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Posts posted by leicester

  1. I’m in a similar position. My current non O based on marriage was issued in HCMC and I believe that means applying for a new VISA rather than renewing? I’ve ordered a bank statement for 3 months and covering letter to confirm over 400k baht has been in my local bank during that time. We’ve contacted the landlord asking for a copy of his ID card and House Registration to be certified by him. Will sort out the photos today. My experience at Chaemgwattana has been dreadful in previous years hence going to Vietnam, which was an easy process. Any advice or link to full info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  2. A good friend of mine with a work permit and non B visa has been told by his boss and staff at his company that he must leave and re-enter Thailand every 90 days. I have a work permit and I go to the new immigration offices at Chaeng Wattana every 90 days to report and extend. He is adamant that he has to leave for Cambodia tomorrow and going to Chaeng Wattana is not an option. Is there any reason why this may be correct or can somebody please reply with details that I can show him so that he stops wasting his time?

    I also knew a guy a couple of years ago that told me he had to leave the country every 90 days even though he had a WP. Are there different types of WP? Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.

  3. A good friend of mine with a work permit and non B visa has been told by his boss and staff at his company that he must leave and re-enter Thailand every 90 days. I have a work permit and I go to the new immigration offices at Chaeng Wattana every 90 days to report and extend. He is adamant that he has to leave for Cambodia tomorrow and going to Chaeng Wattana is not an option. Is there any reason why this may be correct or can somebody please reply with details that I can show him so that he stops wasting his time?

    I also knew a guy a couple of years ago that told me he had to leave the country every 90 days even though he had a WP. Are there different types of WP? Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.

  4. Can anybody advise how the public can see where the US and UK aid was spent that was given and intended for the flood victims?

    Until there is transparency in spending across the board here, there will always be corruption. (This modern approach will never happen as long as the old guard are filling their pockets).

    Just look at what is happening with the conflict over land on Sukhumvit soi 24.

    Explain to me how these people are Buddhist again?

    There was and is transparency in respect to the aid provided. I suggest you go and look at the respective government press releases. Typically the monies are spent on the purchase of goods and services from the donors.

    Here is the explanation of the $10million aid package given in November (from US State Dept. news release);

    We will increase local civilian emergency response and disaster preparation capacity by providing funding for water pumps for flood recovery, training and equipping first responders, supporting health recovery efforts, and expanding flood early warning systems. We will train police and other first responders in disaster response and provide equipment like generators, survival kits, and life vests. The United States is consulting with the Thai Government on how we can best assist in restoring important cultural sites, including the ancient capital and World Heritage Site at Ayutthaya, which have been damaged by the floods. We will involve U.S. experts to conduct damage assessments and work with Thai organizations to enlist support from the U.S. Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation.

    This assistance supplements what the United States provided in October when the flooding reached a critical stage. At that time, we provided boats, marine engines, and life vests to the Thai police for their enforcement efforts in a disaster environment, assisting flood victims and securing property and flood barriers. In addition to $1.1 million in direct humanitarian assistance, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided technical support to the Thai Government’s Flood Response Operations Center. USAID and U.S. military humanitarian assessment survey teams, including the U.S. Marine Corps HAST out of Okinawa, conducted numerous assessments of flood-affected areas. The USS Mustin conducted 69 helicopter survey missions with the Thai military, worked with local communities, and donated blood and relief funds. The United States Pacific Command also provided up-to-date satellite imagery of the stricken areas to assist in flood predictions and mitigation operations by the Thai military and civilian authorities.

    The employees of the U.S. Embassy in Bangkok worked to help flood victims even as some of their own homes were flooded. American and Thai staff members packed and delivered food, donated blood, and gathered supplies. Many in the embassy community also opened up their homes for colleagues displaced by the flooding. Sailors from the USS Mustin donated personal funds to the flood effort.

    I don't think you can get more explicit than the above. Not much wiggle room for corruption or misappropriation of funds either. Check out the UK press release for more of the same. Also many foreign governments directly funded NGOs like the Red Cross and WHO which was facilitating distribution of medical resources. Please be fair. All parties were trying to do the right thing here.

    sorry GT

    I just skimmed through the article. It started off with we will. Not we have. At that point I kinda tuned it out.


  5. Can anybody advise how the public can see where the US and UK aid was spent that was given and intended for the flood victims?

    Until there is transparency in spending across the board here, there will always be corruption. (This modern approach will never happen as long as the old guard are filling their pockets).

    Just look at what is happening with the conflict over land on Sukhumvit soi 24.

    Explain to me how these people are Buddhist again?

