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Posts posted by jonstarjon

  1. On 5/5/2018 at 6:31 AM, jippytum said:

    People in authority should know better than to make sweeping  unbelievable statements to the media 


    Rabies has been eradicated 

    There is no sex industry in Thailand 

    The taxi driver problems at major airports has been removed 

    The police will stop unauthorized checkpoints 

    on and on it goes when it will stop nobody knows 

    It will stop in the next 30seconds

  2. What's the matter with these Thai wives who act like jumped up school kids.. Totally nuts.. Just like my wife. I am not allowed to see my kids with only Two months left to live. She says the kids don't want to see me. Of course they know what that means they are 7&11 years old, have the experience and emotional maturity to make that kind of decision and know all things wise....not. My wife's only ambition is the kids becoming her pension fund.

    • Sad 1
  3. 21 hours ago, Get Real said:

    What? So, you mean that if the school is convincing and is lying enough good to you, then it´s your duty to fall for that and forget everything you thought you knew about laws in the country you are starting to work in?

    Sounds like you will need to live life in a way where facts are more important than what somebody tells you just to keep you.

    Not sure what you mean... Did you go to an international school??

  4. 2 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

    From what I have read one of the "techniques" is to promise to get a teacher a work permit, and just not do it, Costs too much. Result? An illegal foreign teacher, who is not paid enough to do it themselves as well as support themselves.
    A crock full delivered by another poster is "At least Thailand deports illegals not like America and Canada."
    May 3, 2017 - "Obama did indeed deport a record number of undocumented immigrants, totaling more than 5 million after his eight years in office."

    Also, " 
    Sep 11, 2017 - According to a report released Monday, Canada– the country that claimed they would open their arms to the world's refugees – has been deporting those same refugees back to worn-torn countries in record numbers."
    Some people "know"...not very much.

    It's War-torn. Just sayin'

    • Haha 1
  5. I suffered a poisoning with powder used for killing mosquitoes 4 years ago. The pathology of the compound found in the tissue samples from my gut showed it came from Thailand (there were two possible locations for ingestion, Thailand or China) was the fact that paraquat was in the compound. The report didn't say that paraquat did the poisoning. However... BTW. Only two people could have got it into my mouth... WIFE or MIL.. Tempted to have a blind vote to get a gut feel for who did it... I think the wife would lose but who knows, both had good and independent reasons for helping me out of this world. Both may have succeeded. I now have terminal cancer.

  6. No! Absolutely not a manipulator of the baht value! All you have to do is write a list of major expenditure against value of the baht at any one time.. To see "no manipulation" is taking place. Manipulation is taking place of every other currency the price of gold, consumer pricing of national controlled commodities and a whole other host of indicators leading to set prices. I think they are doing an excellent job of keeping their stories straight and therefore bringing happiness to the people. Are we fools?

  7. On 4/19/2018 at 8:24 AM, Enoon said:


    Outstanding vitriolic attack upon the general population.


    When was the last time you took the risks that attempting to topple this (make no mistake, it's a new world in Thailand) brutal regime entails?


    When it does finally kick off I hope you are around to share in the similar joys to those which currently engulf the Syrian people.


    It's not something I wish upon the Thai people......far from it.


    But, unfortunately, every time he opens his mouth the end result becomes increasingly obvious and (given the grotesque economic inequalities being fostered) inevitable.



    Don't worry a have similar mouthful for regimes in Syria and indeed and more controversially Israel. I will keep all and sundry posted as my thoughts form. :-) On a more unfortunate note though I do have a vested interest in Thailand with both a son and daughter with nothing to look forward to in their native country in the future. Luckily they are now in the UK trying to keep their heads both above water and below the parapet of Thai bullshit. I pray I am strong enough to keep them here. 

    • Like 1
  8. Well he started his Reign of feeding the loyalist mouth with bullshit and then making them eat it. He stated quite clearly that the people he rules are too thick to have a vote. Then he told them that if they chose wrongly that he would pull the teeth of those who succeeded so that self harm was minimised until he had time to step back in. He's telegraphed every punch he has ready for all Thai free will.. You ordinary plebian unwashed have sucked it all up. He couldn't have been more provocatively more honest and still all Thai people have sucked it up. I can't honestly say that there is a group of people more deserved of this treatment in the universe than the great saffron sheep of this country. Go for it babies and good luck to you all! I am really struggling to think of one real MAN in the whole of Thailand public life. All are dying by tiny steps shuffling their way to the great gas burners of historical humanity.

    Have a great day

  9. Love IT!!!  They have a poke person now! Hehehe.. Its the same guy that announced the cure for Ebola AIDs Cancer and other miracles of Thai life. I don't mean to poke holes in his theory but he should pokeperson a bit less or there will be a stampede of real disease sufferers to migrate to Thailand for their health care. Don't know why Prawit the watch had his treatment abroad while he could have got the treatment to cure his disease for the price of one of his confiscated ooops I mean borrowed watches!!

  10. 7 hours ago, Jip99 said:

    I call “bullshit” on that one.

    My sister runs a similar course in uk for drink drivers. So she does all this awareness stuff for a fixed price per group lugging around her own equipment and often using her own materials. Anyway, its not particularly controlled or ran well. A fair percentage of attendees have got alcoholic or drug dependency problems and shall we say not really interested in the points made. She often fails these people and gets derated herself for doing so of course all for the sake of the next person funning the course to click OK and get their full rating. What's the point of it all?

  11. 5 hours ago, canopy said:

    Does anyone know why they don't straighten out the hairpin curves even on 4 lane highways in Thailand? I find it quite bizarre since these curves waste so much of people's time and fuel/brakes when you add it up and they are of course dangerous. What happens is when the road sharply turns right most vehicles switch to the right lane. And when it swings left most vehicles switch to the left lane. And a lot of these drivers swing all the way to the edge and drive on the shoulder. This is a real hazard as people try to pass / get passed by people doing this.


    Corruption! Influential people who own land in area of roads that have an acquirable budget need to get a slice of the budget. So diversions that would appear to make no sense are enabled.

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