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Posts posted by Dupont

  1. I went home a few years ago and moved my dads washing machine outside the house to lessen the homesickness (for thailand) pangs.

    Bloody thing froze, as did my tootsies as I walked out in flip flops.

  2. I say those at the top of the hierarchy deserve respect, admiration and esteem. They obviously have many personal qualities that I do not, such as tolerance, patience, open-mindedness, etc. I find Thailand great for a long weekend but by about day 4 I’m cursing everything and wishing I was back in civilisation.

    When it comes to knowledge of Thailand there are many things I don’t know and hope never to find out (such as breeding water buffalo, cooking monitor lizards, making soup out of pigs intestines, etc.).

    But seriously, it takes a lot of personal qualities to adapt to living in a third world country. To those who have achieved it, I say “hats off to you”.

    I agree.

    The more recently you arrived, the easier it was to get here, get around and adapting or learning language basics nowadays is not required.

    Dont knock the old guys, there are many interesting tales and insights to be gleaned. A lot of the distancing that long term expats do from newbies is that they see so many fools arriving and making the same stupid comments and mistakes down the years. It is best to wait and see if any newcomers exhibit any signs or being more interesting than the typical Khao San Roaders who appear to know all about life in Thailand despite just being fresh out of uni for the summer with a lonely planet guide and some course in "humanities" or "wimins studies" to assure them of their obvious superiority.

    For me, I would rather swim in katoey vomint than mix with all those unwashed, dreadlocked, henna tattooed "travellers". It takes all sorts and some of them are indiviualistic enough to leave the hordes of culture shockees behind and blend in. They are welcome here though (khao san road, not my house!!!) and the inflated prices they pay compared to the gnarled grumpy old men comes in handy in the economy!!!

  3. Unfortunately, Thai at Heart is exhibiting exactly the type of behaviour typical of intolerant PC individuals.

    First is the assertion that they are right. No room for opinions contrary.

    Second, a counter opinion is voiced. This (in this thread) was jumped on as condoning rape and murder. Then there was the "you obviously havn't got children", " would you like this if it was your sister/aunt cousing type rants. This sad old tactic browbeats many in the west into submission. This along with the insults ie Arseholle, jerck and "nut" that were directed at the officer.

    Then the argument becomes disjointed and confused and the anti is upped again. Anyone holding any opinions other than "all men are rapists and oppressors of women" is now lined up with paedophiles.

    Let em rant JTY, let em rant. It reminds us of why we left the intollerent , miserable, angry indignant, rabid bunch of non-thinking sheep behind.

    I reiterate. Someone can be of the opinion that exposing the body could cause excitement and bad behaviour in a small minority of individuals and!!! (as in "as well as") be of the opinion that this was a heinous crime perpetrated on an innocent girl.

    Its an opinion and quite prevalent in Thailand. They know where the airport is at anytime they find Thais and their culture unbearable!

  4. Enlightened self-interest.

    Prevention (of it reaching the shores of the USA) is better than cure (of it, if it did).

    Nice start to the thread.

    Who, along with Martin WON'T be heading there or contacting them if they and their loved ones are in danger?

    That after all would be double cynical and self interest at an even higher level wouldn't it. Remember that Martin. Even if you ever think for one minute that you would send your baby there if it was close and the baby had it, you are are much worse than what you just said about the USA!

    Perhaps the USA should have stood aside as Venzueala, Somalia, Mexico, Cuba et all (you get the picture) all rushed over here to deal with the matter.

    Prevention is better than cure.

  5. I would like to make a further comment to mr. dupont since he agrees more or less with the commander of tourist Police with his disgusting comments towards Farang women and the way they dress, on the beach.

    Thailand receive some 14 Million tourists/year and unfortunately has seen rapes, murders and other horrible cases lately which, also unfortunate, attracted a lot of negative publicity, worldwide and right so.

    BUT: France, Spain and Italy have some 80 - 60 and 40 MILLION tourists per year respectively.

    Now, do you think those countries have the same 'type' of rapes and murders (in equally % of numbers) as Thailand has if some horny guys see -under-dressed girls on the beaches ? I don't know where you're from but I could take you to some beaches in Europe....


    It has -also- to do with the responsibility of the Thai Government, education of the male-population and adaption to the behavior of inbound tourists as well as a certain kind of higher civilization in the afore mentioned three countries.

