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Posts posted by torito

  1. I deliveratedly ignored the matters associated with relationship and intellectuality and focus exclusivelly in the physical beauty. The one which makes the faragn men to look again, and the farang women to admire and observe.

    My point is that in here the percentage of attractive woman is significant. I have lived in Southamerica, Europe, Africa and Asia. You can find attractive women everywhere. But I have never seen so many attractive women even in the low social economic group.

    It is a simple point. And expression of wander!..and I am happy to feel it with this simplicity becuase it is as simple as that. If somebody wants to see this matter in a more deep context then it is also ok for me. I have no time to worry about it.

    I do not categorize flowers when I walk in a garden. It looses the romance. I just appreciate them. I leave the judgement to the botanician.

  2. Many things have been said about Thai ladies and Thai people in general, but in here I just was to make tribute to the beauty of this people. I love woman, but I guess that those who love man also have a parallel feeling.

    Some farangs claim that they are in here because of the cheap sex. But this is far from the complete truth, as the optimum reason because those men come to this country is because women are beautiful in the first place, and beautiful in abundance. Even if sex would be cheapest in their countries they would not use it anyway, because their women are not as beautiful, desirable and attractive as in here.

    No other country in the world has such a high percentage of beautiful ladies in the lowest socio economic classes, like in here. Wherever you go in the city, the market, the shopping center or in the country areas always is possible to see beautiful woman, charming smiles, tenderness and attractiveness.

    I want for a moment to forget the unpleasant, in there is any, and just acknowledge the meaning of their presence, their smile, their look, their charming and their courage on my eyes and my senses.

    I have been privileged in this life to witness and experienced their beauty. Many, many man in this world would give an arm for that, if only they could image what it is like. I am grateful and humble for that.

  3. This is my response that I repeat time and time again.

    With only 45 post I guess you have not try hard yet..you may need to fire losts more to find somebody who agreed with you in here.. :D .

    None of the above is particularly friendly

    Farangs normally are not friendly......where are you been? :o

  4. I think he's trying to say it's better to do good deeds privately, than publicly. Yes, very good advice, particularly on an internet forum when we are all anonymous :-)

    No he is not saying that!.....it is very easy to understand what he refers to. You are not just negative and egotistic bendix, but destructive when things do not go your way . :o

    What the OP is trying to do in here is attempting find some assistance among the farang and TV community, becuase he cannot help by himself other than this way. I think this forum is a good venue, and it may find some people and/or ideas to help the cause.

  5. The above is so relevant, I've been in trouble a time or two through thinking I already knew it all.

    This has been also my trouble 'qwertz', until I realize that great part of what I knew, it was completly wrong! :D ...nothing harder for one's ego that having to learn life lessons! :o

  6. Torito, like Mobi, I feel for these people.

    It's a statistical fact that people are living longer.

    Nobody seems to care over much about the quality of that longer life.

    Or even if it's worth the trouble of living longer.

    Some of us do at least reflect on this; I suspect that's what prompted the OP to think aloud.

    As usual you make the gentleman and sensitive note :o

    Though I am not contributing with any solution, I price the motivation and drive of those who intend to do something like mobi, and I would not dare to jeopardize his intentions, even if I agree or not with his objectives.

    This is a little bit out of the topic, but the fact is that today medicine advances prolongues life beyond need and even it makes the dying process endless. This issues will not go away.

  7. Nooo i dont think we are sad.

    Intellegent people require stimulus! :D


    I wonder if intelligent people should be able to spell "intelligent."

    Excellent note 'Nouveau', thanks for your contribution. :o

    The answer is YES, intelligent people should be able to, but if they don't, this is not a proove of the contrary....eek is a quite intelligent lady. :D

  8. Regardless of all opinions and intentions on this thread, Mobi's post did at least swing the focus on an inescapable fact:

    There is insufficient regard or care for this particular faction of society which is not only on the increase but is also given too little attention.

    Whatever your altruistic or other motivation, wherever you are, this problem is not going to go away.

    Some or all of you will be a part of it sooner or later.

    I haven't offered up any suggestions for a solution, as many have, except to say that we, the system, society should all have more sense of responsibility for our aged when they are no longer able to take care of themselves.

    It's fair to say that whatever brought the old guy to LOS and kept him there, the only thing he couldn't have planned for was that one day he'd find himself old and in need.

