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Posts posted by travelingmike

  1. Here in the USA the latest variant has got just about everyone. Numbers are falling quickly. Vaccinated are getting sick 2-4 days, unvaccinated much longer and makeup most of the hospitalizations. That being said numbers are down and yes this variant less severe. Many of the tested who come to the hospital for other reasons - all are tested-  are asymptomatic. Within 4 weeks the numbers in Thailand will also fall. The second test requirement is just dumb. Who wants to visit if they are positive day 5 because Omicron is pretty much everywhere- and then pay for 2 weeks in a corrupt hotel scam- even though they are asymptomatic. Vaccinated travelers should be greeted with open arms- if they do get sick it will most likely not require hospitalization. They will still spend money and go about their travels. The vaccines are easily acquired for Thais so they can be protected from severe symptoms.  We have 35 icu beds- the delta variant had 94% of them occupied with unvaccinated , we now have 6 Covid pts and most of them have other health issues . Covid loves the obese and unvaccinated. Anyway easily argued at this point the lock downs are doing more harm. 

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  2. So she sits in back seat- this stops the rape how? And by sitting in the front seat it invites rape? Drives her to a field - front/back seat passenger- do you really think it is in his decision process? Hope she gets the help she needs. My heart feels for her and her family. 


  3. I am from usa, we have a few guns also. I used to be of the mind that we needed gun control-some rules and regulations are needed. I think the problem is more about the mental health of a society. We are not raising our children to become mature, responsible adults. I stopped at a coffee shop in thailand, my 11 year old daughter went to the restroom with my wife waiting for her, she came out-there was a loaded pistol sitting on the sink. The owner of the shop put it in a bag-she said she knew who it belonged to-a customer who stops in with his wife. I told her she should call police and turn it in-of course not(what was I thinking), its thailand. I was pissed, someone who would be so stupid to do such a thing should not have a gun. We as a whole are doing a poor job raising our children. So much corruption in Thailand, most who have any wealth, got it dishonestly, so yes they need to watch their back. The corruption is so bad Thais are almost are forced to be apart of it to get ahead. If you are new to Thailand and drive-control your temper-most of the a holes obnoxiously driving their mercedes or bmw on the road have a pistol with them. The neighbor who is an a hole probably has a pistol in his house. The maturity level of the average thai male is low, the chances of him using that pistol are high. All this being said, chances of a gun crime are still very low. In USA some of the gun owners say we need that gun for protection, when was the last time you heard a criminal was stopped by a citizen with a pistol? But all to frequently when was the last time you heard of a child killing another child because they got their parents gun? I am talking in the united states of course. I am married to a thai and have been visiting for 15 years. Ideally nobody should have a pistol or need one, it would take care of a lot of needless death and crime. Not going to happen.

  4. I'm not a diver, but I would have thought it a standard operating procedure that both divers surface, with the instructor, once the minor medical emergency was reported by one of the divers.

    That would be the end of the dive, cos they can't go back down.

    Someone would be asking for a refund ...... can't have that.

    Sounds like it was an open water 10 meter dive.

    Surely, no need to end the dive, due to resurfacing, at that depth.

    However, there is some truth to what you say, baht over life is the Phuket way.

    Yes they could have easily surfaced and instructor could have continued dive with remaining client. Mistake that the instructor now has to carry the rest of his life. Sad for all.

  5. Army has tackled problems in a few weeks that politicians have been unable to address in decades.

    Eat crow, Shincorporated fan boys.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I agree, some of the posters act as though Thailand will soon be like a Burma-or already is. My wifes village -outside khon kaen- is doing well, most people are happy for the stability the new government has brought. The general seems to be genuine in wanting to problem solve.

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  6. Being charged over her complicity in the rice scheme corruption will be the least of her worries. With the precedent clearly set(by her own govt) to charge sitting PMs for premeditated murder in a personal capacity for any deaths caused by state officials during riots or civil unrest, she will have 9 premeditated murder charges to deal with first. She will not get out of prison until she is about 360 years old so will be in no fit state to stand trial for policy corruption at that age.

    If she is charged, she should just follow coward Suthep's lead an start a protest group to avoid it like him. Suthep has managed to cause problems for the people of BKK with his 20 supporters, just imagine what YS could not with 15 million.

    Do you think the rice farmers and theirs families, whom hasn't got paid will walk with her? Keep on dreaming.