  6. I wonder if anyone can help explain what this bonus is and how it can be used. The True website shows how many points I have accumulated as does every bill but it doesn't offer guidance on how to use these points. My Thai girlfriend has called to ask customer services and confirms, "It's a bonus!". Great. Thanks for that. My bonus has reduced over 2,000 baht this year. Have I been using credits with my calls or do they take the points away after a certain time? If there is any value in this bonus system, it would be worth knowing about! Thanks in advance for your feedback!

  7. Might be worth the BiB starting this "New Crackdown" at the end of Sukhumvit soi 13 if the money passing hands is anything to go by. The foreign exchange outlet recently set up there seems to be doing a roaring trade. The problem with this approach may be the lack of funds this could produce in bail etc for the New Years commissioners meal. Seems the best way to combat this problem is for groups of 6 or 7 policeman to stand together on Rama 4 and stop the cars as they pass. That will keep them fit and also keep the criminals off the street.

  8. Why has this made the news? 0.9 grams of dried marijuana? That's about 1 joints worth of smoke! The only reason marijuana is illegal anywhere is because there is no tax paid on it. Thailand's draconian drugs policy makes you think twice. What damage would this guy cause with such a small amount of smoke? Alcohol is far worse for you and creates much more problems. What a ridiculous world we live in.

  9. You should go on some serious medication, TB just doesn't "vanish"!

    Yes, I appreciate that. The hospital has given me a course of medication. I have to take 9 pills before I go to bed. This is making me lose even more weight and I have no confidence in the medical system here as I had pneumonia last year and the same problem (pills they gave me made me worse). Went back to UK and sorted after 4 days in hospital. The ailments I have cited should cure my throat pain. Please advise if you can help.

  10. I have been diagnosed with TB and have a legion on my voicebox which is excruciatingly painful. It is unbearable to eat and currently chew the cud when I attempt to as food gets blocked. Down to 73kg when I should be 90!

    I'm on a course of medication but pain in the throat isn't easing.

    According to the net, best cures are below but I need to find the Thai translation so please help if you can. Thanks in advance.


    Nettle juice









    Nasturtium juice

  11. Most of you will have noticed the clear efforts made by Abhisit to improve the pavements on Bangkok's busiest walk ways. We have all hit our toe on a nuisance obstacle that has no reason to be there at some point or another. We must appreciate the new government forking out for materials and manpower.

    Once an area has been designated for this paving regeneration, piles of paving slabs are left in the middle of the street and relaid in a state that merits work done by a child. There are gaps in the slabs which equate to dangerous pot holes and excess slabs are left hindering the path.

    Can anybody explain why soft sand is used instead of cement as common sense would suggest these slabs will sink and therefore become uneven similar to its present condition?

    I have recently had fusion surgery for degenerative disc disease at L5-S1 in my lumbar and walking is supposedly an excellent way to help fuse the spine in recovery. The pavements here have never been very good and this poor workmanship only retains such inadequacies. Block paving is hardly difficult. Only laziness and lack of knowledge and training can account for this situation. Training to lay paving must take at least 30 minutes!

  12. Most of you will have noticed the clear efforts made by Abhisit to improve the pavements on Bangkok's busiest walk ways. We have all hit our toe on a nuisance obstacle that has no reason to be there at some point or another. We must appreciate the new government forking out for materials and manpower.

    Once an area has been designated for this paving regeneration, piles of paving slabs are left in the middle of the street and relaid in a state that merits work done by a child. There are gaps in the slabs which equate to dangerous pot holes and excess slabs are left hindering the path.

    Can anybody explain why soft sand is used instead of cement as common sense would suggest these slabs will sink and therefore become uneven similar to its present condition?

    I have recently had fusion surgery for degenerative disc disease at L5-S1 in my lumbar and walking is supposedly an excellent way to help fuse the spine in recovery. The pavements here have never been very good and this poor workmanship only retains such inadequacies. Block paving is hardly difficult. Only laziness and lack of knowledge and training can account for this situation. Training to lay paving must take at least 30 minutes!

  13. Thanks Lopburi, I will inform the bosses. The lawyer quoted 60,000 baht for work permit and B VISA!!

    I hope they will look at an alternative. Can anyone recommend a decent solicitor/lawyer that doesn't charge ridiculous fees?

    Didn't realise you had to apply for work permit before you got B VISA?? This is not how I first came to Thailand, the B VISA was done prior to any work permit application.

  14. Please help.

    My 60 day with 30 day extension tourist VISA ends next week and was intending to apply for a new one in Vientiane, however, the rules have now changed and will be refused back to back tourist VISA's.

