm surprised you didn't forward the theory that maybe Pacquiao played down his skills to lure Mayweather out of hiding? Perhaps you think the judges were paid off?

    You're dam n right Top Rank AKA Bob Arum is in control of the little fella! He can't speak for himself. Can't make any decisions on his own. He can't even hire an outside accounting firm to look into his affairs unless uncle Bob gives the okay. He tried and got put back in his place real quick. Uncle Bob gave him a Ferrari instead so it would look like he doesn't have money problems. If it were up to Pac I believe he would have fought Floyd a long time ago. He would have lost but he would have taken the test and took the fight. That is if he's clean.

    I don't know if the judges were paid off or not but I do know that uncle Bob has been brought up on charges for that sort of behavior in the past. And Pac didn't play down sh*t with his performance. He just got his ass kicked plain and simple. I'm scared for pac cause Floyd will kill the little fella if they ever fight.

  16. This Pacman gets the daylights beaten out of him by Mayweather!

    Do you mean Mayweather will finally have the courage to face him? If people think the way you do, the value of that fight will have diminished significantly and Money Mayweather will be making a lot less money.

    Pacquiao vs Mayweather has always had "snoozefest" written all over it.

    The value of the fight everyone wants to see has already been "diminished significantly" and Mayweather had nothing to do with it. But people will still buy it for different reasons.

    This fight proves one things, Manny has not evolved into this great elite fighter. He was just protected and well matched up. I really don't think a Manny/Mayweather fight is going to happen until Bob Arum says it's okay.

    You feel Money is scared of Pac. Okay. Thats your opinion. But Manny and Top Rank's game got exposed, simple as that.

    So,you can predict the future now? That makes sense since you seem to know how Manny feels and what he thinks at any given time. May will make a lot less money? Guess you will have to just wait and see. It's not your money. Why bother about it?

    "Pacquiao vs Mayweather has always had "snoozefest" written all over it." You think it will be a snooze fest but that won't stop it from being one of the biggest fights to date.

  17. I had it a draw.

    Although the rounds Marquez won, he did it clearly. The rounds Pac won could of gone either way.

    Marquez look much sharper this time around at WW and not with a pot belly like his last attempt at WW.

    Pac looks like he is on the decline, his footwork was not there and did not seem sharp at all. Pac looked tired to me after the 6th round onwards.

    Marquez just always had Pac's number so it did not shock me how this fight played out.

    I think Mayweather will now be willing to fight him, if Pac's legs are gone and on the decline, Mayweather should beat him.

    Pac should have 1 or 2 fights max before he retires, you could tell he was not the same fighter he once was.

    Mayweather has always been willing to beat Manny up and today you saw why. "The veil has been lifted."


  18. No other cable company unless you live within the reach of WeTV which is mainly city. And yes the adds still appear with 1080P hi-def televisions. I don't know if signing up for the HD broadcast with TrueVision will eliminate them though.

    There are other threads on here about satellite TV with some people who really like that setup and those who do not. Personally, I read about too many problems with keeping the satellite equipment up to date and in working order. You also need a place to put the dish and the ability to program the thing when the codes change. Not to mention a great deal of patience.

  19. Sorry pal,

    Wish I'd seen your post earlier. This seems to be an anti Mayweather sports page. Catch it on youtube, short and sweet. As you probably know Ortiz got KTFO in the 4th round. Hope Pac is next!

    Dream on, Mayweather looses his arse at the very mention on the PAC man - fact!!!


    Dream on???? GTFO. If you and the midget even dream pac beats money the both of you better wake up and apologize! The midget can get some too but Bob Arum won't let him. All he's had to do is take the test 2 years ago and we don't even discuss this right now. I know... pac already said (last week) that's not holding up the fight any longer. Now it's a money split thing. Google it... More lame a** excuses. Let see how many I can remember off the top of my head, I'm scared of needles, It makes me weak, I'm superstitious, I need 30 days notice of when the RANDOM test will happen, Okay, I need 2 weeks then, Okay a week, I'm gonna sue you because you hurt my feelings. Now everything is agreed but, oh, now we have to talk about the money AGAIN. But he still aint testing. The midget gets KTFO and all the pactards commit suicide like it's Black Friday all over again and the boxing world can talk about something else.. Cant wait Fact!!!

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