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Posts posted by lookchin

  1. hey actually there are a lot of sharks around koh phi phi don, i went diving there and swam with a few, only maybe reef sharks of 1-1.5 metres long but great fun! It was a nice experience, and i took some great underwater footage! there is some great fishing to be had there too! I used to go to a restaurant in Koh samui, had lamai, around about 5 years ago. They guys there used to cook a nice shark steak with pineapple on top! fantastic food! If you want shark fishing, go to the east coast of Australia for a holiday! the coast is so clear you can actually see the sharks sleeping at the bottom of the ocean without even having to get into the water! there are a lot of 'friendly' (hmmm) reef sharks around 1-2 metres and you can swim with them without fear of getting bit. It is one of those amazing memories to swim with them, but i always found myself swimming back to the shore with my eyes focused on them, just in case they didnt like my aftershave!

    you have re-ignited my passion for fishing!


  2. A tale which left me a little sad...

    Me and my gf sat eating at one of our local street restaurants and the talkative lady owner/chef started to ask the usual questions, can the farang eat spicy? can he speak thai? etc, a nice lady working alongside her husband, an old couple and very friendly. I can speak a little thai so I got chatting and she said 'you remind me of a farang who used to come and eat here everyday, he was younger than you and used to joke with my daughter'.She went on to say that the lad lived near the restaurant and she told me 'he was killed by a thai because of 'Kik' = which i asked my thai gf to explain,

    .......as far as I could work it out, he was killed because he had an affair with a thai girl and the thai girl already had a bf. I was shocked that someone could lose their life just for maybe a one night stand with a girl, did he know that she had a thai bf already? I can start to build a picture in my mind, that sometimes farang guys go with girls, and maybe they dont know they already have a thai bf? The thai bf finds out and then what happens? Well its a sorry tale, and i wanted to say it here, and i know it seems a strange sad story, i never heard anything in the thai news about this farang getting killed? right on my doorstep so to speak . Anyway i think you know the moral of the story, just be careful, a one night stand could turn out to be more than you bargained for.... Hope everyone stays safe and has a great 2550!


  3. Sunbelt!

    Well you have answered my prayers! Thank you very much! Actually I contacted your company last month with a quick email if they could recommend any specific bank to try as I explained I had a problem opening an account here. I think the gentleman who contacted me was called Justin? I would like to contact you with regard to opening the account, what would be the best way to contact your establishment? Please advise, and thanks once again for your assistance in this matter!

    Best regards!


  4. well thanks khun bob...

    thanks for your experiential information...

    Unfortunatley i dont have 500k to put into a bank account here, jesus christ it would be just enough to put 50,000b a month. Anyway thanks again, you can see from me being the original OP that the question is still not answered, no body has any idea on opening a bank account, it varies from person to person. No clear yes or no, thanks anyway for everyones advice, I am still back at square one! lolz F%K it wont bother with an account i am not that interested in the thai banks anway thanks, i will keep my money safe n my fanny pack...555

    thanks for the comments!


  5. cyberstar you are right regarding the employment laws, but I didnt really fancy taking my chances of a thai business versus farang scenario. I dont really think that I would win, I am a guest of thailand, trying to make an honest living, to pay the taxes to the kingdom and therefore have to trust the company to some extent. They did break the law, but also the thai law would say i broke the law also, as I was waiting for them to process the permit which they never did. They have farang working there now, I could make their lifes very hard, as they do not have work permits and immigration is clamping down on illegal workers as i am sure you are aware. But i will keep my mouth shut and learn my lesson the hard way, why should i ruin someone elses dream, i just hope they learn the lesson before the laws become stricter and people catch up with them!

    Have a Funky new year! jesus whats with all these bombs in bangers tonight? hope you are all safe and enjoy a fantastico new year for 2550!


  6. Martin

    Thailand is a fantastic place to be! You did right in selling your house in the UK, i dont miss that cold miserable expensive ignorant place for one minute! As for the thai company experience, i have become smallminded and ignorant towards small thai businesses in general, I should not lose all my trust and respect for small thai business, just from one bad experience, but unfortunately I have. Better I now work for an international company, who are professional, have written contracts and sort the permit from day one.

    Welcome to thailand!


  7. sure its ok to be gay! especially in thailand, thais are very open minded! unlike my country where you will be beaten with a big stick should you look handsome enough to even be considered as gay! a bit backwards the UK!

    It seems there a lot of gay people in the LOS and i find most to be down to earth and very friendly, maybe a little too open sometimes! hehe , Me and my gf walk past a restaurant here everyday and a guy who works there is gay, even when I walk past with her he pretends to try and grab my ass, my gf gets so mad she asked me should I hit him or are you gonna do it! its funny, im a straight guy. I can understand why guys like the ladyboys also, this is a bit off topic i know. But anyway, just to let you know, even straight guys with open minds like me have gay friends and you should be comfortable with yourself! enjoy a nice gay new year!

    2 Lookchin 1 Saikrok

  8. Hi Everyone

    Well I have read and read, and still this seamingly traditional thai marriage thingy seems to confuse me, me and my gf want to get married. She has tried to explain it to me in many ways, I can appreciate that I should make some sort of offer to them in order to take care of their daughter and of course look after the family also. So what should I do? I thought about just taking her out of thailand to marry quickly and get things done the way I understand them. Come back to thailand and have a party and do the sinsod thing. Do farang in thailand wishing to marry into the thai family really do this? or is it a dying tradition? A thai girl i used to know said that Sinsod isnt necesarry anymore these days. I dont mind investing in land in her name, so we can build a home for us and to take care of her mum and dad when older, but is this gold and cash on display for the sake of the familys face value really necessary? or does it boil down to the individual family? The whole affair confuses me and I still try to read as much as I can to try and understand the culture of this. Hmm where i am from we can marry in 30mins with a few signatures and a witness. Anyone with any advice? I need to research this sure, do you think we as farang can ever understand this type of arrangement?

    Hmm a confusing question i know, anyway please let me know your thoughts!

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