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Posts posted by babz

  1. Hi Sheryl, back home now, brrr it's cold too! the spray I used on our cat with the licking problem was called "Sour Grapes" only had to use it a couple of times as I remember. Recommended to stop hair bitting, chewing and self mutilation. Company name is VolToys Inc, Harrison, NJ 07029 stock number R1910. Retail price a couple of years ago was $18.20NZ. goodluck, Babz

  2. Despite the given official dates of 13-15 and locally 17-20 large water drums are already out at the

    beach end of soi 8 and PVC pump guns are being deployed even though the rules of engagement

    have stated they are not allowed. It would appear it's going to be one very long week. :o

    Unfortunately I'm leaving Thailand for a couple of months, and have to go to BKK for a evening flight on the 18th, any ideas anyone on how much longer it may take me due to the fact that it's Songkran and the day that the olympic torch arrives in BKK :D I was planning on leaving Pattaya about midday, thanks for any advice

  3. I'm not so quick to rule out a murder-suicide here.

    All the makings of it are there, including the empty bottles of whiskey, and that they were lesbian lovers according to witnesses, and had money in their pockets.

    Obviously, the method of suicide in the PCN story is almost certainly wrong, but although it is, it doesn't mean a murder-suicide didn't happen.

    Money in the pockets. Robbery?

    I'm 50/50 right now on double homicide or murder-suicide.

    (Maybe she tried to sink her lover's body in the water to hide it and failed and then killed herself)

    According to the Bangkok Post, both women had head injuries, their bags were empty, and holding hands in Asia doesn't neccessarily imply lesbianism or homosexuality, bit soon to make a call like that considering the seriousness of the event

  4. Bangkok Post today; Korean Tourists Slain

    CHON BURI: Two female Korean tourists have been found bludgeoned to death on Koh Lan in Pattaya. As of yesterday, police were trying to identify both bodies found on Ta Rai beach in the afternoon. One of the victims was P... J. H.., according to her passport. They said one victim, aged between 25-30 had her hands tied behind her back and had several head wounds. The other victim's body was found nearby, also with head wounds. Their bags were empty and the picture pages on their passports were torn up. Cans of beer and a bottle of alcohol were found at the scene. Police suspected the two had been dead for about 12 hours when they were found and that at least two robbers had attacked them.

    I just hope that the families were notified before their names were printed, I've left them out. Two very conflicting reports in the press, my thoughts go to the two women and their families.

  5. Sheryl, had the same problem with my cat back in NZ, she was bald from the front legs back, treated her and the two dogs, bedding etc for fleas several times, tried hormone tablets from the vet in case of an inbalance, no luck, finally I got so sick of looking at a bald cat I got a product from the pet shop that stops them biting and chewing things and sprayed it on her with great success (checked with the vet first, she said it wouldnt hurt the cat) the fleas had pretty much gone but what was left was a bad habit! Haven't had any trouble since, her coat is great and I only treat her as often as the products state, I use Advantage for them all. As for food, all our animals have been fed on Iams/eukanuba and they have done really well, raw meat does not have all the amino acids, vitamins etc... that they need but top quality dried food does, (this is advice from my vet who I've used for many years) also helps with odors, teeth etc... just like kids, they won't starve, if that's all she has to eat she will eat it! good luck

    duh ... then how does your vet explain why wild cats didn't go extinct millions of years ago from eating raw meat? Cats and dogs actually make their own vitamin C. Get real and wake up! The quack just wants to sell you his toxic drugs and vaccines to keep you coming back to replenish his bank account. How else do you expect him to keep his flash car in the driveway? Sending you to the butchers for your pet's raw meat isn't going to pay his bills!

    Trevor, the following is from a site discussing the BARF diet, seems the diet was started by a Vet, who has written a couple of books about it, funny that, surely not to make money out of it! Have been on a couple of sites and can find no referrence to Vitamin C being manufatctured by dogs, in fact have only found that it must be ADDED to diet daily as it is one of the water soluble ones, but yes, some vitamins and minerals can be sourced by the dog's own metabolic system. From what I read, the BARF diet seems to be designed for animals suffering from seizures. My vet is a woman, doesn't drive a flash car, and I have never had my animals to her due to illness, only the usual checkups. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, I guess we should all be chewing on a raw chicken neck.


    There are beginning to be some nutritional analyses of BARF and some cases of disease or deficiency have appeared in dogs fed the raw meat diet. Two veterinarians who specialize in canine nutrition reported in the AKC Gazette(1) that some of the diets they analyzed were low or deficient in some nutrients. Letters to the editor in a subsequent Gazette(2) issue, however, disputed portions of the article.