    I have a job offer to work in Bangkok with a legitimate company. They will give me a work permit once I have a non B VISA. They gave me the number of the Thai solicitor/lawyer they use and she told me she can change my tourist VISA into a non B 90 day VISA for 17,000 baht!?!?! The company will rebate me the 17,000 baht after three months, so they say!

    I have read that it only costs 2,000 baht for a non B 90 day VISA from Vientiane if you supply all the correct paperwork with a letter from company to support your application. Is this still the case??

    The lawyer tells me I cannot get a non B VISA from Laos and that it may affect the work permit application. Is this true?

    If it is possible to get a non B 90 day VISA from Laos, can anyone please guide me to the best web-site for information on exactly what is required? Is it as straight forward as the tourist application or does it take much longer i.e. apply in morning and pick up passport following afternoon?

    Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

  15. At the beginning of July, I went to Vientianne and got a single entry tourist VISA - 60 days - only to find out I could have got a double entry VISA for absolutely nothing.

    The VISA runs out at end of this month and of course I could go to immigration at Sathorn to extend by 30 days for 1900 baht.

    I may do this, but looking at alternatives and wondered whether someone would be able to help.

    My options are Vientianne again, Phnom Penh, HCMC or KL.

    Having read recent reports of Penang making their own rules with VISA's, I have decided to give this a miss. Is KL's Thai embassy/consulate run in the same vein??

    Are all consulates the same in that you apply on one day (normally morning) and collect the following day (normally in the afternoon)?

    I would preferably go to KL as can stay at friends plus no need to purchase a VISA as British.

    Any help would be much appreciated, especially if someone has recently been to KL and received a double entry tourist VISA.

  16. Okay, so since it's such a terribly disgusting place, why are you here? I'm seriously asking. It seems like you pretty much hate Thai people. So why are you here?

    The omnipresent contradiction. As you might know, there is a great circle of these types. In residence forever.....can't stand the place....can't stand the people nor the society at large.....find every aspect of Thai life quite unsavoury.....etc. But insist on staying around.

    I know. And I just don't get it. I see both the good and bad. All the contradictions that make Thailand what it is. But if I hated it here so much that I had to only moan an groan, I'd just leave. To be honest a lot of that "great circle" you mention are here for one reason and we all know what it is, so for them it transcends anything they see as negative.

    For the benefit of Phetaroi; I have stated 6 or 7 issues that disgust me about Thais. Yes I know this is because they are uneducated and its a different culture etc.

    It wouldn't really be interesting reading if I were to write about all the wonderful things Thailand offers, and that I enjoy, would it? Visiting the beach on a weekend, a clear blue sky on a sunny warm day, a panang curry or similarly marvellous Thai meal, football in the international casual league at Patana school, massages ;-), playing golf on amazing courses with a caddy, cheapness of almost everything (alcohol especially;-)), the fact I'm not worried about getting mugged at 3am (its a very safe place, low crime levels), the jai yen yen mentality, the friendly thai smile, my girlfriends body, beautiful women in general, being able to pay the police 200 baht for speeding ;-), and most importantly winding muppets up like you and smokie who must walk around with your blinkers on. Everything I have said about their dirty habits is true and smokie - from the island of Ibiza, sorry I mean Samui, says he has never seen this. A great example of being here too long - you have become a liar (to yourself)!

    What is wrong with stating a few home truths? Its just the way us youngsters roll. Fancy another bite?

  17. Doubtful Smokie. I think you must be stoned. :D

    Are there public toilets in Thailand? On a similar note to previously discussed traditional Thai traits, the men urinate wherever and whenever they need to go, as seen (and smelt) :D on a highly regular basis. This is nothing less than putrid.

    What are you talking about?

    Thais have no ability to use a toilet because they are???? What???

    No public toilets? Well I can always find one.

    I must be stoned.....I can't believe I'm reading this drivel.

    This is my point entirely. You are a prime example of a man that has fallen in love with Thailand and has become oblivious to them coughing in people's faces, rudely entering lifts and transport before others have vacated, picking their noses in public, relieving oneself wherever they wish, not to mention the noises created by generating phlegm for a well required throat cleanse!!! :)

    Yes of course there are public amenities readily available, it must be that the males I see spending a penny in the street would prefer not to pay the entrance fee. Please remind me, what do they call farangs with no money or too tight to spend their money again?

    Kee-nok/Kee-neow. Wonder where they get these phrases from? :D

    Who said Thais have no ability to use a toilet? Not me! :D

    Moreover, where have you found the inclusion because they are???? What???? You have confused me here. Are you talking to me?

    If you are going to respond to my messages classifying them as drivel, please read the information first before you head off on a totally different tangent.

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