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    yes no doubt about it she will be swept back into power with a possible bigger majority than before. 2 times now the red shirts have seen their votes discarded now they are really hacked off. Take it your not living in Isaan or you would know this.

  7. Bangkok number one? . My first couple of trips I would visit the city. 14 years later my wife and 3 kids and I get picked up at the airport and head to our home in the northeast. The longest I could ever stay in bangkok was 2 weeks. It stinks , its dirty, noisy, traffic is horrible, river and canals are full of sewage, etc., and over 14 years all of this has gotten worse. Bangkok-it is fun and exciting for the first time visitor to Thailand, but after being there and doing that , my family and I avoid it. When I think of nice cities -places like San francisco, Munich, Paris, Vancouver. When I visit a city I like to go for a run or bicycle ride , and not feel like I was poisoning myself just by being in it. Bangkok is not a culturally diverse place(not a melting pot)-it is culturally very different from the west. I like Thailand very much and enjoy trips to my "other home" as I tell people. I think Bangkok is very much worth a visit for the first time traveler-I tell everyone who is going , to spend a few days exploring it. Have fun. biggrin.png

  8. .

    Hey, he scrapped the oil fund.. :blink::lol:

    Do you all remember the free cell phones big brother gave out to get votes the first time around? And they paid their bills to who? Sadly it is the education system, as it is in most countries-very little free thinking going on . We need a system that teaches critical thinking, but the corporations dont want this. The latest pole(75%) here in the united states wants the rich to pay their share . Repeal mr. bushs gift to the rich-"stop coddling us" Mr. buffet says. The study of the 25 top CEOs showed that they recieved more pay then their corporations paid in taxes-most of the corporations recieved tax refunds. MR. Obama has been trying to repeal the cuts to the rich-but as he is not a dictator-he has to rely on senate votes-which are mostly controlled by corporate lobbyists. One of the companies paid more for lobbyists then they paid in taxes. Disgusting it all is. Politicians who are paid by corporations dictate funding for schools and set curriculums. Sucks to think about. I am making an effort to educate my children after they get home from school-get them thinking. It can be fun at times, especially when they call dad on something-as I was brought up on the government curriculum.

    Dude! get you facts. The tax cut for the rich were due to expire December 2010 and if Mr. Obama had done nothing, the revenue from those expirations would solve the long-term debt. But Nooooooo, Mr. Obama signed the legislation to extend those cuts. I know you drank the koolaid but not being factual about noncontroversial history is propaganda.

    Dude, you obliviously do not understand politics. Why did he not let the tax cuts expire? He got his health care bill passed-remember the congress is now in control of the republicans and senate not filibuster proof. Yes, I want a national healthcare, but understand that it will take time. Obama is not a dictator, although I believe if he got everything he wanted without the obstruction of the republicans and some democrats who live in the south, we would be in a better spot now-I am thinking my children's future. Some on here do not agree it is a good thing, but for the first time ever gays can now serve openly in the military-this is a huge cilvil rights movement forward for my country. Politics is not all or nothing. Unfortunately the democrats downfall is that the far left is not willing to understand politics and they pout when they dont get everything they want right now. The republicans on the other hand would vote for a pile of poop, as long as it was labeled Republican and was against gay marriage and abortion, no matter how much collateral damage is inflicted on the nation, or how much it is not in their interest to vote for the republican party. Mr. MCain and Mrs. Palin would have done what? MR. Perry and Mrs. Palin would do what with this country if elected? I believe Obama wants a better country(sure he has made mistakes), but he has to operate within the confines of a broken political system, I believe he is making the best out of it he can. The far left will not vote out of "disgust" for not getting what they wanted or vote for a 3rd party and a Mr. bush type will be in the white house-Reagan was an idiot/former actor elected to lead the most powerful nation and also caused lots of collateral damage(to much to go into on this forum) in the name of anti-gay; anti abortion platform. So please understand your politics since you dont want propaganda spread.

  9. "During its election campaign, Pheu Thai Party promised to raise the minimum daily wage for all workers at the same time," Manas said yesterday.

    Sadly, Manas, the Pheu Thai Party made a lot of promises... none of which are coming true.