    This is a quite valid point 'qwertz'....the self-inflicted theory disregard all other circumtancial aspects. This guy is 80 and he was spotted 4 years ago in better shape.......how can a 70 years old man to fix his future, come back to the work force? In where one can do that?

  9. A review of my contributions to Thaivisa over the last couple of years will show how much I yearn for the board's approval. :D

    Did somebody mention finding some wheat amongst the chaff? :D

    He pretends he hard nosed but probably a soft <deleted> in real life - another keyboard persona?

    Not at all....typical arrogant attitude of those who give and in change demands a compensation, and enjoy bragging about how good he is.......feel pity for the kids who receive his presents as for sure are belittled and denigrated them at the same time, and for sure they have to kiss his azz and bend their knees each time he appears...I call them white gods!

    Torito, I'm delighted you think of me as a white god. You have much in common with my wife.

    sorry for your personal problems bendix! :o

  10. A review of my contributions to Thaivisa over the last couple of years will show how much I yearn for the board's approval. :o

    Did somebody mention finding some wheat amongst the chaff? :D

    He pretends he hard nosed but probably a soft <deleted> in real life - another keyboard persona?

    Not at all....typical arrogant attitude of those who give and in change demands a compensation, and enjoy bragging about how good he is.......feel pity for the kids who receive his presents as for sure are belittled and denigrated them at the same time, and for sure they have to kiss his azz and bend their knees each time he appears...I call them white gods!

  11. I see no difference in the love I feel in here or somewhere else.....love is a personal state and it has no frontiers.

    A relationship does not imply love. In Thailand there are many relationships that are driven by survival motivations...but c'mon, do not spoil the word love with this, even if it is done on its name.

    In Thailand when love it is, for sure it is as great as anywhere else..... :o

    (by the way...I am not spanish...I am latino)

  12. If there are more victims of the company or employees of the company have already been convicted or under suspicion it can be possible to hold the company responsible, at least under western countries standards.

    I do not know how long you have been in Thailand mark, but in here there are not western coutries standards as far as law enforcement is concern.

    You have to accept responsibility by the fact that it was not right to leave the pin next to the card. This is totally unwise and warned by the western banks (meaning that you are liable).

    If you know about how thai legal system works, then you will understand that you will be asked lots of money and you will get nothing back. You may think that this is a patronizing advise, but I can assure that it is not and that this is the most likely scenario. Just accept the lost and the lesson. I also hate to learn lessons, but it happens all the times. Good luck in the future and hope you get some compensation with a good time in this country.

  13. torito,

    just took the test and scored 46% gay.

    it told me i was a good hetrosexual punter from fremantle. :D:bah:

    thank you very much :D

    that means you dont have to worry when you buy me that coffee when i get back. :D:o

    Mate, 46%, you are in the dangerous zone....

    I guarantee you a coffee, becuase a beer can take you over the 50% to the other side :D

  14. Given that you feel bored in UK I guess you are of a quite character...Pattaya may not be your place...

    If you want to have some sort if income in here, research a lot before you invest your money. Lots of scams around. You will be surprised how well elaborated they are. Specially farangs. Many nice farangs in Chian Mai area for what I have learn in TV.

  15. If you would like to gauge the 'level of my contemptness [sic]' for the less-advantaged, perhaps you would like to talk to the kids of the school just outside Ubon for whom I recently bought six computers and a considerable amount of sporting equipment, and for whom I'm about to donate a library.

    Or perhaps you'd like to talk to the steering committee of a well-known charity working for lots of underprivileged (poor, blind and handicapped) for whom I'm negotiating a 2 million baht contribution among several western oriented companies here in Bangkok.

    I choose the causes I help with, and the basis I choose is that the people in those dire situations are there for NO SELF-INFLICTED reasons.

    Bendix I price and I applaude your initiative and achievements in the charity arena. :D

    But This does not authorize you to belittle others because their cause is lesser impressive or logic than yours. On the contrary, I would expect from a person who has been engaged in charity, a more moderated language when dealing with others misery, and specially others initiatives.

    This initiative may be ill conceived from your perspective, but the only thing I can read from you posts, is unnecessary hardness and negativism.

    It just come to my mind, and I hope I am wrong, that your only objective has been to wait for the right moment to brag about your actions in this matters. :o

  16. You spoilt westerners don't know nothing at all.......................

    Generalizations always end up laughable, or is that a generalization?

