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Posts posted by dutchy124

  1. ''Col. Setthapong Malisuwan, deputy chairman of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission, told BBC Thai that he prefers to call “single gateway” a “hub” to avoid any negative connotation.

    He defended the plan, saying the “single hub” would allow Thai security forces to monitor internet traffic more easily. Col. Setthapong also insisted that the idea would promote, not hamper, Thailand’s digital economy,and claimed that other modern countries have similar surveillance measures.

    "Singapore, United Kingdom and United States, many countries already have this kind of law. Cybersecurity laws,” the colonel said in an interview with BBC Thai. “We are very late comers."''

    If, as he says the UK, USA and Singapore use this system why is everyone complaining?

  2. Mr. Siri says he has gambled and lost his wealth, family and home. Obviously illegal gambling, so wouldn't it be better to have it all legalized and out in the open rather than the seedy dens they use now.

    Of course some people will get addicted and loose the lot, but I know people who are addicted to many other things, all of which are perfectly legal.

    Perhaps people could have a vote on it, oh I forgot this democratic country doesn't vote anymore.

  3. My wife has the munchies and wants to go to a buffet lunch on Friday when we are in Bangkok. She wants the crabs, king prawns, lobster, you name any shellfish and she wants it. I, on the other hand am a meat eater, Lamb, beef, mmmmmm my mouth is watering.

    So the question is, can anyone recommend a fantastic buffet lunch up to 3,000b per person in Bangkok. I will be in the Ratchada road area, so something near to that would be an advantage, but if you think you have the perfect place let me know.

    Thanks in advance for any recommendations.

  4. Lucky old Thaimite. I also would like to know how far off the main road you are. I live in Wang Nam Khieo 13k off the 304 main road. I have TOT satellite internet, 2780b per month, for what can only be described as hit and miss internet. Cloudy days are a nightmare with the internet in and out all day. Weekends are slow slow slow.

    I know you said what speed you are getting, but all Chinese to me I am afraid, I get around 100kps when downloading, is that anywhere near your speed? I also have unlimited downloading are you getting the same? Sorry to ask all these questions, but I would hate to lash out 50k+ or something to find out I was better off before.

  5. I am Welsh. Dutchy is just a nickname from school.

    The girl I wrote this post for is a Thai who worked in Phuket, meet a Norwegian, they set up house together and she had a baby, he then went bacvk to Norway to work and did send money for a few months, then suddenly stopped and cannot be reached on his phone numbers back in Norway. I read in a local paper sometime ago about the support group so I know it does exist.

    Thanks for the help.


  6. Hi all,

    I would be grateful if someone can help me in tracking down the Norwegian/Thai support group based in Thailand. I think there is a branch in Pattaya so I have posted on that forum as well. They, I am told help track down citizens who have children here by a Thai girl, but then disappear and do not support the child. An email address or phone number would be great thanks, preferably Thai speaking.

    All the best


  7. Hi all,

    I would be grateful if someone can help me in tracking down the Norwegian/Thai support group based in Thailand. I think there is a branch in Pattaya so I have posted on that forum as well. They, I am told help track down Norwegian citizens who have children here by a Thai girl, but then disappear and do not support the child. An email address or phone number would be great thanks, preferably Thai speaking.

    All the best


  8. I have seen many adverts in the Bangkok post for 5 star hotel brunch buffets in Bangkok. Does anyone know if the same happens in Pattaya and have you tried them? I am especially interested in the higher end price range where one can try Kobe beef, Alaskan crabs and the whole works. These are priced around the 4,000-5,000b mark in BKK. I am not rich, but would love to splash out once in a while to try all the things I have not yet eaten.

    Thnaks in advance for any info.

  9. Argh I got soo excited when I saw this thread, I thought that perhaps there might be some Warhammer players in Isaan

    Unfortunately I don't play any of the mentioned games, but if there are some Warhammer players (Fantasy, although I could look into getting a 40k army if there was a crowd of 40kers) in Isaan, then drop me a line (My army isn't in Thailand, but could pick it up next time I'm in NZ).

    Sorry Sly, I don't play any fantasy or sci fi. Battlefield Bangkok games shop I think have competitions and run games, but as I have never yet got there I can't be sure.

  10. Hi, I am a war gamer and board gamer. A few mates and myself get together now and again for a game, but they are from BKK and we don't get to meet up reguarly. Are there any gamers in Isaan who want to meet up?

