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Posts posted by canuckinbkk

  1. Just a follow up on my experience at Suanplu Immigration this morning. I arrived with a letter from Bangkok Bank showing the 800,000 THB plus my updated passbook. It seemed that all was going fine until the officer asked that I get proof of transfer of funds from overseas by way of a letter from Bangkok Bank. Here's my story - i transfered money here about 7 years ago from my home country but my bank was in Chiang Mai where I lived at the time. Between then and now I have earned income as a designer, as a landlord, as an agent and through exporting products. I do realize that this is a gray area, I am simply being truthful about my situation. So it's impossible for me to account for all the money through an overseas transfer verified by the bank. Does anyone have knowledge whether the Thai Consulate in Ventiane enforces this rule as well? I don't wish to waste a trip if that is the case. Perhaps I'll do an ED visa for 1 year as I would genuinely like to improve my Thai language skills and the cost isn't that over the top. Again, even though this didn't work I appreciate all your responses and help.

  2. So just to make sure that I understand this correctly:

    I can go to Thai Immigration in BKK with my updated bankbook to show that I have the required funds in the account. Do I also need a letter from the bank? I would assume I do. Do I need proof of my residency in Thailand? It's possible that I could get all this together and go to immigration tomorrow, having 10 days left on my 30 day stamp. If approved, I would be issued a 90 day O visa that could later be extended for another 9 months. Is Chaeng Wattana functioning? I live very close to the old Immigration in Suanplu and a friend did his renewal and 90 day report there recently as the new center was flooded. Could I do it there? Thanks again.

  3. Could someone please clarify the comment by Mario immediately prior to this post. As I mentioned earlier, I was on a retirement visa several years ago. I think I remember that I needed the money seasoned in the bank for 60 days with a letter from the bank plus my updated passbook to show in Ventiane when I applied for the Non O visa. That gave me 90 days in Thailand and then during the last month of that period I went to Thai Immigration in Thailand and had it converted to a retirement visa with an extra 9 months to give me a year in total. Am I mistaken?

  4. It just dawned on me that the information I have given you isn't correct. I was on a Non Immigrant B visa (no work permit) which expired at the end of Oct this year. As I needed another 30 days to season the 800,000 THB I flew to Penang and entered Thailand on a normal 30 day stamp. I am assuming now that it would not be possible to convert the Non Immigrant B visa to a Non Immigrant O visa as the former has expired.

  5. Thanks everyone for your replies. That would be great if I could do this without leaving the country. Just a clarification on my status - I don't have a work permit on the Non Immigrant B visa that I am on. It technically doesn't allow me to work in Thailand but to explore business opportunities (which I have done through export of Thai products). Am I right to assume then that your advice still applies to me even though I don't have work permit? And a question, on a Non Immigrant O visa will I be required to exit the country every 90 days? The retirement visa is attractive as I'd rather report every 90 days instead of being forced to travel. And if that required one trip to Ventiane I'd still rather do that. Thanks again for your help on this.

  6. I would be grateful if I could have some clarification on a Non Immigrant O visa leading to a Retirement visa. Here's my situation:

    i have been living in Thailand for 6 years on, first a retirement visa and, for the last 3 years a Non Immigrant B Visa. I would like to get back on a Retirement Visa so that I don't need to exit the country every 90 days.

    At the end of Nov. I will have held the required 800,000 THB in a Bangkok Bank account for 60 days at which point I will make a trip to Ventiane with the following documents:

    - letter from BKK Bank confirming bank account and balance for the past 60 days

    -my passbook from this account, updated as close as possible to my application in Ventiane

    -proof of my residency in Bangkok (same apartment for 5 years)

    I understand that I do not need a criminal background check or a medical certificate.

    It's also my understanding that once the Non Immigrant O visa is issued in Ventiane that I then have 90 days in Thailand and that within the last 30 days I must apply at Thai Immigration to have the visa converted to a 12 month retirement visa (an additional 9 months) .

    Is my understanding correct?

    Is there anything I am missing that I am not aware of that I need to present to the consulate in Ventiane?.

    Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  7. Thanks to all those who replied. Much appreciated. Being an artist/designer I will always "work". I can't imagine not doing what I love. And yes, I do need the extra money I make to qualify for my visa renewal. I hope when I do it in a little over a week that my being an artist who sells his work outside of Thailand won't be an issue. How closely did the Canadian Embassy scrutinize my records? Very closely last year, less so this time. Thanks again everyone. Cheers.

  8. Hi, Hoping someone may have gone through this before and give me some advice. I am about to apply for my second renewal of my retirement visa. I do this in Chiang Mai as my bank is there (I used to live there) not in Bangkok. I am an artist who supplements his income here by selling my work in my home country and one other country. Last year I went to my embassy (Canada) with all my paperwork showing earned income and they issued me a letter (affidavit) that it was 'pension' income. This year I did the same thing but they insisted that the affidavit simply say I receive a yearly income of so much. My question to anyone who may know is whether this will present a problem for me in having to prove the income. I do have all my receipts etc if they want to take the time to wade through them. It was so easy when it was listed as 'pension' income. I am also concerned that if they start looking closely at it they may deem that I am 'working' on a retiremnent visa when in fact I am only an artist selling my work abroad. Any thoughts anyone?

  9. I am on the second year of my retirement visa. I live in BKK but I did my first renewal in Chiang Mai where the visa was originally issued. For the 3 months prior to my visa expiring, I did not have 800,000 Bht in my Thai bank account. I did top it up on the day before and the same day of my visit to immigration. For most of those 3 months I had only 600,000 bht in th account but I was actively adding cash up to the day of my renewal. I think as long as the majority of the money is there and they see activity (money being deposited) it isn't a huge problem to top it up just prior to your renewal date.

  10. I am a Canadian guy in my mid 50's living in Thailand on a retirement visa. I do not have a degree although I did complete 3 years of university in a design field many years ago. I also do not have a TEFL certificate. On the plus side, I am white, well groomed and dressed, and have a great smile. I have 6 months teaching experience at a school in Chiang Mai but now live in Bangkok. I enjoy teaching and am constantly told that I am a good teacher. The school in Chiang Mai was very happy with me. I am not interested in doing the fake degrees. I interview well and although I don't have the papers to say I am qualified to be a teacher I have both the ability and passion to be a good teacher. What are my chances of landing something in Bangkok, perhaps even parttime? What might I expect to be paid? And lastly, will a school be willing to hire me (illegally) knowing that I am on a retirement visa and prohibited from working in Thailand?

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