    As a spoilt westerner, I have spent some time working jobs so exhausting I was sure my body would simply cease to function. And after 4 hours of sleep, get back up and go at it again. I've worked in meat lockers, oil rigs, and the family farm to name a few, and I will stack up what a healthy western lad can produce against any other. I am sure we would come out just fine.

    That being said, I will say in Thailand I have seen both sides of the coin. I believe it depends on who's butt is on the line when it comes to effort at work. I've seen more than my share of workers picking beard hairs in mirror or snoozing off the afternoon. But there are also those who either desperately need the job or are working for themselves. Those are the guys that put out. Lazy just doesn't happen when you got your own farm, and farmers the world over are outworking just about anyone, and getting paid nothing for it. But hey they got to eat.

    The answer here is to develop some long term vision. Start rewarding workers for integrity and commitment, and you will see the future get brighter for Thailand's work force.

    'canuckamuck' I regard you as an exception to the rule. There are always exceptions and generalizations are unfair to them.

    However, the point is, and I think you stated it in your last paragraph, that rewarding is the key factor. That is what I also indicated. You cannot judge willingness to work hard if there is no reward.

    Farangs always see the horizont and the future with confidence. Thais do not see it, neither the opportunities, even if you put them on their face, because this is something alien to them. For westerner reward is a right.

  17. its obviously ridiculous to suggest ALL thais are lazy as it is to say farang dont know the meaning of hard work,but does long hours=hard graft? :o

    Agree with you 'uptou', but the huge difference for farangs is that if they work hard, they do it becuase the benefits are granted....

  18. Only heard once in Thailand....everyday in Australia :o

    Bad luck, but given that this is a condo, the security guard may be involved. I would suggest just stay and reinforce the door/window locks. Wish you better luck in the future.

  19. In my experience Thais work hard and are productive. You have to work with them to see this. I have seen them working long productive hours without any extra pay, not in one but in various companiesIn relation with what they get, for what they do, they are hard workers, no doubt about it. Any Thai working in a farang country, with real equal opportunities and conditions, would do better than farang as far as "work hard" is concern.

    ha, ha ,ha, ha, ha ,ha, ha,hahahahahahahahahahah!- <deleted>! ever been to isaan??


    What's your point?.. :o ...you really think that you can judge this people in their ability to work hard?.

    Too simplistic for my mind little silver spoon boy....even isaam people would have more arguments than you. :D

  20. Incidentally, old boy, it's not that I totally disagree with you.... It's just that you are at times rather direct in expressing your opinions -- I should think much more so than is necessary. Swat a fly with a fly-swat (or a copy of The Times), not with a backhoe! Either way that insect will die. Be discrete, old fellow! I hope you don't take umbrage at these humble words of advice.

    'chevykanteve' thanks for your note. I wish I could manage English the way you do. This express my normal feeling towards many posts.

    It is not that I totally disagree with some, but I cannot cope with the unnecessary arrogance, indiscreteness, rudeness, insensitivity and sometimes vulgarity that overwrites their entire argumentation.

  21. You spoilt westerners don't know nothing at all.......................

    Thats the whole point....They try in here to lecture about what hard work it is when they have no idea what it is all about.

    The fact it is that developing countries people, Asian, Latinos, etc., work harder than the local wherever they go in the world to a developed country.

    Work hard is a comparative statement. Farangs coming here would never work as hard as Thai working in their farang countries. Farangs have no idea what "work hard" means.

  22. It is important to do not categorize all thais by making a judgement only from Thais who work in the Leasure and Hospitality industry.

    In my experience Thais work hard and are productive. You have to work with them to see this. I have seen them working long productive hours without any extra pay, not in one but in various companies.

    I know people who work in factories, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week without break for months, and they work on productivity. If you think that Thai business people do not control production on their workers, then you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I do not know other place in the world in where people work so hard, considering that the whole system does not grant them future benefits, no laws or social organizations to protect their rights or compensate them for what they do. In factories most of them earn 5-7k when they are 20, and they expect to get the same when 40.

    Farangs can not make any judgement based in the work parameters on their societies. In here the concept of making a career does not exist the same way, not even at professional levels. The concept of receiving recongnition for effort does not exist the same way.

    In relation with what they get, for what they do, they are hard workers, no doubt about it. Any Thai working in a farang country, with real equal opportunities and conditions, would do better than farang as far as "work hard" is concern.

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