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dutch boy

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Posts posted by dutch boy

  1. 2 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:



    IF YOU ARE SERIOUS...then.....


    I might splurge and buy it....!!!!!!!!!!!!


    USD69.00 is a pittance, for something that I will use several times per day.


    I will order now.....


    IF I can get FREE SHIPPING, and....IF....you say it is the .....



    Thank you!


    I am thankful that you read my post!!!!!!!!!!!



    I was born in that City so I know what I am talking about. Good Luck

  2. 39 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

    I have been searching for some STAINLESS STEEL toilet seat, but they are not available.


    I think I might buy this one.


    Because, I prefer to buy a commercial toilet seat which will never break...and....one which...

    I can take with me as I move from place to place.


    A toilet seat is like a pillow....


    In that, you need one that feels comfortable to you.


    This is why I will now buy a high quality seat which will move with me, from one guesthouse to the next, to make my movements more enjoyable....



    Made in Sheboygan Falls WI, best toilet seat made.

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