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Posts posted by ahsan959

  1. Immigration laws have been tighten and online reporting is also withdrawn ... Now one day late you have to pay 500 baht fine ... Before they allows you 7 days but now not even a single day ... So Now you knows the seriousness of situation ... There are 3 new forms have been introduced beside TM90 ... If Employed And Have Work Permit, You Have To Declare How Many Vehicles Under Your Name ... Vehicles Number, Your Current Address In Thai As Well As Your Address In Your Home Country, Fathers Name, Mothers Name, Mobile Numbers In Thai And In Home Country, Email Addresses, Facebook, Twitter Etc ... This Is Like A Full Data Base Which Was Never Asked Before ... So Obviously Such Data You Never Upload Online Nor They Asks You ... That Could Be The Reason ... 


    Second Change Is Before You Can Report  90 Days At Any Immigration Office But Now You Have To Report Only Where Your Area Immigration Is Located ...  

  2. I Have Done So ... I Am Married To Thai Wife Having 3 Sons, Holder Of Yellow Residence Book, Staying In Thailand Mire Than 7 Years  ... I Was Having NON - O Visa And It Was Fine ...

    But Then I Got A English Teaching Job And That Job Requirement Was To Have Work Permit ... So The School Worker Took Me Out And I Quit Thailand by Finishing My NON - O Visa 

    Entered In Malaysia And Got NON - B ( Bussiness Visa ) And Re-entered Thailand On Fresh Visa ... It Took One Month In Malaysia  For All Verification Of Documents And Then I Got

    Thai Visa From Malaysia ... On NON - B Visa I Got My Teaching Work Permit And Working ... May Salary Is 15000 Bhat So I Dont Have To Pay Any Tax ... But The Only Problem Is That 

    That You Are Dependent On Employer ... Even You Have One Year Visa Once They Fire You From Job Or Cancel Your Work Permit Your Rest Of Time Expires And You Get Exactly 7 Days

    To Find A New Job Employer Or Leave The Country ... Even If You Have 3 Years Contract Once Your Job Is Gone Your Visa Gone What Ever Period You Have ... That's The Worst Part Of It ...

    For NON - O Visa You Have To leave The Country And Get The Fresh Visa From Your Origion Of Country ...  Working Permit Under Wife ( Non-O ) Visa Is Only Allowed Upon Making A Company

    On Her Name holding 49% Share Of Yours Own Being Designated And Positioned As A Manager  In That Firm With Atleast 2 Million Capital To Be Declared At Least ... That is The Safest And

    Secure Visa But You Can Not Work Else Where On That Visa ... I Mean JOB ...


    So My Advise Is If You Are Confident That The Job Is Secure Then Go For It Otherwise You Knows Better ...

    Best Regards

    AhSaN ...  

  3. No

    You will never be a Thai citizen.

    And can I ask you to elaborate on why it is not possible?

    It may be possible. I have three UK friends who got Thai Citizenship a long time ago. But Thais do not respect thier citizenship.

    A farang is always a farang to them and on one paticular occasion when my friend produced his Thai ID card to enter a national park the gate keeper thew his ID card on the ground and told him "you are a farang and you pay farang entrance fee". That is the attitude.

    I believe this attitude is everywhere. Even in the zoo, when a Farang monkey of same species join in the same cage, with different non identical color and size :whistling: like me I guess :blink:. The locals would throw my citizenship away and offers me as "Farang" alien hospitality. In fact, when discussing the local Thai attitudes we often forget to quot our superior proud attitude towards presenting them that I am now a THAI :jap: In acquiring and obtaining Thai Citizenship did not makes us THAI that for sure. We have to learn the THAI local behavior and apply the same humble attitude of greetings and requesting in speech. keep in mind that Thai citizenship does not makes us THAI :ermm:. A chimpanzee is a chimpanzee and a baboon is a baboon whatever citizenship they might have they don't mix together. :jap: Conclusion : When we need to understand a Human Behavior Or an Attitude, we must understand the animal physiology ... When there is No Law there is a Jungle Law !!