    Some veterinarians have expressed doubt about feeding bones to dogs, but BARF believers counter that fear with the assertion that cooked bones tend to splinter and cause damage, but raw bones are safe. Other veterinarians and health experts have expressed concern about bacterial contamination in raw meat diets, especially E. coli and Salmonella, and Freeman and Michel found substantial E. coli contamination in one of the diets they analyzed for their report. Both E. coli and Salmonella organisms can infect other animals and people, so even though the majority of dogs may not exhibit symptoms, they can none-the-less pass the contamination to other animals or people. Serious outbreaks of these diseases can kill or debilitate children, the elderly, and individuals with compromised immune systems.(3)

    The best judge of diet is the condition of the dog. Some dogs with low energy, allergies, skin problems, and other symptoms have increased pep and stamina, shiny coats, healthy skin, and a general increase in well-being when switched to the BARF diet, but many dogs do well on premium commercial diets, especially those that are highly digestible and include fatty acid supplements. Dog owners need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of both.

  6. As if the pets were not already running my life..........

    My niece's little pomeranian (who I must admit is, indeed, the cutest creature on the face of the earth, bar none, and I'm not even a dog fancier...) is staying with me temporaily while she is on a semester break from school. The last time she had a break, she took him back to Camboidia with her, but he got dog-napped and it took the hiring of every child in the neighborhood to spy out his location and a hefty ransom payment to secure his release, so she doesnt dare take him back there any more.

    All was fine, he gets along great with my chihuahua, and the cat seems to feel that 2 dogs is not much worse than one..until last week when some people drove up and asked to buy him. I was away at the time so they talked to the person who was pet-sitting who of course told them no way. They drove off but a short while later a young boy drove up in a motorbike and then fled when he saw the pet-sitter (my house is the only house down a long dirt driveway so it is unusual for strangers to drive up to it). 2 days later, the same. then yet again. each time fleeing when someone spotted him. Inescapable conclusion being that the people who wanted to buy the dog have commissioned someone to steal him.

    So now I'm on full-time dog thief alert, made complicated by the fact that this little Pomeranian has no fear of strangers whatsoever and will run up to anyone, jump in anyone's car, etc. He truly believes all the world is his friend and adores him (actually, thus far they do, it's hard not to...). So stealing him, unlike my chihuahua whio has a healthy fear and dislike of strangers, would be a snap.

    I can't keep him in the house all the time because of the cat, who has dibs on the house and who has some stress-related conditions as it is, which I am trying to get resolved. Introduction of dog into her territory would tip the scales in the wrong way.

    I'm trying to figure out what else I can do. I am going to set some inqueries in motion to try and find out who these people are and then persuade the local policeman to go talk to them (no easy matter, but I'll try) and basically try to scare them off. I'm also thinking of getting a microchip put in the dog in case he is stolen and I need to prove he doesn't belong to whoever has him...altho my experience with local law enforcement doesn't give me much hope in terms of getting assistance in retrieving a stolen pet.

    Any other suggestions/thoughts? Where is Ace Ventura when he's needed.....

    P.S. ANnone thinking of getting a pet, do not get a popular breed like a Pomeranian unless you want to spend your life standing guard. Get a mutt that no one wants.

    Sheryl, get a crate, put him in it in the house when you cant be with him, it's just not worth the risk, for the dog or ending up with a broken hearted niece, at home I have a Griffon, same sort of size, and he is never unattended as if anyone got the chance we'd never see him again, chipped or not. These little dogs handle crating well as long as it's in a cool spot and a decent size, it's only for a short time

  7. I just get pissed off how they skip the queue at the airports. While I was traveling in China and HK this happened all the times.

    try waiting at air asia check in counter for 45 mins (they were late opening) only to have two chinese tour groups walk right past me and check in as if by right! then, during the flight to Singapore each and every one of them had instant noodles, some more than once, nearly drove the flight attendants nuts, Then they all had hot water flasks needing to be filled, the polite Thai flight attendants obliged but you could see them pulling faces between themselves. And the noise.... don't get me started....

  8. Sheryl, had the same problem with my cat back in NZ, she was bald from the front legs back, treated her and the two dogs, bedding etc for fleas several times, tried hormone tablets from the vet in case of an inbalance, no luck, finally I got so sick of looking at a bald cat I got a product from the pet shop that stops them biting and chewing things and sprayed it on her with great success (checked with the vet first, she said it wouldnt hurt the cat) the fleas had pretty much gone but what was left was a bad habit! Haven't had any trouble since, her coat is great and I only treat her as often as the products state, I use Advantage for them all. As for food, all our animals have been fed on Iams/eukanuba and they have done really well, raw meat does not have all the amino acids, vitamins etc... that they need but top quality dried food does, (this is advice from my vet who I've used for many years) also helps with odors, teeth etc... just like kids, they won't starve, if that's all she has to eat she will eat it! good luck

    Thanks Babz, what is the spray called and who makes it (in case I have to order it online)?

    I think our situations are the same as I have pretty much concluded that with my cat it is both flea dermatitits and psychogenic, i.e. she does have a flea allergy which is what set the whole thing off but has now developped the hair pulling as a response to other stressors as well.

