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Posts posted by dopster

  1. Im applying for a settlement visa for my missus and wondered if she needs her birth certificate to apply. She is my ex-wife we got divorced before due to some bad choices and her family but looking to make a fresh start in Uk with my son. She has all the docs and will need her birth certificate when we get re-married in March but I was wondering if she needs it now to apply for her settlement visa as she can go upcountry to get that before she flies over as could be a long wait for the visa and better to get the application in asap. She has had two tourist visas before and didnt need her birth certificate so I was wondering is it a necessity?

  2. Hiya TV members,Id like you to shed some light on my current situation. Me and my ex- wife got divorced over a year ago but got back together after a year. We decided to move to UK so my son could get a decent education and learn English. It was a fresh start for us both and no interference from her family. Plus my folks were not well. Now she says she wants to return back to Thailand with our son and Im worried that if she does she might not let our son come back and just want money from me to keep her and her mother. I have secured both his passports and also he is attending school now and doing well. When we got divorced in Thailand I signed the paper as she wanted to take me to court. She has custody of him but I have access to him one day a week(this was the divorce agreement in Thailand). My question is, can i stop her from taking him back to Thailand? I don't want to lose my son, she is on a visitors visa and due to go back end of June. My son has duel nationality and I think if she takes him back sh'ell just want money off me every month(10k plus school fees in agreement from divorce paper). Ive said I want my son to stay UK but shes adament he must return with her. She is influenced alot by her mother who wants my son back in Thailand. I was hoping we could get along but she misses her family and friends etc. Is there a way I can keep my son here or does she have every right to take him out of the Uk and back to Thailand?

    I am looking for some legal advice here as to what if anything im entitled to or did i give that away when i signed the divorce papers. Appreciate any feedback that may be helpful.

  3. Well folks,

    looks like d-day has arrived, recieved a letter from the court today at my school that she took in. Im due in court next month, shes demanding 200k lump sum and also 15,000 a month for 20 years for the upkeep of my son. As I suspected her and her mum have plotted well and just trying to get as much as they can out of me..At the moment I pay 10k a month about 2500 a week and also my sons school.

    I walked away from my marriage with just my clothes on my back and my computer. All the furniture left for her and my son.

    Anyway I need to get in touch with a fairly decent lawyer that isnt going to cost me an arm and leg! Also they have obviously made me out to be a bad guy. I apparently threatened to kill them both. I strangled my ex and attacked her mother according to the documentation. As it happens my ex attacked me several times punching and kicking me and I restrained her. Ok I slapped her but she deserved it and also I never laid a hand her hand on her mother only shouted abuse at her for being such a horrible vicious cow.

    I was actually looking at going back to the UKat the end of the month to renew my visa but have been told I have to get this sorted first. Is that right? Anyway im happy to go to court as she won't get what shes looking for! Im happy to support my son in any way but not to indulge her and her mother.

    Anyway thanks for any helpful comments and advice...

  4. Thanks to everyone for all thier input. Ive offered her 10k a month and pay for lads school. I intend to move him to a bilingual school before long, basically when he gets a bit older. She can threaten me with the lawyers as much as she likes but she aint getting no more and until she can be reasonable and talk to me in a proper manner she won't get a penny. Im all for providing for my son but not so that it substains her and her mothers lifestyle.

    Im just going to wait to hear from her regarding my offer, ill sign divorce papers when she can agree to what I have offered until then its a no no. Im hoping I get to see my son before long, shell soon see i aint budging.

  5. Hiya all,

    I wanted to ask people's advice as to my curent situation. I've been with my wife for 5 years and married for just over a year. We have a 3 year old son. Recently we haven't got on at all and therefore seperating. The key issues here as always is money, how much I should give her and what she's demanding for child support.

    She has taken my sons british passport as well as his british citizenship birth certificate and won't return it as she says shes scared I will try and leave the country with my son, not the case at all. I'm more worried about her meeting some guy on the internet and uprooting with my boy to go and live in another country. Now I'm leaving the house with all the furniture in it for her to stay..Its rented. I make about 50k a month and she was demanding 20k. I have gone up to 12k plus pay for the boys school (2k)and also give some shopping vouchers (2k)for the supermarket every month.. Can you tell me what you think is a reasonable amount to give her as Im trying to be fair and reasonable bearing in mind she has a job and makes about 15-20k a month. She also insists on her mother continuing as the nanny(she does a lousy job and part of the reason for my marriage split, too much to say and always moaning).

    She is insisting that I go to the amphur and sign divorce paper just so that I can sign paper to say how much I give her every month for our son. This woman who I love so dearly has turned into a real nasty ice cold b***h(pardon the expression) and is only interested in me paying money so she can find a new fella.