    Of course (attempted) rape does occur in those countries also but 'followed' by murder in far, far less cases than Thailand and it will certainly not be excused by Tourist authorities like the nut head from the Thai Tourist Police :D

    What a jerck (sp!) :o




    I was thinking of all the clothes optional beaches in other countries, from NZ to Germany, there is no reason for that excuse.

    All tourists of any country, MUST repspect local customs and laws.

    NO NUDITY, so be it. ....... stay clad, stay safe. (maybe)

    Seeing a nekkid body, male or female, is NO excuse for any assault, let alone murder.

    Keep up the informed comment, posts.

    Cheers.. LP

    Nice balanced post pete. Pity there are not more like it.

    The thai authorities are what they are and it is their country. IF they are of the opinion that less nudity may be in order (it is illegal after all) it is their opinion and they are entitled to it without being called

    arsehollls, jerkks and nuts!

    They never excused any rape or murder and holding this opinion amongst a host of others does not make you a supporter of rape and murder.

    There is a tendency amongst posters on here to tottally ride roughshod over opinions that are not fashinable amongst some of the more left leaning western nations.

    I find the comment of them adapting to us incredible, but he is entitled to it and not taking any abuse for his opinions. I do actually agree with a lot of his posts and indeed much of this one. Its the venem that has arisen against the Thai Authorities that brought me in.

    At the end of the day this has come about following a heinous crime that we are all shocked by. For one group of posters to abuse another group for their proposals is a bit out of order.

    To conclude. People are entitled to be of the opinion that less nudity would inflame less sexual passion. Right or wrong and nobody is saying it excuses murder.

  6. 250646896.png

    Not sure how it works.

    I am trying to get the speedbit result to show.

    I have 15 download and 9 upload.

    Should have it done in a sec, min.

    I am only a stones throw (now there's an idea) from their office and we get such crap services.

    It worked!! If I print it out and send it through their window it will get their quicker than if I E_Mail it.... Suzuki Caribean permitting.

  7. The r sound does not exist in Thai.

    ror rhea is a rolled tongue vibration and the front teeth never touch and scrape the botton lip. It is therefore not an r!

    One of the things you find when you pronounce Thai words correctly is that your faรang mates dont understand you but your thai friends and partners do!

    Its not an r.... IMHO!

  8. This came through Facebook Account:

    From Mrs. Gloria Caldwell


    I know that this letter may be a very big surprise to you, I came across your email contact from my personal search and I believe that you will be honest to fulfill my final wish before I will die.

    I am Mrs. Gloria Caldwell from LONDON, I am 58 years old, I am deaf and suffering from a long time cancer of the breast, which the also said is affected my brain. From all indication my condition is really deteriorating, and my doctors have courageously advised me that I may not live beyond the next two months, this is because the cancer stage has reached a critical stage. I was brought up in a motherless baby's home, and was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child. My husband and I are true Christians, but quite unfortunately, he died in a fatal motor accident.

    Since his death I decided not to re-marry, I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of $3.2million dollars with a Security Company. Presently, this money is still in their custody, and the management just wrote me as the legitimate depositor to inform me of the maturity date of my deposit or rather issue a letter of authorization to somebody to receive it on my behalf since I can not come over as a result of my illness, or they get it confiscated. Presently, I'm with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live.

    It is my last wish to see that this money is invested in any organization of your choice and proceeds distributed each year among the charity organization, the poor and the motherless baby's orphanage homes and widows around. I must let you know that this was a very hard decision, but I had to take a bold step towards this issue because I have no further option. I hope you will help see my last wishes come true.

    As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the Security Company. I will also issue you a letter of authority, which will prove that you are the new beneficiary of my funds. Please assure me that you will act Accordingly as I stated herein. Hope to hear from you soonest.

    Awaiting your reply this email address [email protected]

    Yours in Christ,

    Mrs. Gloria Caldwell


    and this one in our company maibox


    Daniel David <[email protected]>

    Sent: Thu Dec 25 14:52


    [email protected]




    Its a great pleasure to let you know that am interested in booking a

    space for some of our staff in your hotel which the total is for 6

    people that will be coming for vacation in your area on the 20th March

    to 30th March 2008. If you have vacancy for the specified period, give

    me the total cost for the whole period of 3 single or double rooms for

    10 nights for 6 guest. Also, confirm if you will accept major credit

    card for your payment. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from


    Kind Regards,

    Dr. Daniel David,

    Baird Hall,

    High Street



    West Lothian EH49 7ES


    If I am not busy ie. if I am at work :o I always respond to these in a manner than makes them respond to to me personally. Give a/c numbers one digit short or phone numbers of time share operators etc.

