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Wandering druid

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Everything posted by Wandering druid

  1. gosh still this boring topic repeated 100 times!! once itelligence prevails let's us know otherwise this like COVID numbers is painfully boring to read
  2. it will make absolutely no difference!! The same ridiculous rules of forcing passengers to pay for a night just to get results is absurd. What is the aim ? to force out more money from those who get a 2 day flu? so they get quarantine and fork out 100,000 thb for 5 nights in the hospital? no thank you!! there are plenty other options to spend my money!!
  3. send all all with sleeping bags to the Russian embassy it's their people so let them sort it out. Ukrainian are welcome and I'm willing to house them
  4. I bought a whole lot of the 2% sugar lactose free but flushed it all. I just couldn't understand why the manufacturer would add 2% in a health drink!! it's unbearably sweet and why would you want to put all that sugar into your body?? I made my own lactose free yogurt no Sugar and know what I'm putting into my body ????
  5. shameful that the whole world condems this barbaric wars but he says no judgement, guess depends on tourist money rather than humanity
  6. this has got to be one of the most ridiculous thing I have read. Who comes up with ideas? 32M for a work permit hahahahaha
  7. In 2 years they have made predictions time and again only to be a lot less. Here's my prediction remove the quarantine completely like many other destinations and watch the tourist numbers grow, untill then keep dreaming!
  8. what I can can't understand are where are the bins and skips by the roadside? no wonder Thais throw their <deleted> on the road there is no place to put it. Putting up signs is doing nothing !!
  9. this is already old stale news!! how utterly boring and repetitive!!
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