  4. Dear Sir,

    I would like to read the posts only and rather send my comments, etc but you made me comment. The reason maybe the status matched. Anyhow your simple question "Can I become a Thai citizen" seems to became so complected when the answer is "NO" its NO. You are not willing to swallow it. The second relevant part of your question has the solution to deal with it but you have opt not to go for that " without the overpriced permanent residence. And you, yourself assumed it "(that nobody gets)"? Strange ...... !!

    I have a Thai wife like you, and two Thai son. I am having my own small business for living for 4+ years. Since your status you described as " I am not a rich Swiss banker that can buy it " So what made you believe it's possible when your simple one year visa run not possible without hiring an agent to proceed for you. Seeking citizenship is far beyond getting a simple one year visa when your each and every document is original and true. So it seems you have all the possible answers yet you need someone to make you believe it is possible and "normal" way like in the West ... So the answer is "NO" in capital words. In what you asked for now with your current status.

    Please note that Thailand is a tourist country. If Thailand allows foreigners a citizenship, All foreigners will become Thai citizens and so in that case what will happen to the local poor Thai citizens. The policies here are to protect the local citizens and only allow citizenship to those who have enough resources to pay Thai government a tax and can earn revenue for Thai government and Thai people to strengthen Thai economy. So they are right on their part. so do not try to find loop holes instead try to fill full the requirements and here you go ....

    Don't get frustrated as they say "WHERE THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY". If you are really intrusted in getting THAI CITIZENSHIP followings are some home works that you must do in REAL not FAKE . It is possible OK ...

    1. Try to get some Investor from your own home country who can invest 2 million bahts and can open a company for you under your name ....

    2. Register your company under your wife and your name and siblings ......

    3. Pay the tax as much as you can to Thai government that will raise your profile ....

    4. Pay donations to Thai Immigration, Hospitals and Flood Relief Operations, when and where applicable. They will serve you receipt of every donations and its legal.

    5. Keep your stay 3 years without changing any status and avoid leaving country for a period more than a month.

    6. Try to learn some Thai enough to speak it well and could read as well.

    7. Try to learn National Anthem of Thai and learn the meanings as well.

    8. Make your period of stay clean without any crime.

    After all above you will be able to get Thai Citizenship. In case if you are not good in Thai speaking writing and listening. Than have to pay agent 1,00,000 Bahts and they could do it for you to ensure easy THAI CITIZENSHIP. Remember, NO agent can process Thai Citizenship without the above quoted original home works. But this won't be necessary, if you are smart enough to handle on your own.

    In least case if you can not do these all above. Just sit and watch and hope for the best. The Thai government of past "Thaksin Shinawatra" in powers, previously working on the Act B.E. 2508 (A.D. 1965) to improve the laws for Aliens who wish to apply for Thai nationality. But unfortunately that government did not survived. Yet once again there are a great HOPE and expectations from this current government, that they would continue to complete this process and would relax some requirements to make it easy for the foreigners who have Thai wife and Thai children and wished to apply for Thai hai citizenship under Thai laws.

    For more details, regarding the requirements of THAI CITIZENSHIP. I would like to quot a detailed related post on the topic posted earlier in this forum " http://www.thaivisa.com/301.0.html " that might be of your interests.

    Best Regards



    I am 40 years and a Pakistani national. I came to Thailand on Tourist Visa in December 2004 and married here with a Thai Girl. After 10 days of staying in Thailand, I alongwith my spouse went to Pakistan. After preganency she came alone to Thailand to stay with her parents. I came here on Tourist Visa once again in July 2006. After staying 90 days. I applied to change my visa status to NON Immigrant O with a work permit of salary 40K contract for 3 months and paid taxes 1700 bhat /per month. But after 3 months my contract expired and I have to leave the country. I came to Thailand once again having a NON immigrant B visa with 3 Months on 6 October 2007 made Work Permit as a Adjan salary 8940 Bhat which later extended 7 months more total 10 months, because my contract is expiring on 31 May 2008. The job usually found temporary and survival in Thailand is getting harder and harder with new rules on monthly basis. Now once again I am leaving the country and will soon back.