    I have a host of russian brides frantically writing to me now and a nigerian "heiress" wanting to take money out of the country, who I told the story that I had sold my house in USA as my wife left me and i had cancer. She thinks I am hoping to meet her to live out my days in Bangkok. Perhaps she/he/they will just be stupid enough to pay for tickets to meet me here.

    Passes the working day and perhaps we can cost them a bit of wasted time and money along the way along with the wasted time and money we cost our bosses!!

    Sad that some people do belive them and I have some sympathy for them... so long is its not greed driven.

  9. Has anybody else noticed the the amount of time we are forced to stare at adverts for?

    I can't get anything moving here until I have looked at a whole series of adverts for thirty seconds or so.

    Much as I probably should be endeavouring to buy a new mobile phone, book a hotel and taxi on line, learn thai and meet more thai women (christ, could we possibly meet anymore by responding to an ad than we meet in our everyday lives!!) buy property in a brothel or own real estate in a country where I can't own real estate or buy more sausage, meat and burgers, I don't want to do it here. I am not sure I could even start a thread about massages with "sweet girls" on here without being hounded and badgered and labled a pervert.

    We come on here for the cut and thrust of a good debate, sometimes hardening beliefs and positions, sometimes softening or even changing them. Love it, hate it, be addicted to it, be annoying and trolling, be PC or intollerant and beligerant, be funny or trite, we don't come on here looking for the above.

    It takes all sorts and we (you!@!) certainly have that on here. Many of the posts on here are generated in response to oposing views and long may it last! Lets all sharpen our intellect and wit, our sarcasm and scorn but, please let us get at it without these insane screen blockers. We all know the bandwidth is stretched so lets have less of it....... or more if anybody disagrees :o you are entilteld to your opinions that there are not enough adverts getting in the way so lets hear it for more ads!

    Can we bypass it if we live here?

    Am i having a bad day?

  10. Choochart Suwannakom, commander of the national Tourist Police:

    Choochart played down the recent killings, saying, "I believe security in Thailand is better than in many other countries." He also said that some of the attacks were occasioned by the behavior of the women themselves. Under a front-page photograph of a Western woman in a skimpy bikini, The Bangkok Post quoted Choochart as saying, "They tend to choose a quiet spot away from other people, take off the bikini and sunbathe. That's when the attackers strike."

    It's an utter scandal what this @ssXc#@ said.... :o:D:D


    We in the west have disposed of any sense of responsibility. At the end of the day, we are all animals put on this planet to breed. You seem to expect that in other parts of the world from the usa people may see the removal of clothes and the exposure of sexual organs as anything other than sexual. If I waved my willy about on Patong beach I would be a child molester and criminal. If a woman exposes herself it seems to be a matter of "personal choice" and everybody elses fault around her if that is a problem.

    What the hel_l else could exposure of the body be expected to bring about other than a stimualtion of the sexual organs of the viewer?

    Would you have the same sypathy for me if I wandered round Sukhumvit road with 1,000,000 baht in notes strung round my neck in a chain and somebody robbed me.

    This is a tragic and dispicable crime by any standards, but attacking Thais for suggesting that their opinions on the matter make them arseholeels if they don;t entirely correspond with westen thinking is a distraction from the crime.

    This is not the US, and the populace are pretty conservative here. That inculdes many in the expat community, contrary to the opinions of some. Some people are entitled to their view that not exposing sexual organs may reduce the risk of exciting some wierdo (note, I did say wierdo!) and reduce the risk of the crime.

    Can I call you an arsehollee on here if I disagree with something you say? Thought not! So don't try and come back at me saying I am excusing rape and any other standard responses you have to people of different opinions.

  11. I would have made a major scene, sorry. I would have demanded a partial refund for the bottle and I wouldn't have taken no for an answer. They want to save face, I would give them some major face with their other customers until they made good on it. They took away what you paid for without your consent. Outrageous. To hel_l with TIT. At those prices, I would have demanded TAT!

    Moving to Thailand does not mean you have to turn into a grade A patsy! Stand up for your consumer rights.