    She is threatening me with the lawyers and obviously don't care about me anymore...

    Can she keep my son's passport and british birth certificate???

    My mates say I should be more ruthless and not give her much as Ive spent 4 years paying for her university, she has a degree now and a job.

    Any helpful advice would be helpful, I don't mind supporting for my son but not so that I can't live myself...

  6. Ok theres a great place on Bangna soi 4 called Thomson residence in your price range, If your looking for a house in a security compound, look no further then Fantasia Ville on Soi baring, my friend maybe renting his house there next year and its been designed by an italian designer, very smart and chic...Beautiful 4 bed victorian style townhome, community mostly expat...

    Have a look towards the end of the year as to whats available..For 60k you can get a boutique house in Bangna...

    good luck with your move, also small british pub near Fantasia Ville with good food!!

  7. Hi there,

    I have seen alot of my friends pay anything from 50,000 upto 300,000 to families of thier wife's to be.

    I myself paid a dowry having been with my girlfriend for 4 years before we decided to get married, (we did have a 2 year old son)

    The mother in law wanted 100,000 but I offered her half as a compromise as she had a cushty job working as a nanny looking after her grandson. She was happy to agree as I was putting her daughter through University and mentioned she would be looked after in her old age. I also pay her a modest salary plus pay for her room. She had lived with us for 6 months but it got a little uncomfortable so adjustments were made.

    I think 300,000 baht is too much, try talking to the missus and say your happy to pay a dowry but maybe not for quite as much. (or at least let her know that the said amount is only for show and you would be expecting at least a considerable amount back) As it happens a friend of mine paid a million baht to the family of his beloved. They managed to buy a new house out of it and needless to say the guy in question is already divorced from her.

    Anyway good luck and all the best for the future

  8. Hi there,

    I would like to recommend my mother in law(Lek). She is 46 years old and is the nanny for my 2 and half year old son. She understands some (very basic)English and also can cook thai as well as some farang food. eg.e spagetti and chips etc.

    Me and my wife will be flying to the Uk on the 17th and back to Thailand in the new year so she is available for the time period you mentioned. I think she would rather be working than sat around doing nothing.

    She is also the maid as well so laundry duties and cleaning is no problem for her.

    She is honest and trustworthy and lives in the bangna area near us not too far from the airport.

    Please feel free to email me or pm if you require any furthur information.

    [email protected]

  9. Hi there,

    If you go to the visa office with a letter of invitation from you to visit her for i.e. xmas etc or visit you and also another letter to say you will cover all costs etc. It's best for her to get a letter from her university saying how long she has studied and also how long she has left of the course. Also show bank statements from both you and her. Photographs of you two together would also add weight to your application. If she can get a reference from someone prominent in her community too e.g. doctor, lawyer, professor and state they know her to be of good character then that also adds weight not necessary but good to have.

    Good luck with the application

  10. Wenger's whine bar..lmao

    Let's see if anyone can come up with any other glorious bar names;

    Some other bar ideas:

    Benitez burglars bistro(all the players keep getting robbed by thier fans..lol)

    Harry's houdinis hotspot (redknapps bar for getting spurs out of the shit)

    Brownies budget bar (hulls cheap squad still defying the critics and for me the surprise of the season)

    Please feel free to add any more you can think of..

  11. I agree with you Mr. Toad on the fact that its good for the atmosphere having fans from different teams in a bar to watch the games. I can't see any Liverpool fans going to the Manchester Utd bar..lol

    I just thought it would be an interesting subject to discuss as especially in Thailand the two main teams being Man utd and Liverpool. The Man utd bar is open till 4 in the morning but I just cant see it working that well as they haven't done enough publicity or advertising.

    Wonder how long before a Liverpool FC bar opens up....Can't have the mancs outdoing the scousers

  12. Hiya all,

    I was wondering about bars that are open and catered towards certain football teams.

    I recently went for a few beers in the new Manchester United bar and thought the place was really smart but hardly had any customers. Maybe on match day is alot more busier. Is this going to start a new trend in Bangkok. Bars opening up themed on a football club. As I know there is the Manchester United bar and also a bar on Baring called Evolution that is listed as a Newcastle Utd (yes it does sell newcastle brown too)bar on the supporters website.

    Only question now is surely not long before we see a Liverpool, Chelsea or Arsenal themed bar around Bangkok.

    Does anyone else know of any other football club themed bars in Bangkok?

    Im familiar with only the two mentioned above.

    By the way the Manchester Utd bar does happy hour everyday until 8pm buy one get one free and also free ribs

    Very nice on the stella artois.

