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Posts posted by Spiny

  1. 30 minutes ago, BKKBike09 said:

    I suggest keeping a TM6 card, semi-completed (ignore the nonsense about providing an email address, income, etc, or just make it up) with your PR Book. Just don't put in a flight number. Then if the e-gates aren't working you have a form to hand and only need to add flight number. It's happened to me a few times. You don't need to use the PR Book when using the e-gates, but of course you bring it just in case. TM6 falls into the same category to my way of thinking. Refusing to fill it in would be unwise ...

    Yes, that's what I have been doing but this last time I forgot the partially completed card.

     Agreed, it was unwise of me to refuse to complete a TM6 card. This was my reaction to the rudeness of the female IO.

     I can only attribute my attitude to a shock reaction of a first time event. Normally I am Mr. jai yen yen

  2. As promised.

    A visit from our company's immigration specialist to Suvarnabhumi immigration confirms that if I don't use the automatic gates for in/out

    then I need to fill in a TM6 card going through normal channels. Regarding the issues with the auto-gates and facial recognition failure they said that the whole auto-gate system is being "upgraded" and that reliability and functionality should improve markedly shortly.

  3. 9 hours ago, jackdd said:

    I just checked the law (section 18 of the immigration act) and the latest ministerial order (from 2017): http://www.ratchakitcha.soc.go.th/DATA/PDF/2560/A/012/54.PDF

    The law says passengers have to complete the inspection in accordance with the ministerial order

    The ministerial order says passengers have to complete the arrival / departure card (TM6). I couldn't find any exceptions (not even for Thais).

    To me it looks like that officially you are not exempt from TM6 and you have to complete it when entering/leaving.

    Which means you refused to follow the written law, and now you are complaining that the IO got unfriendly when you broke the law.

    You should consider following Thai laws, with your behavior you just make it more difficult for everybody else as well.

    Thanks for the information, I'll definitely comply with the TM6 request then as previously, my bad, if it happens again.

    I'm still following up with CW immigration on the lack of facial recognition. More later...………………..

  4. I haven't been able to find out from searching TV forum, if my basic orange Rabbit card, which I use on the Green line BTS every now and then, can work on Blue line MRT and Purple line BTS ?

    I have tried making an enquiry on www.rabbit.co.th but didn't receive a reply.

    I did this journey last night . MRT Sukhumvit to Bang Sue, (39 baht) walked the "missing link" to Tao Poon (17 minutes) as no taxis or transfer bus (just missed) available, then Purple line to Yaek Tiwanon (23 baht).

    Didn't have my Rabbit card on me so had to queue at ticketing window in Sukhumvit as all the cash only machines were jammed up with tourists and then pay cash at Tao Poon (no automatic ticket machine available, or I couldn't find it ?) I noticed on exiting the Yaek Tiwanon station that an automatic machine was available for tokens.


  5. Recentlly installed TTT 8mb service (888 baht per month) in my apartment in Sukhumvit Soi 11. Service worked fine the first couple of days. Last 3 days the connection habitually drops out.

    Called the TTT help line, finally got someone who spoke English. Given the usual run around, technician will call round the apartment at various times but as expected, nobody has shown up.

    Have called them 6 times now but without any response or technical help.

    Anyone with similar experiences? Any suggestions or have I signed up for a crap service.

    Unfortunalety True said they have no connection to my condo and the phone line is disconnnected. AIS Air card works fine bu the 3mb version is too slow

  6. Facing east is best. Morning sun is more bearable than afternoon sun. Lighting is the same in either side. Both are bright all day. It is either too bright and hot or bright and comfortable. West side has more hours of uncomfortable bright.

    I lke facing west and watching the spectucalur sunsets, great after work relaxing with a G&T. Need aircon/ curtains shut after 2 to 3 pm thoughpost-37263-013015100 1279670018_thumb.jp

  7. Just saw a new cheap HTC Android phone available in Thailand, the HTC Smart. Specs similar to the Tattoo but has G3 (so far not very usable in Thailand unless you're in Bangkok) and about 2,000 cheaper at 6,500 baht.