    Welcome to Thaksin, ver. 4.0


    Hey, he scrapped the oil fund.. :blink::lol:

    Do you all remember the free cell phones big brother gave out to get votes the first time around? And they paid their bills to who? Sadly it is the education system, as it is in most countries-very little free thinking going on . We need a system that teaches critical thinking, but the corporations dont want this. The latest pole(75%) here in the united states wants the rich to pay their share . Repeal mr. bushs gift to the rich-"stop coddling us" Mr. buffet says. The study of the 25 top CEOs showed that they recieved more pay then their corporations paid in taxes-most of the corporations recieved tax refunds. MR. Obama has been trying to repeal the cuts to the rich-but as he is not a dictator-he has to rely on senate votes-which are mostly controlled by corporate lobbyists. One of the companies paid more for lobbyists then they paid in taxes. Disgusting it all is. Politicians who are paid by corporations dictate funding for schools and set curriculums. Sucks to think about. I am making an effort to educate my children after they get home from school-get them thinking. It can be fun at times, especially when they call dad on something-as I was brought up on the government curriculum.

  10. Does anyone know of any politician being successfully "Impeached"?

    CA Governor Gray Davis

    ....... and any Thai ones?

    Gray Davis was recalled through an election by the people(impeachment is, I believe by your peers or a branch of government-federal or state senates/congress) of california-we got arnold-he did a much better job(sarcastic). Nixon would have been impeached but he quit. I believe Blagovavich was impeached -he was the guy from chicago who was selling obamas senate seat. The Illinois senate voted to remove him-impeached. Clinton was impeached(for lying about a BJ) by the congress, but not by the Senate, so no impeachment. Not sure why(actually that would be to depressing to think about-I know why on this happy Friday) Bush/Cheney were never impeached-or brought to the Hague-no logic in politics just lots of money.

  11. Lets say for fun ,Bush sr. was convicted in court(after he had fled the country knowing he would go to jail), and then Bush jr. while President called ....say Germany or England to ask if his father could come visit their country -even though he had a warrant in the usa and would serve time if here. Some of you dont think this would be impeachable? I am all for letting the new pm do her job while following the law.

  12. a note on syntax - Jurgen's reference people in charge, refers to the people in authority now, and he was not referring to "the people" as in the Thai people, or the red shirts, etc as your reply indicates that you understood it...

    How do you know what Jurgen meant? Is he sitting next to you?

    and if I said "yes"??

    Reach over and give him an ear flick for me. biggrin.gif

    Got a laugh out of that one. The red shirt movement was/is a type of power to the people idea. The Thaksin party was running on the idea that they were representing the common man. THis is why the "people" can be interchanged with those "people" who are now in charge. Because finally we have "people" in charge who actually represent the people, or so they say. This is what I thought Jurgen meant. He can clarify. I hope for the sake of the Thai people that the sister is a good person, It would get her a long way to publicly tell her brother to shut the f... up and let me do my job. Sadly , Thaksin probably is in full charge of what is going on and the snake will put his head up frequently as his ego and lack of maturity will not allow him to just shut up and stand aside.

  13. A very good offer.

    Thaksin is a smart businessman. He has a real knowledge of the business world. He has all the connections, in Thailand and abroad.

    How can you make the difference between a winner and a whiner ? A winner is always making plan for the future, a whiner knows only how to cry about the past.

    On July 3rd, the Thai people have made their choice clear, they don't want to get stuck with a bunch of sore losers.

    It won't stop the whiners, but for the rest of us there is hope for a better future. And we are more than confident with the people in charge

    The "people" are in charge? Your average run of the day red shirt protester has something to do with the direction the country will go? Mr. Thaksin will be doing this out of the goodness of his heart ?, to help the country and the people he loves so much? If Thaksin was a man who actually cared about his country and its people he would have come back and served his 2 years(he would be out now)- that would have shown character -which the boy has none of . He has no way to relate to the average red shirt-or by that matter the average any color shirt, nor does he want to , as evidence by his lifestyle while out of the country. If you want the "people" in charge then choose one of the people to lead. Stop pretending that Thaksin represents the people-he no more represents the people then the last government did. I am more than confident Thaksin will come out of this deal a richer man , while helping the "people". I know alot of brothers and sisters that are lots different from each other-you would never know they had the same parents. I hope the sister will do a good job, why must the brother put himself into the equation if he wants whats best for the people?-can he not just shut up and lay low-show respect for his sister, and let her try and do her job. Just another example of his lack of character.

