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Posts posted by starbaseone

  1. 11 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

    It appears you have an issue with a 3rd party rather than immigration.  Also 90 day reports have not been accepted at CW for the last year (they do at MTT just north of Impact Arena area).

    But yes that is a common mistake on the 1st of any month when they have to reset stamps (be it 90 day reports or airport entry stamps).  As you do not seem to report yourself anyhow it seems will just be a new fee in 60 days rather than 90.  With any luck the online reporting system might be operational so no fee required if you do on your computer.  You also have the option to send via mail in Bangkok if your agent fee is an issue.  

    I meant MTT (of course) meaning it was filed in BKK.  I don't give a flying poke if they file it on the moon (CW, MTT, AXY, whatever) but I'm disappointed they lack the basic skills to change a date on the 1st of the month.

    Not surprised given the potato-level intellect at CW/MTT but ... still disappointed.

    When I asked the agency why they don't check the date before leaving MTT, they said "You crazy! We have too many."  So ... that's there the dismal world stands today. Too busy making money to do quality control. hahaha

    Yes. laugh and accept our fate. 

  2. This is an odd one. I reported 90 day on March 1st at CW, but the IO agent marked it February 1st, due again on May 2 - giving me only 60 days (not 90). This is obviously a mistake; after Feb 28, they reset the date back to the 1st but not the month. Oddly, this was a normal computer printout form from CW. (Are their computers really so manual - wouldn't this be automatic??)?

    An agency picked it up that morning, went to CW and returned it to me that afternoon. They didn't bother to check the date on mine or or the others they did that day. 

    Anyway, it seems it can't be changed now. It's insulting enough to be forced to report to a parole office every 90 days - but to only get 60 !! This country really is a mess.  I spoke to an IO who first said, "You don't understand how our dates are written." When I pointed out that FEBRUARY was spelled out in English, she said "What's the big deal? Just come back in 55 days."  Yeah. Typical Thai answer, because SHE's not the one forced to report like a prisoner so often!

    Did anyone else report on March 1 and have this problem?  

  3. 4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    3. Using money in the bank method at CW all that is required is copy of last 12 months transactions (if any) and account detail page. Tip, ask bank clerk to photocopy last page of your BB after the 100baht deposit. No bank statements required. 




    Is there no need for a letter from the bank? Only a copy after making a deposit?

    • Like 1
  4. What about re-entry permits? Do we have to go INTO the flood zone just to get a piece of paper that allows us to EVACUATE? :ermm:

    You can get your re-entry permit at the airport, in case you are flying.

    They haven't issued re-entries at the airport since last year. Am i mistaken? That service was closed at the airport long ago.

  5. What about re-entry permits? Do we have to go INTO the flood zone just to get a piece of paper that allows us to EVACUATE? :ermm:

    Buy one when you get your extension..:D

    This won't help me today. I don't need an extension until December 21. I may need to evacuate much sooner than Dec 21, my friend.

    Do I need to enter the flood zone to get permission to evacuate?

  6. I Agree. Apple should replace their logo with a Pig. the iPig, the greediest company in the world. Don't we have better things to do than help an overpriced company continue to overcharge customers? Aren't there some violent crimes we should be solving instead?

    There is nothing wrong with counterfeit goods. It's good competition for the real goods, helping force the legitimate goods' prices lower.

    Exactly! Police should go after real crooks, the violent kind.

  7. Hey, if you don't like it, don't use it! Continue to take your taxis and leave more room for those of us who believe in public transportation.........it will be a much more comfortable and relaxing ride without your grumbling!

    I agree. If you don't like it, then sit yourself in traffic, and let the rest of us use it. I've used the link several times, and found no problem with it. Yes, it's missing a red-card promenade to take you from one station to the BTS, but I have 2 legs, I can walk.

    As for the Hong Kong train comparison, are you joking? It's a nightmare in HK, and their train only takes you to the least likely places you need to go. NONE of the hotels on the actual HK Island are connected or near. Are you confusig Kowloon with HK?

    Good day. Spread a smile.

  8. I've been trying to get onto Youtube for the past 24 hours without success. Is anyone else having problems or is it only me?

    I hope my landlord hasn't blocked the site due me using loads of bandwidth to view it... :o

    The govt has blocked it. CENSORSHIP, people! Another reason to leave Thailand. After many years, I am done. June I will leave. I hope to return one day if they get their act together. How does business even function here (as they scratch theri heads and wonder whey they lag behind the world?)

    cheers. bye.

  9. My wife and I have seriously considered moving from the Untied States to Thailand to retire and spend the nestegg that we have saved over the years in the land of smiles. We even bought a nice piece of property there last year.

    Lately We've been having second thoughts due to the appreciation of the baht, the terrorists unrest, and the new laws that seem to have an unfriendly "anti foreigner" tilt.