    Is it not strange that when your contract expires. Your visa expires. Your visa expires you get 7 days to find a job. When you get a job with another contract. You have to apply to labour department for work permit. Labour department takes 2 weeks for the process and your immigration department did not extend visa. So it always compell to eject you out of the country.


    If the labour department takes 2 weeks, Is it not possible that the immigration department should also allow 2 weeks upon receipt of work permit case. Or otherwise extend 10 days more to the 7 days period atleast. I do not know others but its very hard for me to leave my thai child here because I am not financially strong. But it is very painful to go back and come back and find another employer within 3 months.


    I am not criticising thai immigration laws, nor government policies but I truely believe that I can raise my voice through this famous "Thai Visa" site, to provide some solution to such problems which compell us to leave the country. Especially who is living with his family in thailand.

    Best Regards !!


  6. I am currently working as marketing manager in an IT firm from last six months i.e December 2006, onward in Bangkok. Each month 1900 Bhat is being dudected from my salary for tax out of 40 K. My work permit is issued from Bangkok labour department. Now the owner of my firm wish to close his firm in the end of May 2007 for which they have paid me in advance, as per thier rule and my services is being terminated and they served me a notice, asking me, that I have to submit my work permit back to them for labour department. I am also informed that with my work permit my Visa will also expire respectively one day later, which has to be expired in July 28, 2007. Moreover, I have to apply atleast 60 days prior to expiry of my visa for another extension of one year. Please note that I have got NON Immigrant "O" catgory visa. I am quite worried as to what to do within the limited time of almost 8 days onward to end my session of stay.

    Kindly help and advise.

    Best Regards


  7. "Tell him," she whispered, "There's no toilet paper, hand soap or paper towels in the ladies room."

    So what is the moral of the story ...... ? Let me guess ........ Yes ...... !! The moral of the story should be ...... !! All guys need to be aware of the inner hatred of the old modern woman and her bitterness towards all men especially when she comes to a sexual contact ..... !!

  8. The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened? The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half. Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day....or night? Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments? What would YOU do? What Lancelot chose is below. BUT....make YOUR choice before you scroll down below. OKAY? Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself. Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life. Now....what is the moral to this story? Scroll down The moral is.....> If you don't let a woman have her own way.... Things are going to get ugly .

    Very nice story indeed wounderful but too long, nevermind it's so so cool :o ....... !!

    If I be the poor "Lancelot" I would have choosen beautiful :bah: during the night :D Let she be beautiful for me all the night and a witch and ugly for all others and you :D to be very secure and protected, in my life :D ........ !!

    Now.... :bah: what would be the moral of this modified story ? Scroll up The moral is..... > If you let a woman have her own way .... Things are not going to be pretty in your favour at all :D .

    QuOt of ThE DaY !!

    "Try not to become a man of success, but rather, try to become a man of value."

  9. Good Morning :D !!

    Here I am once again !! :D What happened no replies :D ? Am I dreaming or the pannel freezed in front of my eyes :o ?

    QuOtE of ThE DaY !!

    True friendship comes when silence between two people is comfortable.

    QuEsTiOn of ThE DaY !!

    Will there be a day, when we look forward, to the time, where the Power of Love, will replace the Love of Power ?

  10. And the moral of this story is: Always keep your condoms in your car.

    Nice Joke ! Next time don't miss the opportunity .... :o Buddy here are some great deals for you ........... !!

    We give you TOTALLY FREE CONDOMS for your car, discreetly packaged and shipped. No purchase necessary and no shipping fees, just great Brand Name Condoms. We have researched the top FDA APPROVED condoms and styles to bring you the safest and most pleasurable assortment of condoms, female condoms and lubricants right to your doorstep.