    What is the most expensive HTC Android phone available in Thailand, which model and where can it be purchased,


  8. rice with fish, British/Indian dish

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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    KedgereeKedgeree (or occasionally kitcherie, kitchari or kitchiri) is a dish consisting of cooked, flaked fish (sometimes smoked haddock), boiled rice, parsley, hard-cooked eggs, curry powder and butter or cream.

  9. Over the past several decades (38 years working in SE Asia), I have noted the tendancy in Thailand and other SE Asian countries (apart from the subcontinent) to move away from "British" English to American English and associated changes to the accent of the non-native English speakers

  10. For may years (6) I had similar problems during the dry season. I solved the problem by getting my sinuses syringed and polyps removed during rhinoplasty to correct a narrowed nasal passage.

    Radical but effective. My breathing has been trouble free for the last 24 years.

    Maybe you should visit the ENT specialist at Samitivej

  11. Nation reported something like 90 had been arrested from the arson spree - bet there will be more to come, as video footage is analysed, etc. Does seem that the BIB are more active, now that the Reds have been defeated. I think they can feel the hammer hanging above there heads. Lot of "transfers to inactive posts" coming soon I would wager.

    Its ok BIB will be supplementing income by confiscating loot from the returning reds going through their road blocks

  12. I just got this SMS from a Thai friend. "Tomorrow please don't go to any department stores around suburban (areas) such as Pinklaw, Rama 3, Bangkean, Ngamwongwan or Rama 2. Inside News said terrorists will shoot M79's into any public place located outside the Red zone to cause commotion."

    There was no link in the SMS, but I thought I'd pass it along. My wife also got the same SMS from a different source.

    Cheers, Hummy

    I got the same SMS on Friday night, no incidents of this nature yesterday

    reds creating unnecessary panic?

  13. definatelfy don't drink any alcohol. get hold of the shell put plain water inside swill it arount the segmented sections than drink the water. I have been eating durians for 37 years and this trick works for me and it should cool you down. you will still pass smelly wind all night but after a good evacuation you should be fine

  14. The wording is very clear and accurate. Rather than apologize or acknowledge for your mistake you go on to call people other people ignorant. Strange.

    [/quote jcbangkok]

    Yes, I said he had a point, and I'll apologize to you for not reading your post accurately enough, but I stand by my point that by not mentioning the originator of the technique of cloud seeding, it could cause people to mistakenly think that the King invented it. Ask any Thai who invented cloud seeding. I assure you that 100% will not say Vincent J. Schaefer did.


    The Thai King's previous agricultural experience was brought into the decision to award the patent, said Osterwalder. "The King of Thailand has expertise in agriculture, having studied at the Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne [switzerland]," said Osterwalder. "He has an educational background in agricultural questions."

    The patent, numbered EP1491088, is for a system of chemicals that claims to be able to 'trigger', 'fatten', 'move', 'attack' and 'enhance' rain and clouds in order to create and direct rainfall.

  15. Not sure I would classify any of these as "up-market", especiailly in buakhow......all the overpriced "upmarket" ones like Northpoint, La Royale seem to have gone the way of the do-do.... the new ones seem to be low to middle class low rise developments, as in the pratumnak area......the question is , will the russians buy them all....and who is next after the russians decide to leave?

    get ready for the Chinese and Indian influx

  16. I want my daughter to marry a westerner,not German or French, to get a big sinsot.

    Want my lad to marry a westerner so I won't have to pay sinsot.

    Seriously? That's the second sin sod comment I read.. Could be another interesting poll: how many people would welcome (or demand) a sin sod for their daughter..

    well it would be just as 'interesting' or 'uninteresting' as this, depending on how 'fabulous' or NOT you think this one is.

    While a sin sod poll would not be race based, like this one, TV requests reading before posting about sin sod.

    every possible aspect of it has been covered 100 times.

    Just out of interest my adopted 100% Thai daughter is marrying a Thai and is receiving a sin sod of 500,000 baht because she has a western father. Go figure that one

  17. That's what they told me too. I suggested maybe they could DHL courier it and debit the monies from my account. About 2 weeks later I received a strange letter saying because I lived in Thailand they had destroyed my replacement card and would I please ring this number:- 0845 300 3383. (NatWest Manchester Customer Service Centre). I called them and they instructed my branch to issue another card and post it to Thailand. I received the card by normal mail to my Thailand address 7 working days later !

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