    I am now alternating frontline and Advantage on her (different compounds) in the hopes of getting rid of the fleas since using just one doesn;t seem to do it, I still find "flea dirt" in her hair when I check. Have done mega-cleaning of every place she sleeps in the house and bought some powders with which I will shortly treat the carpets. Alo swept up and burned loose leaves etc all around the house where she sometimes hangs out on the theory that she was re-acquriing the fleas from outside......

    Sheryl, sorry I can't remember it was a couple of years ago now, but I'll get someone at home to have a look for it, failing that I'm going back to NZ at the end of next week for a visit and will have a look myself and let you know. Yes carpets can be a problem, we have a gadget that sprays pyrethrium into the living areas every couple of mins at home, fantastic at keeping flies and bugs out of the house and also seems to help with fleas as well.

  9. After months of struggling with my cat's pulling her hair out, multiple vetinary consultations in 2 different countries and online to Vets in the US, trials of steroids and antidepressents, I have finally come to the conclusion that it is in fact flea dermatiotis (allergy tio flea bites). A French vet in Phnom Penh showed me how to identify "flea dirt" and sure enough, despiter FrontLine, the cat still has fleas.

    I have vacuumed, put carpets and cushions out in direct sunlight, sprayed them with repellents, treated the cat several times with FrontLibne and the vets gfave ivemectin. Have also treated the dog just in case, not that he ever goes anywhere near him or his house...

    Still fleas. Not a whole lot, but as the cat is very allergic even the odd bite now and then is enough for her to pull out clumps of hair. She looks dreadful, with bald patches all over.

    Any advice?????

    Sheryl, had the same problem with my cat back in NZ, she was bald from the front legs back, treated her and the two dogs, bedding etc for fleas several times, tried hormone tablets from the vet in case of an inbalance, no luck, finally I got so sick of looking at a bald cat I got a product from the pet shop that stops them biting and chewing things and sprayed it on her with great success (checked with the vet first, she said it wouldnt hurt the cat) the fleas had pretty much gone but what was left was a bad habit! Haven't had any trouble since, her coat is great and I only treat her as often as the products state, I use Advantage for them all. As for food, all our animals have been fed on Iams/eukanuba and they have done really well, raw meat does not have all the amino acids, vitamins etc... that they need but top quality dried food does, (this is advice from my vet who I've used for many years) also helps with odors, teeth etc... just like kids, they won't starve, if that's all she has to eat she will eat it! good luck

  10. Hi babz,

    try Khun Daeng at Ben Beauty Salon, Central Pattaya Road, passed Carrefour same side of the road, direction toward the sea.

    I have not been there yet but all my female colleagues rave about how good she is. It's also very affordable and she can speak English.


    thanks for that Ave, I'll go for a walk tomorrow and find her

  11. Does anyone know of a good hairdresser here in Pattaya? I've been here for many months and while the lady I go to is ok, I always come out with the exact same style, even when I've taken her photos of what I'd like! Any help would be great as I look a bit like Phyllis Diller at the moment. :o

  12. Maybe flashing to much wealth, a bit to much to drink, I wonder(??) :o . Be alert all. :D
    Maybe flashing too much is the point here :D bit like the one piece bathing suit - leaves something to the imagination! there are two posts about thefts of jewelery from motor bike riders, saw another myself a few days ago, farang man, thai lady & small child all on a bike and nearly pulled off the bike into oncoming traffic by thai thief after farang's necklace, which he grabbed and disappeared fast. Could have been three fatalities and a theft. It all happened so fast that there would be no chance of catching him. The thief must have picked the guy out further back along the road as he never even slowed down. Common sense would tell you to leave the gold in the safe, at least then you still have it.
  13. Hi all as stated my wife is going to have a baby we just found out on sunday ,

    I realy feel sorry for her as she has bad morning afternoon evening skickness , today we went to the local hospital to register and do the blood tests and wee test , (660 baht for those interested) when we asked the nurse about the sickness all she said was it could go on for 1 month or 9 ,, does anybody have a suggestion on what might help her get through this please



    Hi Colino, congrats to you both. As the other posts have said, plain food, boiled rice, plain crackers, dry toast (make sure she's getting enough calories for them both though), little and often, make sure your wife is getting enough electolytes if actually being sick often ie re hydration sachets. I had it terribly for 13.5 weeks, lasted from opening my eyes until shutting them at night, ended up having to have IV fluids a couple of times, found some help from ginger juice - you can grate raw ginger, squeeze the liquid into a glass of water. I got some help from one of the B group vitamins, think it was Pyredoxine (long time ago now!) check with Dr first. A change of scenery helped too, getting away from the environment where she feels unwell, maybe a weekend away? Best thing is it does end, and then she'll feel great, good luck and enjoy,

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