    Why still single ? Why not have plenty of Condoms around in your car for your spouse sister ? We make it easy for you to Get Totally Free Condoms on the Internet, for your cars. We take the hassle out of getting Condoms, be prepared for those unexpected opportunities and neighbouring offers.

    Choose from a huge assortment of free condoms and free personal lubricants to experiment, sample and have fun with your partner such as: Trojan®, Lifestyles, Durex, Contempo, Reality female condoms, Night Light and more! In styles such as Extra Sensitive, Ribbed, Studded, Lasting Pleasure, Colors, Flavors, Glow in the Dark, Her Pleasure, Snugger Fit, Shared Sensation and many, many more !

    As a one of the leaders in providing free condoms, we know how important it is to have your condoms shipped safely and discreetly, all of our products are shipped in plain, high quality packaging. The word condom or any sexual explicated comments or materials will not appear on your packages.

    We think of all of our users as being smart, safe, sexy and ready for those unexpected or expected deals, where you need a condom or hopefully two condoms. Whether you're single or in a relationship, why not have plenty of condoms around?

    In addition to supplying you with free condoms we also have a great deal of safe sex educational information, to help you make healthy choices about having sex. So, if your thinking about having sex, please educate yourself about CONDOM FACTS, HIV/AIDS and other STD's first.

    Females: Be prepared with the best free female condoms. Reality female condoms are a safe and pleasurable way to protect your self. It gives you the control you need and the full protection today's society requires. The loose-fitting design allows for maximum sensitivity and heat transfer.

  11. The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success."


    Indeed its a wonderful story of LOVE DREAM as often falling in LOVE do not bring SUCESS together at-once, there could be FAILURE in the begining or till the end. While WEALTH often LOOSES hardly seen anyone gets WEALTHIER being fallen in LOVE. If its truly BLIND or not a pre-planned fixed attempt ...... Therefore I would call it a DREAM !!

    I would like to share the following story of Valentine Day just passed away !!


    A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?"

    "You'll know tonight." he said.

    That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it--only to find a book entitled "The meaning of dreams".

  12. QuEsTiOn of ThE DaY !!

    ..why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

    mmm your worried about your dark green skin, right ?

    stay off the drugs mate, thats my answer.

    No "Grover"..... You are absolutely wrong !! Actualley you must take off your dark green glassess, in-order to view the full contrast of life ...... To be very honest, I don't take drugs but the ones called life saving if prescribed by my physician to be very clear.

    My replies are long because I reply and address to multiple members at the same time in reading multiple posts and views, however, in answers I quote often only one, in particular, It is persumed that our senior members must be well experienced in seeing the matters on the net, yet I appologise in advance and regret to quote that your approach is a bit narrow in my case. The people who thinks that other people are drunk often are actualley infact ...... But why should I say that ..... ? As in the case of madness, the patient always consider it's doctor to be mad. Anyhow, as you all came to a conclusion by viewing the "new cookie" as a cute strange little boy now came more closer to approach your heart. Check the location now ...... as on the eve of valentine day ... !!

    I, thought, that my font should be, a little brighter and colourful for those senior advanced members who have to view my posts using eye glasses in small fonts. Many of them I feel when I fond out some senior member criticising my post without being going through its final contents. I wounder why ? and so I enhanced my font to make them read clear. I strongly feel that the Advanced members should incourage newbies cute such as like me and others in giving room to participate in the discussion in the forum, in wellcoming them. I also have a firm beliefe as this isn't a sensitive thread for the participation, it's a simple question what is been asked in a thread as wondering "do the moderators never sleep ..... ? " I mean every member junior or senior may have a different approach of viewing the moderators activities. One can see as how we have advanced this thread and took upto 13 pages in having a some sort of common interest in our moderators / admin unless or otherwise it may have closed for all members. So there is nothing illegal and nothing off the rules as far as moderators / admin allow members to move on .

    QuOtE of ThE DaY !!

    Anyway, no drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power. ~P.J. O'Rourke

    QuEsTiOn of ThE DaY !!

    Why everyone hate the POLICE but love to be in POLICE ?

