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Posts posted by tvmax

  1. Chevy Optera can come from the factory with CNG and it has full warrenty. It does not take 20 min to fill. It takes maybe 2 Minutes. There are stations almost everywhere now and it is cheaper than LPG. As oil prices rise NGV does not as it is not a byproduct. It is a reduced distance covered compared to the LPG tank of the same dimension. I love my NGV.

  2. I have a Chevy Optera with NGV. I drive to Bangkok from Khon Kaen for under 200 Bt. It gets less arround town in traffic. I am a big guy and fit in it better than the Jazz or other cars. I love the NGV. The oil never gets dirty. At the 10,000 km change it still looked almost new. I know that has to be good for engine longevity. At 20,000 km when they changed the plugs they looked beautiful also.


  3. I just bought a 1994 525. It has a 3 liter 6 cyl twin turbo fron a Toyota Supra. I believe this motor has alot more power than the standard engine. It runs great. I am looking to put stock springs back in to raise it up some because it has been lowered and rides to rough. Other than that it is a great combo. The 3 series is about 600 lbs lighter and about 10 inches shorter. I guess if ti were a race car I would worry but it is a family car for me.

  4. Someone told me there is a Govt office that you can take your building drawings to and they will actually do a design with structural requirements and material requirements for about 5000 baht. Does any one know about this office? Am wanting to build a 2 story student type appartment building.

    Thank you

  5. Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

    Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

    But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

    My .02

  6. I bought mine from a rental place there and had no problems with the rego at all. As far as in town they have a good riding position and nice torque. I have no problems with mine in town. And power is only as fast as you twist the throttle. Never have understood those arguments. You can go fast enough on a vespa to kill yourself.

    Rent your vamax and have a great time.

  7. There used to be. I actually bought one from a rental place. If you just walk down the main drag you will see the bikes parked. Just ask one of the rental guys. I think I still have the number of the rental place I bought mine from. I will post it soon.


  8. So if you have a car and do a rebody, How much can you modify the chassie? Can do anything including custom frame and upgraded brakes? Just has to pass an engineers inspection? Can you totally redo the frame? Are these engineers at the motor vehicle registry?


  9. Rob,

    Looking back at the original starting problem. GSXR's usually dont have starter problems. Not saying they cant. The stock starters can easily start big bore high compression engines. Do a quick check with a volt meter across the battery terminals with the bike running. Increase the RPMS to about 40 to 5000 and you should have 14+ volts. The generators are usually pretty good on them but getting old it could need brushes. If it isnt charging the battery fully it may have trouble starting. I bought a cheep vmax from a shop and the starter clutch in it had been adapted from smaller bike. It was not up to handling the big engine and had actually cracked the starter clutch. They cobble some things together though. When you hit the button does it not spin and then you hit it again and it will spinover?


  10. Rob,

    Generally the cracks that are causing the leaks are not that easy to see from the outside. They tend to be inside where the carbs slide in to the manifolds. When those manifolds get old they get hard. I have seen some so difficult to get the carbs off you had to use a pry bar. When they get this old they can get the cracks in them when removing the carbs. I believe it was mentioned earlier to spray some wd 40 or similar on the boots and arround the carb/boot connections. The engine RPM will change if it is sprayed on a leak. Smearing sealant on the external cracks will probably not remedy things. They usually are not the culprit. There are several things that can cause your problem but going from what could have been moved during the last work performed is the best place to start. A few other things to check. Fresh plugs? I have seen even a new plug be bad. So if you just had new put in try putting the old ones back in. Check plug wires for external cracks where spark can arc to ground. Check them with an ohm meter for continuity. Check for 12 volts getting to the coils. In an older bike the wiring harness connections can ge a little corroded. Especially living near the ocean. It is possible to have a valve adjusted to tight to cause this but since they didnt adjust them it is not likely. The good thing if it is the air/oil cooled (no water radiator) the valve adjustment is a simple screw adjustment. No shims required. Carb sync usually doesnt go off but easy to check. Another possiblity is a cracked or split in the carb slide diaphram. Once again in something old these things happen but easy to check. I wish we were closer I would give you a hand. I may be coming down that way. I am looking for a US car or something to buy to play with. Let me know if you want to get rid of the old beast. I still have a soft spot for the old GSXR. Shoot me your number and we can talk.

  11. That is good to know. I guess the do bracket races for bikes? IE dial your own index. I haxe a Yamaha vmax and thinking of bringing over my ol suzuki. It is a trak dynamics pro stock suzuki. It is a shame to have it setting in the basement. I either need to sell it or get it out. Getting back into my old leathers will be a good excuse to lose some weight LOL.


  12. Rob,

    Is it a water cooled model or the older air/oil cooled? I have seen these also develope cracks in the manifolds that can cause air leaks. Pull the carbs check for cracks. Can help some by putting in a light coat of silicon before sliding in the carbs. "Sync" is putting a set of vacuum guages on the carbs and setting the linkage so they all start to open at the same time. I am guessing the carbs are the standard CV type and not flatslides.

    Why was the bike not starting? would it turn over fine but not run or not spinning? I raced these for many years and have built many motors if it is the air oil cooled motors. Does it have stock type coils? I know Suzukis were notorious for weak coils.

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