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Ngee Ngow

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Posts posted by Ngee Ngow

  1. Dude, it's definitely you. You could hold a giant slalom off her forehead,

    If you said, "is she the most 'annoying' chick ever," I'd have to agree.

    But don't get me wrong, I'd still poke her in the arse...LOL

  2. Is anyone else having problems with ToT's ADSL this weekend? I'm in Korat and it has been down almost all weekend, except for an hour or two here and there. I called ToT and they said ADSL is down all over Thailand...

    1000 Baht per month for unreliable, high speed (?) :o (yeah, high speed alright. It measures 800-900 Kbps on the speed test, but just try downloading large files or God forbid an NHL game on Google Video...10-12 HOURS later) internet access.

    T.I.T. I guess...

  3. OK not in Korat in Thailand in general if i get a reply. Communicating to these companies via my girlfriend is starting to give me headache.

    jared, IF you can get DSL at ALL depends on where you live in Korat. It took me over three months to get mine even though houses in my neighborhood already had it. ToT seems to have the most coverage area and so far my connection is pretty reliable.

    TiT mate...Good luck!

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