    This new internet tax of 940 baht for Thais and 1490 baht for foreigners is another bad sign that the welcome mat for foreigners is being withdrawn. It's bad enough that the government is charging almost as much in tax as it is for the service but to charge foreigners more than Thais because, according to Sombat Merou-Ruang, director of the Alien Internet Control Division at CAT headquarters in Bangkok,

    "foreigners that do not have work in Thailand only hang out on internet forums, visit pornographic sites and other website lamock, different from Thai citizens who mostly use the internet for banking, ecommerce, and furthering their education" creates an unfair two tiered system based on cultural stereotyping.

    I hope this is just another rumor and not really going to happen.

    If Thailand really wants foreigners to retire in Thailand and spend their foreign exchange it's going to have to provide more than a tax to lure them

    If , on the other hand, Thailand is fed up with foreigners, retirees, tourists and businessmen, it's applying the right measures to scare them away

    Good point. You should go somewhere else. IT IS CLEAR that THAILAND DOES NOT WANT US HERE. I have lived here a year and spend A LOT of money, but LOS doesnt seem to want it. Many other countries will actually woo you there and give you a welcome. I am fed up, and I think I will leave Thailand later this year. Too bad, the people are nice. Their gov't, though, really doesn't think with a bank book. Even if Thailand goes bankrupt and folds into oblivion, the gov't is unlikely to see the logical connection and try to get foreign money. To their last dying day, LOS will still give out the westerner and his wallet.

    Good Luck to all.

  10. Hi! Lost my passport in Chiang Mai because a motorbike I rent got stolen. He didnt have my passport but police gave it to him after 4-5 days fight at the policestation... Anyway, I apply for a new passport at the embassy, but my visa run out during this and I as well lost my returnticket witch was not refundable. So I have to buy a new ticket and I will have 10-15 days overstay depending to what day I can get a ticket home. My question is: since I am unable to leave the country, do I still have to pay the overstay or is there some exeptions?

    Regards, Timo, a confused man in Thailand!

    What country are your from? Most embassies (US and Europe) will grant you a document/letter immediately that entitles you to get back to your home country. Then you can apply for new passport in your home. This happened in Berlin with no problems to get back into US.

  11. what amazes me is that after having such an arrogant , offensive and insulting remark stamped in your passport you would actually want to come back here.

    thailand spends millions annually promoting itself as the land of smiles , the land of the welcoming wai etc.etc. , and then effectively brands you as a proto criminal when you apply to return.

    the arrogance of immigration jobsworths as reported on these forums is hard to take sometimes , although personally i have never come across it , but immigration people from most countries like to throw their power around .

    its a long time since i had to prostrate myself at a neighbouring countries consulate and beg for the priveledge of spending time here , but can the motley bunch who wait like refugees outside the gates every day be so bedraggled , so unappealing , so desparate and so disgusting to the eyes of the thai officials inside that their only response is "the red stamp"

    surely the message they are trying to put across can be put across with a little more class , a little more finesse and a little more respectfully.

    I AGREE, and I think it's about time to move on elsewhere. I've spent a lot of money here. If they don't want it, then I'll spend it elsewhere. I am tired of being treated by a criminal every few months. LOS can spiral into bankruptcy alone.

    I never thought I'd give up.... but I am about there.

  12. hi

    I will apply tomorrow for the first time for a 30-days extension of my tourist visa at nong khai (I've been staying in thailand prior to that on visa exemptions, have about 16 stamps on my passport).

    what I don't know is : do they require an airplane ticket to my home country (france) (wich I don't have) and will they ask to show some cash (wich I don't have neither, wait for the beginning of next month ...) ?

    or all in all is it just, go there, fill the form, pay 1900 bths, say thank you and go back ?


    It depends on the office and the offical, but I've never been asked for cash, and only once was asked for a plane ticket (to anywhere - even to KL). They did not require me to have a ticket back to home (USA), but I've heard that some offices do.

  13. I also can say I had no problem with HK. Just picked up my passport today with a new two month tourist visa. And I have been doing monthly border runs for over 3 years. You can only pick up your passport in the morning. You have to have a photocopy of the picture page of your passport and a photocopy of the page with the HK entry stamp.

    The photocopy shop is located on the street level of the Lippo building, not the BOA building as someone else has said.

    Can you tell me if you needed, in HK, to present a plane Ticket OUT of Thailand for 3 months onward (June)? A friend went to Ghuangzho and they made him get one. He had to run to a netcafe and buy a quick cheap ticket BKK to KL (which he wont use).

    Thanks for the info.

  14. I am thinking of a Visa trip next week to Hong Kong. So far only 1 posting here that says "avoid HK! they will reject you!" but only from one person who does not give his specifics.

    I have been in Thailand for 9 months and have 3 visas and extensions (my 3rd visa/ext expires end of this month). I am an American, 35 with my own income.

    Any other HK news? Should I just give up and go to KL?

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