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Posts posted by Ave

  1. I believe Life is a gift. If I found it difficult to get pregnant I would take it as an encouragement to adopt a child of any age, race, gender, etc, which is most probably what I'm going to do before I leave this life. If I did have the intention, ability and means to give birth I would only want to know that my baby is going to be born naturally, preferably as the most amazing and surprising gift in my life. I would not be interested in knowing its gender, at all, and if it was born with a defect I would want it to enjoy its life and be unconditionally loved and nurtured for however long his/her/their life might be. Sorry if this might not be of help to you but your post compelled me to send you my opinion.

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  2. I have noticed that there is an increasing number of western female/thai male relationships that are doing pretty well. Perhaps the cultural divide is getting smaller or the partner's selection is becoming more genuine or carefully done. I'm not sure.

  3. Thank you, sbk, for your suggestion. It just makes so much sense I wonder why I didn't think of checking Pratunam. I guess I'll have to arrange a day trip to look for that particular brand, which, by the way is called 2-0, not h20 as I typed.

  4. I used to be darked haired up to last year and have lighten my colour gradually aiming for a warm green blond to give some shine and disguise the grey. Until a while ago I was happily using H2O exotic green when it ran out of stock and was given a cheaper alternative that turned my hair blue. Since then I've been looking for it everywhere in Pattaya with no success. I also tried to contact the company's head office in Bangkok but, no surprise, I got no reply. I' m thinking of ordering online if I can find a reliable product. I hope there is someone on this forum who can help me as my hair colour is in a right red mess..

  5. I live near route 36 and am about to hop on a bus to Rayong to then catch a songthaeo to Ban Phe but am told that that bus has changed its route. Does anyone know about this and what the alternative route is? Minivans won't pick me up from where I live and I wouldn't know where to park my bike for a couple of days..

  6. You told yourself over and over that it wouldn't be fair to take her away from him. Yet, your common sense is not giving you the answer you want. I'm under the impression that you are looking for a number of people to convince you that it's ok to go ahead with this love affair, after all she doesn't love him anymore. I didn't quite get "even if he's poor" O-o

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  7. I lived in the UK for over ten years and although I struggled financially in the beginning I had a fantastic time learning about so many different cultures and discovering my true potential. Then I decided to leave to push myself further, travel a bit and learn more about the world around me.

    Thailand has been incredibly welcoming that I decided to stay for a while. It's been over 8 years now and I'm still enjoying it despite the challenges that life throws at us wherever we are in the world.

    One thing that is leaving me baffled each time is when I come across western expats (who have enough money and freedom to make a move at any time) who hate the Thais and their culture with so much passion, I just cannot understand why they are here if they don't like it.

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  8. Ave - thanks for sharing

    yes there were a bit more men than there were women...but not overly so

    the problem for me is not that they paid me attention (Im a woman, sure I enjoy the attention), or even a bit of flirting.......the problem and the shock is when they are directly suggest more than that. to someone they have just met, spoken to for such a short time, and someone they meet in a semi work environment. with more than half of them being married is even more so shocking

    one of them was so direct to the point of being vulgar. i didnt wait to find out whether hes married or not! couldnt wait to walk away!

    (and before anyone wants to suggest I was dressed in a provocative way - the answer is no!)

    johnbits - no this was not in a bar, but it was a social gathering outside the office

    MsClueless, I can imagine that you might be feeling quite disturbed by all this. Are these your colleagues the men you are talking about? If that's the case I think that knowing that in Thailand they would get away with it without being accused of sexual harassment makes it more of a bravado than anything. Or perhaps if they know each other quite well they might have put a bet on sleeping with you or something like that. It could be what actually happened which can leave an after taste of humiliation. If you feel intimidated by these people you could try to talk to someone in a position of authority at work about it. If it's difficult or not worth it I'd take it as an experience to learn from. In my experience, a threatening long stare keeps that kind of hungry beast away for good..biggrin.gif

  9. Men like sex with women, even if their wife isn't around. Shock.

    My mistress (sex only, {unpaid :rolleyes: }) is lovely, as is the wife. If another fit female wishes to be added to the collection I probably wouldn't refuse.

    It's our DNA, it's what we're programmed to do.


  10. My immediate idea (and I could well be wrong as there could be many possible conclusions here) is that if you look particularly confident in an attractive way most men who are not totally confident with themselves will want to behave like that to prove to others that they can get your attention. If there is a majority of men then, even more so. You are the star of the evening and they will all compete with each other to be with you. It's a game. I think it could still happen if you were a man and the rest were women.

    There are a number of people who find this type of behaviour attractive and others totally off putting. I have had to end my friendship with some couples because the guy would make me, his girlfriend and my then partner feel uncomfortable. I had to leave a job because the boss' wife was giving me grief, she was jealous of me for no particular reason, I hardly ever saw him or talked to him at all and neither of us felt anything for each other, I think she was a bit insecure and perhaps she didn't trust him.

    I just keep in mind a great answer Paul Newman once gave a journalist when asked if he had ever felt tempted to cheat on his wife during his Hollywood years. I can't remember well but it was something like Why look for a mere burger when you can have a tasty steak waiting for you at home?

    I believe that there are many men and women who don't need to cheat on their partners because they are in a stable and happy relationship based on trust and friendship which goes well beyond romance. There are couples who need to cheat on each other or live an open relationship to feel complete. As long as they are happy..

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  11. Thanks arthurwait, I only live 20 mins away from town and need to catch a 10 am boat. As I don't want to leave my bike parked for days in town it has to be a minibus service prepared to pick me up and take me to a specific office to confirm my prepaid hotel and ferry booking. A bit complicated..

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