    For board games, Tide Of Iron, C&C Ancints and Naps, Memoir 44 to name but a few.

    For War gamers. FOW, Naps, DBA,AWI, ACW, WW1.


  11. If on non immigrant visa entry just visit Immigration during the last 30 days of any entry for the one year retirement extension of stay.

    Bank letter normally only needs to list final balance. You should supply passbook and copies to show balance for time period. A statement would be required for account without passbook. But as with most things some officers will see things a little differently - that is the reason to day a bit early so you have time for any last minute surprise.

    Thanks for the replies, very helpful.

    I went to the Korat immigration office to extend my non imm ) visa. I took a letter from my local Kasikorn bank stating I had the reuired 400k. I also updated my passbook, both done the day before my visit. When I handed these over the officer asked for a statement. I replied that surely the passbook and letter constituted that. No, she wanted an actual statement from the bank, told me to go to Korat and get one. This I did, just a slip of paper saying I had a balance of 400k, exactly the same as the letter and the passbook. The officer said their new boss was asking for this requirement. Last week when I did my 90 day report, a chap in front of me went through the exact same conversation as I had with the same officer. He was sent to Korat to get a statement.

  12. Hi, a mate of mine lives in Bangkok and is currently on a Non Imm B visa. He has just past 50 and was thinking of changing to a retirement visa. Can this be done at the immigration office? or, as he has been told by another friend, he has to leave Thailand, get a Non Imm O visa, return to Thailand and then change the Non O to a retirement visa, is that correct? He is a Dutch national.

    I on the other hand have a Non Imm O marriage visa, can I just change this to a retirement visa at the local immigration office in Korat?

    Also, am I right in thinking that now the only paperwork needed is a letter from the bank saying you have 800,000 in there for the past three months?

    When I went to Korat Immigration to extend my O visa, I took a letter from my bank and an updated passbook, This was not enough, they asked for a statement from the bank as well, is this just the Korat office or is it universal now?

    Thanks for any help you can give me.


  13. I eat a lot of Thai food, but I also like some good old falang food. Nookiebear, in my opinion, sells some of the best quality and reasonably priced falang food available.

    Over the past few months I have ordered just about everything he carries and have not been disappointed with one item.

    Favourites for me are the curries, steak and kidney puddings, sausage rolls, chilli, pork chops and of course the lovely fresh bread.

  14. Yes I know it sounded dodgy that is why I asked the question here.

    I have had the leaks repaired I think three times now. I cannot get on the roof to take a look, far too high, far too fat.

    I was just hoping for the holy grail of leaky roofs

    I emailed Marc at spraypurfoam the replies I had received, he says you don't know what you are talking about and sent me a link to a site extolling the virtues of the product, but on reading, it stated:-

    ''Don't rely on foam alone to make an already leaky roof leak proof''

    So he shot himself in the foot somewhat.

    I will continue my quest to get my roof repaired, hopefully before the rains arrive.

    As for ''Luckyman'' should that read ''man speak with forked tongue''

  15. Hi all,

    thanks for the replies.

    I did post this question in other forums and the answers are the same, basically, don't touch it.

    This was no hard sell, I just came across an advert in the Bangkok Post and thought I would make enquiries. I also wanted some feedback here first before I made a decision to reassure myself that I was doing the right thing, obviously I will not be perusing this any further.

    Thanks for the advice.

  16. Hi all,

    I have been having a couple of problems with a leaky roof. been repaired twice to no avail. I came across an ad in the Bangkok Post and contacted this company:-


    The owner, Mark, rang me to make an appointment next Friday as he said he has been contacted by others in Korat. Does anyone know anything about him or his company or indeed the product.

    This is certainly not going to be a cheap option, but if it works for ten years it will be worth it.

    Any comments will be appreciated.

    Thanks, Dutchy

  17. Definately was listening to mobile phone conversations here in Korat, maybe 18 months to two years ago. some evenings would pick up over 50 phone calls, all very interesting for my wife and I even managed to get an explanation now and again. lol.

    I agree I lost mobile conversations in the UK late 90's

  18. Hi thanks for the replies.

    I used to be able to listen to mobile phone conversations, but have lost my list of frequencies and now cannot seem to find any phone calls at all. Maybe because they have gone digital recently or perhaps I am just in the wrong area.

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