  13. I contacted the hilton hotel in phuket a couple of years ago to enquire about a room as I had family over from the UK. I was quoted 4,700 baht for the night, yet when I mentioned I lived and worked here and had a Thai wife they said I could get much cheaper if my wife booked it at only 3,200 a night. Double tier pricing as always been a factor within Thailand and always favoured Thai's. Makes a nice change if Thais are getting charged more than the foreigners. :o

  14. Hi all,

    Just thought I'd give a mention to a new pizza shop that I recently had the pleasure of trying out in Bangna. No more ordering from Pizza hut or Pizza company!!! The pizza shop is called Otto Pizza on Srinakarin and the beauty is they do delivery too. A nice thin crust pizza that not just myself but other folk I know have tried and gives it the big thumbs up. They also do drinks and ice cream.

    Anyway they deliver to 9.30 I think. The number is 027434849.

  15. Hiya All,

    I'm off to Malaysia on Sunday and was wondering if I should go to KL instead of Penang. I am married with a 2 year old son. I have all documents supporting except showing the 400k in a thai bank account. My question being is it possible to get a one year non - o without showing financial accounts or bank books.

    Thanks for any input

  16. Hiya all,

    Doing a laos visa run for the first time as back to the UK in Oct and my 1 year multiple has just expired. I'm thinking of either taking the train(sleeper) or going by bus. The bus gets in earlier than the train which means I would get to the embassy in time. The question being if I get a flight back to bkk from Udon the next day. Will I be able to catch my flight in time.

    Anybody know any good hotels that are reasonably priced. air con and good location.

    Thanks for any input.

    p.s. Can I pay in US dollars being a brit?

    I'm applying for a double entry tourist visa.

  17. You could try the following places that are hidden gems:

    1. The Good View bar and restaurant - Charon Krung Road (good music, busy clientel, a good selection of food western and Thai)

    2. Rider Resort - Side of Seacon square (Western and Thai food, good music, really smart decor)

    3. The Forte(RCA) - Great entertainment!

  18. Hiya all,

    Just wanted to let you know about a new British bar recently discovered on Soi Baring on Soi 8 next to Fantasia Villa. The landlord Dave and his wife Pepsi have been opened for several months and offer music, football and a fine choice of imported beers including newcastle brown and John Smiths They also cook farang food such as fish and chips, pies, sausages, burgers and bangers and mash. On Saturdays and Sundays they do an English breakfast between 10 and 12.

    They do takeaway as well but unfortunately you have to pick it up yourself.

    Anyway open Tuesday to Sunday from 5pm.

    Nice just to have a local round the corner rather than having to go all the way to Sukhumvit.

    Should be great for football next year!

    Maybe see you there for a beer or two :o


  19. It certainly appears that the UK market will bottom out in the next few years, however with the ever increasing amount of foreigners coming to live in the UK, there is an estimation that almost 2 million new homes will be needed in the next 10 years. Buying property at the moment is just far too expensive! However I think the way forward would be to look at buying undeveloped land i.e. the green belt.

    Please take a look at this video to see what I mean.

    news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/fr/-/1/hi/uk_politics/6947138.stm]BBC NEWS | Politics | House plans 'will hit green belt'

    If anyone is interested to know more or would like to enquire about land availability, please don't hesitate to contact me either p.m. or email dopp2 at htm. com

    Prices from 20k gbp up for land instead of 100k gbp + for a house is a big difference

  20. Hiya all,

    I'm down Hua Hin for the weekend from Bangkok and I need to know of some cheap accomodation with aircon near the main bars. I think soi selakem is the place to go. Anybody have any other recommendations. Also I'm one who likes a drink until the early hours can anybody give me info on late night bars that are open till the early hours. I dont want to be calling it a night at 1 or 2am.


  21. Try Bunters for all your sausages, pies and bacon.

    It's at on nut soi 27 50 m into the soi on the right.

    The guy who runs the place I think his name is howard is very helpful and will sort out all your needs.

    They sell to all the pubs and restaurants in bangkok.

    A nice pack of bacon or sausages will cost you 200 baht.

    They do a nice apple and blackberry pie too for desert.

    I highly recommend the chipolatas. They are cumberland and are great for party's etc.

    They do have a website


  22. Hi there,

    I will be visiting Phuket for a week from around the 21st/22nd of October and was wondering if anyone knew of any nice villas with pool to rent. There will be me and my wife plus my 14 month old son as well as my parents. I'm not looking at paying more than 30k.

    Requirements - on Karon beach or close to. Walking distance, at least two bedrooms. Accomodation for 4 people and a baby.

    Also require cooking facilities. A swimming pool, private preferred.

    I dont fancy staying in a hotel and paying thier exhuberent prices and also want some privacy.

    Please email or pm me. [email protected]

    Tel: 027492033 - 087204535

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