    HinT !! Two SHIPS are involved !! Find the missing letters D C A O SHIP AND S N I RSHIP !!

  13. Just to echo Wolfie, one very strange cookie indeed.

    P.S. your skin is alive and contains elements that darken under strong sunlight (depending upon UV content) Hair, even though organic, is dead, almost everything non-living will get bleached by sunshine.

    Just didn't want you losing any sleep over that one.

    Good answer !! Thank you .................................. :o

    QuOtE of ThE DaY !!

    A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb

    QuEsTiOn of ThE Day !!

    ...why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed ?

  14. We patrol the far reaches of cyberspace so you can sleep safely in your beds :o

    Probably some people can't sleep because they view cyber ghousts in their dreams. Anyhow the thread must move on with the securities alive to maximum alert !!

    QuOt of ThE DaY !!

    Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac. -- George Carlin

    QuEsTiOn of ThE DaY !!

    ...why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

  15. You should have a tax card with your own tax number. You can get one at the tax office.

    If you recieved a salary in 2006 (for December), you should be getting a paper from your company showing your salary and how much tax they deducted. That should have been forwarded to the tax office and credited to your tax number.

    Before the end of March you need to file form 90 or 91 with the tax office. They will give you a receipt that you use for immigration and or the labor office. They will also want a copy of the form.

    If you only had one months salary, and had money deducted, you should get it refunded to you. The Thai tax year is the calendar year.

    Your employer should also be deducting social security each month. It will run you 750 Baht a month. It will give you health services. Those fees can also be deducted from your gross salary next year to save you some taxes.

    Very well, so kind of you and thank you so much sir :o !!

  16. Could be a CIA sponsored experiment to try and prove that an infinite number of chimpanzees hammering away at keyboards would eventually produce something intelligent.

    Unfortunately due to budget restrictions the number of chimps has had to be significantly reduced. :D

    Greetings Folks !!

    Ofcourse you have missed me a lot :o I wounder but aah I was so busy :D anyway nevermind ... !! Ohh sorry "Wolfie" I hope now the spellings of your nick is typed okay ... :D

    Actually that was the most classified information !! How do U get that info ? I wounder as someone is bugging the CIA's files :D . The further story is that, they employed some MODified super Gorrilla's in uniform to control the flow of keyboard with a shoot onsight orders . Eventually the WWF has showed it's concern over the threat to the wildlife especially to the subscription of chimps which are now in more danger.

    QuOtE of ThE DaY !!

    All trespassers will be shot on sight. All survivors will then be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Have a nice day!

    QuEsTiOn of ThE DaY !!

    ..why "abbreviated" is such a long word to be very short ?

  17. You'll need to take three months of PND #1 (monthly withholding tax) filed by the company. Some companies get a tad worried as you will see what the other employees get for a salary on this PND #1. Ask them to black out other employees names and info and just leave your details.

    After March 30th, you will also need last years PND 90. ( Your year end personal income tax.)


    But I am not paying any other tax !! Does that mean that I have to pay any other tax too beside salary tax :o on my own ? OR you meant that previous statement record as well. My job started from December 2006 3 Months only let me know if I have to pay any other tax as well before its too late.

  18. In a poor zoo of India, a lion was frustrated as he was offered not more than 1 kg of meat a day. The lion thought its prayers were answered, when one day a Dubai Zoo Manager visited the zoo and requested the zoo management to shift the lion to Dubai Zoo. The lion was so happy and started thinking of a central A/c environment, a goat or two every day.

    On its first day after arrival, the lion was offered a big bag, sealed very nicely for breakfast. The lion opened it quickly but was shocked to see that it contained few bananas. The lion thought that may be they cared too much for him as they were worried about his stomach as he had recently shifted from India. The next day the same thing happened. On the third day again the same food bag of bananas was delivered.

    The lion was so furious; it stopped the delivery boy and blasted at him, 'Don't you know I am the lion...king of the Jungle..., what's wrong with your management?, what nonsense is this?, why are you delivering bananas to me?' The delivery boy politely said, 'Sir, I know you are the king of the jungle. *but**... you have been brought here on a monkey's visa !!! ' *

    Moral of the Story....