    They were in the wrong - they were trying to make good (face) - you lost the argument when you left the building.

    Next time demand the hotel's duty manager loudly - not the department supervisor.

    The lesser evil is to give you free champgne than cope with a dramic scene that upsets everyone.

    I think both of you are wrong and in the wrong country for that kind of attitude. It may work in US or UK but not in Thailand, loosing face is a reason for a bloody beating here, you never know who might be waiting outside when you leave I have seen it many times, hit in run by them regains the face.

    I think the suggestion of putting hand over glass and refusing to let go or not even mentioning it and fish the drunken insect out would have been a better idea.

    My wife, Thai who doesn't eat insects fried or otherwise found a well done beetle in her half eaten bowl of soup, removed it and just set it on the side and continued eating, I insisted on pointing it out to the waitress who removed the beetle but left the soup which my wife promptly finished. TIT

    You are right bob.

    I can't believe these superior types are coming here and expecting it to be like the west.

    Consumer rights. Please let us know when you are gonna exert them and we can come along and piss ourselves laughing!

  12. This thread is a graphic example of why you should have to make 200 post before being allowed to start a thread.

    At least after having the idea, you could have

    a thought better of it and not done it

    b thought about it and done a better job of it

    c waited for the drugs to wear off and then a, or b above.

  13. Allegedly drinking all night , 60 yrs old and 28 yrs in Thailand, carrying a gun and a former or current narcotics cop. All sounds a bit suss.

    Ho hum just another shitty day in the place some folks refer to as Paradise. No symapthy for either party from me.

    Sorry for the delay in posting. It seems to be compulsory for us now to stare at some advert for another crap hotel web site for thirty seconds before being allowed further.

    It is paradice here. Unfortunately there are some idiots that get in here. Doesn't mean it isn't paradice and you know where the airport is if it gets too shitty!

  14. Culture is never an excuse to 'turn the other cheek'. This man risked his life to help another human in need..........very admirable indeed! If a friend of mine was in a similar position as her I would hope someone like him was close by. SBK....can i ask you wouldnt you hope someone like him was nearby if you were king hit like her and in further danger?

    What else bothers me about this is the opportunistic nature of Thai men to attack farangs at any opportunity, it is said of so much on this forum..........do they hate us so much? and why ?

    They attack their own like this. Always in packs and never exposing themselves to risk GENERALLY, not all of them all the time!

    They also change sides if things look like they may turn for the worse and I've seen em helping beat up somebody who they were helping earlier on in the night. Individually, they are certainly more cowardly than we are.

    And please SBK, If somebody is beating you up, they are beating you up. That was the question, not an opening to thrill us with girls own type tales of the superiority and power of the western woman. Your last post was as dramatic as the OP. There was an IF in the question.

    Whilst I agree that nobody should stand by or appease, there is a better way than an all out assualt. I am big, and have used my size a number of times here. Putting 100kg of farang in the way stops it as they cannot get past you to their target.

    Red mist is red mist and it passes after a few seconds and it usually clears.

  15. Col. Narat added Mr. Fay owned 49 per cent of the company shares, but that he had hired a number of Thai nationals to possess the other remaining 51 per cent of the shares, making him the de facto owner of the company.

    DSI will ask the Land Department to revoke the company's ownership, which might affect a large number of Sabai Thani clients, said the DSI spokesman.

    If found guilty, the suspect might face a maximum of three years imprisonment.

    Is this not the same route taken by 1000's of other Farangs in Thailand, could they all lose by having their Company ownership revoked by the Land Department ? :o

    No its not. They were encroaching on public land for a start. Then, they were subdividing it and selling it on ie acting as estate agents etc. A far cry from what most "owners" have done which at worst is to have been badly advised.

    Nobody has lost anything except the renters, who seem ever happy to throw large sums of money at Thai Landlords and pay massive (totally illegal, tax dodging) wedges of cash in the form of "Key Money to them. Then walk away and leave a stash of inventary behind and further loosing the cost of any improvements they make to the building and ususally the deposit as well! Smart?

    The most extreme talk was of forcing to "dispose of land", meaning sell it or transfer it to a Thai smartish.

    Yes Maigo, perhaps you and many like you wish the sky would fall in and have been predicting it for years. Bit, for now, its still Land in company name 5 - 0 Renting, Condo, 30+30+30 etc :D

  16. Well, we had a speedtest result of 23kbs last week on TOT!!!

    The highest reading I have is 212 since february when I found the speedtest site. We pay for 1meg.

