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Posts posted by chickennoodlesoup

  1. 19 hours ago, Menken said:

    At the time


    BA top 70 US university, grad diploma Education, US teriary license, Full Thai credential. Two years EFL language school Korea, Seven years top five BKK secondaries. Some impressive activities and student support. Four years technical trainer and software support.


    Actually, it might have been 27k. The interviewer said they might be ab6to get me to something like 55k by combining two positions. Lol, pass. I will say I know a teacher there qualified, published. He's making serious money, even has staff but I imagine half his job tedious editing papers and theses


    Best money is in private secondaries. No idea why people here are driven to teach university unless it's just shorter hours. It doesn't pay well and usually comes with free sidework which is often as many or more hours than classroom. I more or less turned down that Chula job bc I wasn't going to drop to 57k and maybe be able to get to 100 in four years. I was making decent money and easy gig. Potentially lose 150-300k over a few years.

    I don't mean disrespect in any way... but graduates from my school with a PhD in Management teach at top 10 schools in US, top 3 in Canada, and top 5 in Europe... However, if you still think a fancy degree is useless in Thailand, then perhaps I need to consider other options ????.

    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 7 hours ago, BananaStrong said:

    Reasonable is 100,000 for Thailand in 2023; however, the offer will not be reasonable.   Expect anywhere from 25,000 to maybe 40,000.  Harvard or blah blah school in nowhere land gets the same wage.  If you are from a “Top 5 school in Europe” I would hope you can figure out Thailand is one of the WORST places on Earth to make money if you are a farang.  

    Thanks for the advice - though, if I really wanted to make big bucks, I would've stayed Switzerland (where the average salary for a PhD is over 140K Euros...). I will, however, like you said, manage my expectations. 


    3 hours ago, Callmeishmael said:

    Universities in Thailand need a certain percentage of their faculty to have PhDs.  If you find a University (probably outside of Bangkok) that needs someone with a doctorate you can pretty much name your price,

    Thanks for the tip. Will take a look around ????.

    3 hours ago, NativeBob said:

    Ph D in Management [what does it mean?] can expect 75K+ and if you're lucky even more.

    However Europe [even top 5] is not English speaking land, right? 

    A PhD in Management is basically a business PhD. We can research anything from corporate strategy, ecosystems....to HR practises, for example. 

    All PhDs from well-known schools are taught in English. But regardless, I am from North America (but look Asian).


    2 hours ago, John Drake said:

    The good news for you is that you will get plenty of stress free opportunities, if that is what you want. You can easily avoid publishing. In fact, most foreigners in Thai universities can't really publish. They're hired because they speak English and have a credential. Few manage to publish in Q1 journals at all. So if you don't want to publish either, you'll fit right in.

    I want to publish, just not sure if I want to spend so much time trying to get into A journals ;). 


    Are there any websites I can be looking at to find these opportunities? 

    • Confused 1
  3. Hi all, 


    Long time lurker, but finally made an accout to post!


    I will be graduating as a PhD in Management from a top 5 school in Europe soon, and unlike my other colleagues, I would not want a stressful academic career... Instead, I want to move to Thailand!


    Any experiences to share? How much salary am I expecting? Old posts suggests base of 60K + teaching + housing... would that be in line with my experiences?


    Thanks in advance.


    Edit: have ±5 years of working experience across Fortune 500s


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