  19. I think one thing is we are in several different time zones.

    For my work, I travel a lot, though I may not post as much, when I am in the hotel I rather read Thaivisa than go out.

    Good Morning Everbody !!

    I enjoyed a nice sleep last night and came up to greet all of you :D well well well ..... lets see and ooh finally I have got a humble warning :D Wolfire thank you sir, I knew ofcourse but I came up to show myself as I know you would be missing me :D . The reason why I have choosed this thread iand all my posts are here s because its the only thread on general page, in which I can participate and of my interest. If you through me out, I am sure you will all miss me but nevermind, its all part of life. Wolfire I have posted some posts in other thread as well. I hope it pleases you. I hope everything is fine now. Have a great day sir.

    Mod Khutan exactly that is life so chill out and enjoy your vacations, trips and ofcourse a nice sleep as well. Happiness and humour is esential for health life. I would request you to share some interesting pictures of diferent beautiful areas for us while your traveling.

    Although I have addressed the MODs' so the comments should come up from the MOD's alone, yet I can see that some senior members are trying to mess with me. Rest I respect for all the senior members so do respect have respect and I don't hear them too :o so I have kept them on ignore mode now onward.

    QuOt of ThE DaY !!

    Barking dogs seldom bites !!

  20. I am employeed as a manager in a private IT company at a Salary 40K. My company deduct the tax from my salary Bhat 1900 every month and pay me round about 38K. I haven't got any tax receipt from my office. After 5 months when I re-appear for another one year Non O visa extension. Do I have to show immigration the receipts of my tax which I do not have yet or I have to declare only that my tax is deducted from my salary directly and they would find their own. I mean as how would I exactly proof my salary tax is been paid regularly per month ?

    Do the employee get any personal tax number of their own ? OR company is bond to pay the tax on behalf of employees working with them ? I have been informed that company is responsible to collect the tax each month from employee salary ? But in such a case how would I know the tax deducted by the company each month from my salary is being paid to tax department regularly ?

    I also requested my company that I would like to deposit my tax on my own but they informed me, its not permitted and the responsibility is there to get the tax before paying !

    I would like to learn more from legal advisor about the tax issues.

  21. I don't know if anyone else has been told this, so I don't know if it's even true. Two years ago, I opened an account as Siam Commercial Bank. Before they would open the account for me, I had to have some forms filled out by/for Immigration concerning my address. When I picked up the completed forms, the very helpful immigration officer told me that if the bank mailed statements etc sent to my address were returned to the bank, they would sieze the account, and I would not be able to use it. I was told that it would be a big hassle, but I could get my money back, eventually. Her advice, don't let it happen! I don't know if it was a form of scare tactics, or just BS, but I never receive monthly statements. I have been to the bank and complained, and all they say is that if I want, they send, lol. I just make sure that my bank knows I'm around, and at the same address.

    Please keep in your mind that there is no immigration officer concerned in banks. They are all bank employees, however, Siam Commercial Bank in particular, ( is a very commercial bank ) have some representatives to assist foreigners especially in english language. So they guide you for any possible inconvienence may put you in trouble. Also note that bank only keep the photocopy of your first two pages. Not the visa or extension pages etc. This means they are not concerned about your stay even you have only one day or last day in Thailand. They will open your bank account as desired and requested by you. They only keep your Work Permit full details, and follow the enteries contained in it OR otherwise in case of spouse, keep the wife's / husband's thai ID card / residential certificate ( tamambian ) and marriage certificate and open account. So bank statement is just to inform you about the status of your account or any descripency found in thereby notified to them within 7 days of receipt of the statement to correct the errors.

