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Posts posted by shady4lyfe

  1. I recently applied for the Thai Elite visa and have some questions and concerns regarding the new rule coming to place to tax foreign income in Thailand. Does anyone know how the Canada-Thailand tax treaty will come into play? In Canada, you can still be considered a tax resident even if you don't live there for more than 183 days. So if you pay tax there and are considered a tax resident, do you still have to pay tax in Thailand? Would appreciate any insights from fellow Canadians in Thailand. 

  2. Thank you for your quick response, it's really very helpful!


    For #3, understanding that the easiest way is to get the visa is at the airport on arrival, is it possible to get it affixed from a Thai embassy / consulate in my home country of Canada? I'd prefer to save a trip until I'm ready to move their officially. 


    I also have a question about stay extension. I believe we have to leave Thailand at least once every 365 days but it is possible to extend it from within Thailand for another year. How many times can we extend it from within the country?

  3. Hello,


    I am interested in applying for the Thai Elite visa that are expiring by September 15th. I also had some questions before applying:


    1) There are many agent websites and I want to apply directly on the official website. Can anyone confirm the official website? 


    2) How can I get in touch about questions I have from the official website? I tried emailing SalesGroup@thailandprivilege.co.th but not getting any responses. Is anyone else getting responses from this email?


    3) If approved, can I get visa stamp affixed from a local Thai embassy in my home country?


    4) Once you get approved and make the payment, is there a requirement that you have to go to Thailand within a specific period of time? Or is it flexible? For example, can I wait a year until I have to go to Thailand for the first time after my application is approved?


    5) Can I work outside Thailand or trade stocks in my account outside Thailand to earn income on Elite visa?


    6) Can I trade stocks in an account within Thailand while on Elite visa?


    Much appreciated!

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