    I am in the dark as to what to do next. Obviously the missus will not confront the TOT staff and cringes when I show them my print-outs and suggest I pay 30 baht per month instead of the 1,100 baht they charge. And my demonstration with a bag of crisps in their office, whereby I asked each member of staff to pay me 40 baht for the same bag, despite it already having been sold to somebody else, drew the expected blank looks and the wrath of the missus later :o

    Noboby ever seems to take a complaint down in writing, the engineers just say its because they keep selling the bandwidth over and over again and won't come and look at it anymore (I got the engineers out a few times to piss them off and waste their time as much as anything).

    What next? I havent seen the TOT head brass answering complaints in the media or anything.

    In a nutshell, we have no standards, no competence, no complaints proceedure, no hope of improvement and nobody in a position of authority promising to do anything about it... even an obviously empty promise along the "hub of IT in Asia" lines would be better than what we have now.

  17. So funny.

    Good luck to the Thai wife.

    Looks like the gravy train hit the buffers for the family. Lesson there for all in recipt of alimony payments, when the kiddies hit 20, dads the one with money in the pocket!!!!!!

    Enjoy it whilst it lasts cos its gonna be a long lonely time once the money dries up. God knows, you may even have to work for it.

    At least the guy died after having been married to a nice person!

  18. Not to mention if he really wanted to study child prostitution and child exploitation he should have started in Africa.

    Same with a lot of NGO's.

    Too scared to go to Africa. Too many diseases, too much poverty and, most importantly, no whiteys to blame the sordid stinking, murderous mess on anymore!!! Its just so unfair isn't it. The PC west have worked their little bleeding hearts out for Africa, only to have blacks killing blacks en mass and arabs, muslims and blacks at war with each other. Just so unfair, no white men involved here.

    Lovely to come to Thailand and be a do gooder isn't it.

    OT, the heading for this topic is absolutely spot OFF, as it was about child prostitution, not the mostly consensual goings on in this place... mad as it is. Perhaps some peoples brains are too small to make the distinction, but thats their problems.

    Maybe we should have more posts about the miserable hangwringing that goes on in most countries away from Thailand! The "death through boredom" that awaits all that don;t live here (Asia) :D , the rotting away in a lonely flat whilst governments take all your money for health care. The generation today will not have the inheritance we all had :D and will have poverty to add to their woes, along with miniscule pensions brought about because they havn't bred enough to maintain a population large enough to support them!!! :o

    Heard there is a new carry on movie in the pipe line. Carry on handwringing I should think.

  19. Got to say, this is a step in the right direction. We down here (Phuket) see far too much death on the roads. Hope the cameras at traffic lights is next, and speed cameras. I love the idea of someone applying for their vehicle registration once a year and finding a few hundred bahts worth of fines.

    Surely, most of these cement trucks and sand and balast tipper trucks are going to be badly affected.

    Mind you, we also see many police driving the wrong way down roads, driving with no helmets etc. Where do these pictures go?

  20. I agree with the above post. I particularly liked the jibe about it obviously not being a Muslim Human Rights group!!! Nice one.

    Its always, " oh my god, somebody said boo to a muslim" it , must be true and we must act.

    Decapitated teachers and government officials, the lady teacher beaten to death two years ago... mere detail and not to detract from the main issue above.

    Burned schools, bombed cafes. These cowards attack the old, women and children and are being taught to do it by somebody. But its "inciting hatred" to draw attention to this fact, "inciting hatred" to point out that the masses will gladly or cowardly sit back and let these things happen.

    The PC mob whose voice is heard loudly when ever any villain is hunted down, is the voice of cowardice and appeasment.

  21. I was going the other way yesterday afternoon and a bus was parked up on the way up from Kathu to the chinese temple. The wheels were off at the back and they were looking at the brakes on it.

    Any pictures of the offending bus?

  22. I think they see it more as a way to combat foreigners working illigaly in Thailand

    Very true Robbloc. Then again, are farang working illegally stealing jobs from Thais ? I haven't seen to many farang taxi drivers, policemen, etc. around town. These rules keep getting tighter due to paranoid law makers more than anything else.

    Yes, don't let farang buy land and houses if you must but why scare away people who spend money here ? I can see the Philippine government smiling from here. It will only benefit them.