  22. I don't know if anyone else has been told this, so I don't know if it's even true. Two years ago, I opened an account as Siam Commercial Bank. Before they would open the account for me, I had to have some forms filled out by/for Immigration concerning my address. When I picked up the completed forms, the very helpful immigration officer told me that if the bank mailed statements etc sent to my address were returned to the bank, they would sieze the account, and I would not be able to use it. I was told that it would be a big hassle, but I could get my money back, eventually. Her advice, don't let it happen! I don't know if it was a form of scare tactics, or just BS, but I never receive monthly statements. I have been to the bank and complained, and all they say is that if I want, they send, lol. I just make sure that my bank knows I'm around, and at the same address.
    I do not think they have a check on this anyway,why in hel_l if we leave our place would you inform them???

    They say it is for safety reasons,for when something goes wrong,allright maybe.I find it very incovenient if have to report to a police station all the time(I assume it is also for go a short holiday,correct me if i am wrong),you have ever seen their face...no thank you.If you ,like you just changed your adress,they will never know do they?,when you exactly moved,so no worries about it.Don't make sleeping dogs wake up,think first,just report it the next form.Don't think they keep our adresses anyway,they do not care,only when they have to find you or something.

    That is not bank statement. Actually bank has to confirm your mailing address once you agree to open and maintain account with any bank anywhere in the world. This is a kind of security check that the particulars you have provided especially your location is correct. I repeat its done once, some bank issue cheque books or ATM Card / Atm Pins upon receipt of the letter they have mailed to your official or residential addresses what ever you have choosed at the option available to mail your statements etc to your desired mailing address. Once you confirm its done. Bank statements have nothing to do BUT remember if your mail bonuced back with a status that the account holder do not exists or moved on. The bank as a security freeze your account, for any possible fraud or misshap to provide you maximum security. When ever you become active or intend to operate your account they will ask your mailing address verification again to update their record. This is done because your money is a very senstive issue to them, in protecting your identity. It has nothing to do with the immigration. However, please note that any change of name or address in workpermit must be notified therein to immigration immediately. Delay may cause problem / fine maybe as the entry in work permit bears a date of its ammendment.

  23. Your a strange cookie really, aintcha?

    Yes I am :D ! Keep an eye on me :D because I am a lil newbie on the nurves of MOD :o ! But tell me one thing please ...... How many hours you may sleep now .... :D

    QuOt oF ThE DaY !!

    "Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to."

  24. since we are speaking of the mods (who I must say I quite like them all..maybe I have a thing for those in authority? kinda like the idea of girls liking men in uniform maybe? or men that like women in uniform (nurses)....anyhow.........Im just wondering out of curiousity whether its possible to ignore a mod? not asking whether this will avoid our posts getting moderated or them being able to suspend on ban us...but am just curious if this is technically feasible?

    not that Im expecting my posts to get moderated or deleted except for perhaps this one

    and ohhhh..this is NOT a discussion of the moderation issue. i have absolutely no objections to the moderation rules but would be interesting to hear your views thankyou people men n women in power

    Good Idea ( MiG sweet 16 ) in my case it won't work !! BUT !!

    I wounder would it work :D You know what the problem is that, we also seek to learn about the response from the Pet Mod in uniform which is happens to be negative always instead of positive reaction. But I can underst as they have to prove the loyalty to the law in order to save the authority. Some pets in uniform believes that the forum can't be run without their presence and sencorship. I mean they have to cut something / delete some material / view everything in watching and guarding day and night taking extra pain for nothing but for the existance of themselves and to hold the authority. Their only reward is to hear appreciation from their owners and from the members to show their owners they are most popular. I being a small super star now in the power of newbie avatar hereby declares that I am happy to be included in their watch list :o as a suspect lol. So "wolfire" would comeup to 10 minutes a sleep per day. I would sugest that the blood wasted from the "wolfire avatar" could be denoted to those who are desparetely in need of blood. This may save a lot of lives as well.

    Lets see the quickest response from the most active MOD to the question to prove does the moderators never sleep ?


    KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !! ( I am not drunk because I never do )

    QuOt of the DaY !!

    " Some people love to keep the authority busy so they remain active for their securities if and when required "

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