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Posts posted by EASYDOGG

  1. I'm not sure why no-one has mentioned Doi Chang Coffee shop on Rattanaheat Road (in the corner where the roads meets Thanon Baanpa Pragarn Road). Their burgers are pretty good, but the are a little tight on the fries. Coconut bar on Jet Yod used to do a nice burger with an ample supply of fries, but I am not sure if that is still in operation.

  2. ''The one thing that has always put me off Buddhism, is the smug western know it alls who can come up with the most obscure Buddhist words and concepts, and there are loads on these threads. ''

    You put yourself off Buddhism with your mindset. The buck stops with you. How sad that your weakness has stopped you from exploring something profound and wonderful.

  3. I remember using an Audio CD series and I would experience extreme happiness a few days after each session, like somebody injected me with it!

    I am now getting back into meditation, this time opting for the more traditional form, plus a few Youtube guided sessions.

    I am 3 sessions in and do feel good.

  4. I think a dog patrol should be set up and all stray dogs be collected up and you should have dog licences and owners fined if dogs make a nusceince of them ha ha living in cloud cookoo land please some one do something before I shoot them all can't even go for a ride on my bike dogs everywhere barking chasing aggressive dogs have been bitten but managed to kick it off still have the scar .

    And don mega I will happily come and bit you and your family then we can all act like dogs like you seem to do

    And I am a dog lover had them all my life but treated them well and they never barked unless someone was attacking me


  5. Never shown symptoms.

    Isn't now showing symptoms.

    Probably won't show symptoms.

    Stopped because of his nationality and nothing else.

    That's beside the point-he didn't follow the rules of the country he entered.

    This has to be the worst comment I've seen on Thai Visa in a while, by someone who just won't accept the way things are done and can't see why they are done that way.

    Why do you think he was targeted? He is from one of Ebola 'hot-spots' and was told to report when he lands. He didn't follow these instructions and put the Kingdom and its citizens and risk. He deserved to be reprimanded for it.

    Shame on you for howling at the authorities for doing their job.

    Doing their duty included losing him did it?

    He had no symptoms and still does not.

    Authorities quite happy to put him on a plane with other passengers.

    How much of a risk did he ever really pose?

  6. What strikes me about the OP is that he is more concerned with how his colleagues are viewed in the eyes of the school than his own performance. It is not a competition. You are paid to teach to the best of your ability and follow commands. If you spent less time venting on a public forum and more time on preparation (INCLUDING learning grammar) you might be a better teacher and win the next popularity contest.

    I also second the comments on you defying the dress code. That says a lot about you.

  7. Buying a razor to an Asian guy (who shaves once a month)?

    Good one Dave!

    What's next ? Ice to Inuits? Sand to desert nomads?

    Hint : If you make an effort to actually know the person, you might be able to offer decent gifts.

    Maybe he shaves his pubes and nut sac. It's the thought that counts!

  8. this one is easy, many cant afford to buy nice things for others, they just dont have the spare cash, so when they get something given, they then have the opportunity to give, which makes them feel good, as it did you when you gave it.

    The Thais around me are driving around in brand new cars and that's in Isarn. There are many rich Thais these days.

    Most are on credit. They don't own them, some don't even need them, it is just a show of face.

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  9. I believe Thais waste a little less than a kilo a kilo a day, considering the farangs waste much more than that.

    But nobody can complaint.....we contribute to the Issan economy and also to the pilling up of rubbish.

    I've just checked, the dear old Farang do waste more, maybe we can afford to in our home countries and we bring this here. 7-11 doesn't help in Thailand though, they shock me-you buy a small carton of juice and they go to give you a bag. Insane!

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