    What is wrong with farangs buying land? If I buy land than it is a Thai that is profiting from it. If I build or buy a house than it is a thai construction company with thai workers that are profiting from it. If I can afford a more expenseive house than it will be thais who get the money. What is wrong with that?

    The paradox here for you (and many others amongst us) is that IF you were allowed to buy land, you wouldn't be able to buy land because big business would beat you too it and the prices would skyrocket overnight.

    Probably easier - and certainly cheaper - for us to do it the hard way and let the missus hold it. It also keeps all the speculators and jack the lad "just bought some land and am builing a house on it. Gonna make a killing" in check.

  23. http://www.speedtest.net/global.php?continent=4

    At least the "IT hub of Asia" joke has finally died a death. I was receiving 80kbs this morning and the worst was 22kbs on speednet. Myspeed didn't even say it was a fast connection and it asumed I was on 28kbs dial up.

    Azerbiajan steaking far into the distance as far as here is concerned.

    Hope Thaksin sells off TOT and the whole bunch are sent out to sell noodles on street corners which is probably as far beyond their capabilities as providing a telephone and internet service.

    Go Thaksin go!!!

  24. Does anyone know how this case is progressing ?? Anyone have any inside information ?

    ask and you shall receive...

    Tuesday, March 4, 2008

    Three Brits still in Phuket jail

    PHUKET: Phuket Provincial Court has denied bail to a British family charged with bank fraud after they were caught using counterfeit cards to withdraw more than 100,000 baht from a Kasikorn Bank ATM in downtown Phuket City.

    Lt Col Chakaphol Suchon of Phuket City Police Station told the Gazette that the three suspects are still being held at Phuket Provincial Prison awaiting their next court appearance.

    Suspects Mark Hubert Veerasawmy, 44, his son Sonny, 19, and Jennifer Anne Chapman, 31, were arrested on February 18 after an alert citizen notified police that the father and son were behaving strangely. (Click here for the Gazette's original report.)

    The three, described by police as a family, have refused to give any details about how they obtained the fake bank cards, except to say that they bought them off a man named "Peter", Lt Col Chakaphol said.

    Finding the elder Mr Veerasawmy's testimony unconvincing, investigators will continue to seek further evidence in the case, he said.

    "Their request for bail was denied by the court, which cited the possibility that they would flee the country if released," Lt Col Chakaphol added.

    (phuket gazette)

    Good news at least.

    Non co-operation with the police here effectively doubles your sentence!!!!

    Carry on bleating boys, carry on bleating and maybe you will not be able to make victims of anybody else for a long time....

    I am more interested to know if this pond life can get their usual pile of Legal Advice money here. I do hope not.

  25. thailand will have a hard time to execute all the drug dealers, because it will have to convince the police to shot themselves.

    Exactly, weve seen a policeman kill a Canadian recently for what seems like a drunken argument, they can just go round killing whoever has annoyed them in their private life and blame it on drug dealing.

    At places like the fullmoon party there will have to be a monthly massacre, are you all happy for farangs to get shot on the spot, they might get you by mistake.

    I had the misfortune to visit Koh Phang Ngan three years ago. We avoided the full moon party only to find they have a black moon or no moon party.

    The vast majority of the westerners there were totally off their heads and openly consuming and selling drugs. In our countries, everybody knows the dealers but nobody does anything about it as the burden of proof is so high and nobody has the time to stake them out properly.

    These naive kids that have found their way here without meeting any real thias should be rounded up and have the crap scared out of them. They are as bad as the Asian package tourists we all laugh at.. Here we go, Khoa San Road, (tick box) Surat Thani, (tick box) Full Moon Party (tick Box), Chaing Mai see elephant and tribesperson (tick box). Stoned all the way, only mingling with other dead head backpackers and then considering themselves well travelled.

    They have been warned!! They are from supposed superior countries and should know better.

    A lot of this may be to scare people off. Its quite right that anybody in drugs is crapping themselves now. Maybe some of them may even pack it in and grow up.

    Having witnessed first hand, the degeneration of entire housing estates and suburbs in the North West of England in the 80's and 90's, I and many otheres would support a bullet to the head of the ones involved. Balls to a trial, we, they and the police know who they are but they have the protection of a barrage of well paid (from the public purse) lawyers and liberal thinkers.

    Do drugs and die! Som Nam Na

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