  14. I have friends who work at The Nation, Bangkok Post and at CNN Asia....all have told me that credible sources are saying that Thaksin is paying BIG TIME with cash perks and with policy benefiting promises to all media outlets that abides with HIS agenda. Bush Jr did the same exact thing in the USA. You people really need to know world politics and history more if you want to make speculations.

    If Bush Jr had done as you say, then he didn't get much for his money for the press was very much against him all during his presidency. Sounds more like conspiracy theory to me.

    Wrong, if you remember the press and 90 % majority in my place of citizenship were with him after 9/11, I was one of the 10% who believed Mr. Blix that there were not WMDs in iraq. Dont you remember that if you or the media questioned any of the crap that was coming out of bush and cheney then you were not patriotic,"if your not for us then you are against us". It is sad that in such a short time, these very important things are forgotten.

  15. So what was the army doing in the district in the first place? Maybe if they wern't there, the villagers wouldn't have been intimidated. They say they are NOT involved in the politics so stay out of a "red zone" and try hanging out in a "yellow zone" for a change. Remember them? The ones who seized the airport bringing Thailand to a halt.

    Special kind of stupid. Most law abiding people in most countries like to have police and military around-somebody needs to taser the special kind of stupids out there . I am not talking of places like Burma. Once again Thaksin is trying to stir the pot for his benefit. Can someone please take him out on a boat ride-Dexter style.

  16. Oops, posted from my phone and just re-read my post. Meant to say that a pit bull is an American Bull Terrier (or Staffordshire Terrier). The pictured dog is, of course, an English Bull Terrier.

    Even spells 'color' with an extra 'u' ...


    It's not an extra u. Colour is proper English language. Just Americans decided to take it out.


    American English = Lazy English

    Also hate that American word " Gotten " so childish

    And who has better dental care? toothbrush and toothpaste is for what?:lol:

  17. Pimp Dawg Party FTW!

    LOL atleast he's being real about it!

    Pimp Dawg Party, has a nice ring to it. :lol:

    Where is the reality show featuring all the political characters? The thai tvs would be tuned into, blaring away. My wife just shakes her head at all the nonsense that goes on in the thai government/politics. Thaksin wanted to give everybody free phones , who he could then bill. Now he wants free computers? Who will be making the money? Keep the people dumb, distract them. Pimp dawg party would be fun. Yes, I know it is not only in thailand. Maybe a poster of Chuwit having his dog hump his leg.:lol:

  18. I always have been flabbergasted how cheap it is in this country to have someone "whacked" and even more so how many willing contractors one can find to carry out the job without any scruples. Life has absolutely no value in this realm. And they call themselves Buddhists.

    What an a-hole, it is just as cheap and easy in any of the god worshipping countries in the world, such ignorant generalization. Thailand is nothing but hookers, pedophiles, and people who kill without scruples-all of this can be found in any god worshipping country. Do you actually live in thailand and know any thais personally? If you live here , then what the heck for? Living among a bunch of people calling themselves buddhists must be awful.

  19. How stupid can you get!

    Young "low quality" backpack tourists who have had a wonderful experience in Thailand talk about it to parents and friends, and debunk the myths of Thailand being a dangerous third world country. Who do you think "discovered" what are now high-end island resorts, etc! In addition, many of these come back again in a few years with a lot more cash. Talk about penny-wise and pound-foolish. Thailand should be encouraging these visitors.

    I agree, I first came to thailand as a back packer 12 years ago and have been back 12 times since(thai family now). These high end resorts take in a high profit for corporations-ask a thai working in a 5 star hotel if he is making a 5 star wage. . The low end and middle end travelers get more money into the pockets of the people of thailand-eating at roadside stalls/restaurants, and staying in family owned guest houses. I feel for the people working hard in thailand, the corruption is disgusting-no matter what government is in charge-I was no fan of thaksin and had hope for abbhisit. Thailand seems to be self destructing. It is becoming less affordable for me to travel around thailand-food and places to stay, not the fault of thailand but the air is now 1250 RT-up from 950$ last year-multiply that by the 5 of us. There used to be lots of affordable "low quality" (to some) places to stay at all of the beaches and mountain areas, hard to find now-bought up by the high end hotels. I tend to spend more of my vacation at our home in the isaarn. A better manager is needed-I dont think positive for the future of thailand as a much loved man is going to pass away soon leaving even more turmoil in the country.

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