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Posts posted by tomuk76

  1. Why so defensive tomuk76? I never said you made any comments about women & have in fact left your topic open with only a warning that it wont be allowed to descend into the usual women hating stupid comment trash that usually happens with these kinds of topics.

    So providing everyone keeps it polite, there is no problem. Chill.

    No comment! (as its against the rules) hehe

  2. Perhaps the OP has misunderstood something.

    He assumes that men travel from all over the world to Thailand because the women in Thailand are the best in the world (a silly idea in itself).

    I suggest he take time to look around at the foreigners.. I suspect the answer is near that mark.

    Ok most guys who travel here are sex tourists, im not saying you are guesthouse but the chances are you could be.

    Anyway there are an awful lof of guys arouind the world married to thais, like myself.

  3. oh dear, the silly comments started already, I have deleted this (this time) next lot get the topic closed.

    <deleted> i have only just opened this topic 5 mins ago and you have coming posting here at 100mph,

    This is a genuine question, Its seems the issue isnt with me.

    I personally think thai women are the best in the world as i married to one, If i was single i would also look to have a gf who is thai? whats wrong with that?

  4. If you dont want to insult the London Bankers, nor their puppets the Neocons, nor in turn their puppets, the US Pres. candidates, nor the Israelis, nor ask a single question about the scientifically un-proven holocast, (not an anti semitic comment, as I was born a Jew, and, in any case, the semites are the Arabs, not the Caucasians who later immigrated and converted to Judaism), then we can safely say that this forum is politically correct. This post is politically incorrect for discussing political correctness too blatantly, so it will most probably be struck off.


    Hey were in thailand, lets have fun, thats whats it all about isnt it?

    After all you can do anything you want in thailand?? Cant u?

  5. Most people wait at least a week before starting yet another thread on the same topic.

    You waited a whole two days to start not one, but two, on the same thing:


    Gold star for forum clutter creation :o

    Now on a serious note: A plea to maximise the value of this great resource by:

    * post to the most relevant forum

    * scroll through a couple of pages of the forum to see if there is the same topic already being addressed * do a search using appropriate key words, and then if there is nothing relevant

    * start a thread

    There is a lot of good knowledge in here being buried under an avalanche of repeat threads and dross. This means that eventually those folks with the real knowledge get response-fatigue and don't bother posting new stuff or correcting the misinformation that others post in their place ... and we all suffer as a result.

    Thanks for listening :D

    There you go, one of those politically correct posters, yawn

  6. A couple of days ago i drove down soi 4 in sukhumvit to have a couple of beers. Just before i got to the rajah hotel carpark i noticed an old man in his 60s with white hair sat on the curb out side a hotel adjacent, I thought nothing of it just he was waiting for a lift.

    Anyway 2 hours later after finishing my drink i started to walk back to the car and i noticed the guy was still sat there. As i was driving i thought maybe i could help him so i asked if he was ok and needed a lift anywhere as he seemed to of been there for a while. He stood up and said "well yes i have a big problem, my thai women has took everything from me, i dont have anything"

    I looked at his rucksack and he had wrote a message on it saying "please help me". At the this stage i just said sorry mate your a scamster arent you and walked off.

    To be honest maybe i should of give him more time to explain but there were lots of people looking.

    He didnt look like he was homeless etc. clean shaven, neatly combed hair, shirt, trousers etc.

    Anyone spoke/seen him?

    If he was a scamster whats he gonna get? few hundred baht everday?

  7. I dont wanna hear any complaints from you people! I pay 7 baht per unit thanks to my thieving landlord..... my freaking bill is about 7000 baht a month!!! More than HALF my actual RENT! All I can do is move out if I dont like it.....

    He's not theiving, he is earning money.

    If i was your landlord i would charge you the same, This is thailand, nothing is free my friend. Its all about the money!

  8. 4yr old thread I might add. (this was in the days where things were a bit wilder at TV)

    Oh well you're right there britmaveric but that second thread has been dug up again in the last few days, Anyway that was just a example i had in my head. lol

    You cant deny it doesnt go on anymore as i have seen the insults all over TV and ive only been using it for about 1 year, infact it digusts me hence the reason i created this thread, Nothing against farang women, my mother is one, but i just think the rules should apply to all!

  9. link????

    I read this post originally http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Hmm-Settle-Us-t22039.html

    which led on to this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/Holding-hands-public-t601.html

    Im quite amused at why you wanted a link britmaveric you actually post on the second thread, which is the one that clearly states that "thai women who hold hands with there bf in public or prostitutes"

    ps i can dig out hundreds more if you like?

  10. I cant help but notice the amount of times people are disrespectful comments towards thai women on thaivisa, yet as soon as a disrespectful comment is posted about a farang women the thread gets deleted within minutes?

    Why is this?

    Because some of the mods here are farang woman.

    And btw tom you are right,some of your better work i would say :D

    I know im right mate! :D I know all the answers just cant say, im leaving it up to you lot :o

    I havent said anything wrong yet so why should i get banned?, If i do then there is something seriously wrong here!

    Actually il go as far as to say that quite often the farang girls will join in and run the thai girls down telling us what we have for wives and girlfriends !.. shall i get my coat ? :D

    Well if i get banned for this i will report every single women on here that has run down thai women and get them all banned to, jeez that will be the end of the forum "ladies in thailand"

  11. I cant help but notice the amount of times people are disrespectful comments towards thai women on thaivisa, yet as soon as a disrespectful comment is posted about a farang women the thread gets deleted within minutes?

    Why is this?

    Because some of the mods here are farang woman.

    And btw tom you are right,some of your better work i would say :D

    I know im right mate! :D I know all the answers just cant say, im leaving it up to you lot :o

    I havent said anything wrong yet so why should i get banned?, If i do then there is something seriously wrong here!

  12. Hi just had a quick look at my bill, i think we should be charged about the same as i,m in Roi Et.

    My units used = 339 but there is no unit breakdown just a charge of 836.67 baht this i work out as 2.468 baht per unit

    Then theres this secound charge baht/unit ???????? it shows a charge of 0.6285 baht per unit on the bill charge = 213.06 baht.

    Then there's the VAT @7% = 73.48 baht.

    836.67 + 213.06 = 1049.73 + VAT of 73.48 total bill = 1123.21. total per unit = 3.313 baht pritty cheap compared to back home

    So i,m not sure what the 2nd charge is but may be it as something to do with a standing charge?

    You pay the standard charges per units, Ft (fuel tarriff) charges + 7% VAT.

  13. For me I have some psychological problem about Sunday, witch I can not find the problem too. I get extremely depress, moody, and feel like I cant breath. I have no idea how to fix this problem, I have to wait till nearly mind night to Chill out…

    Dont drink and smoke so much saturday night. :o

  14. i must admit i do crave a good vindahloo from time to time, maybe i should check out the curry houses in bangkok.

    Vindhaloo spicey? no! its a myth, thai food is hotter!

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